News list for "节点"

DWF Labs成为ZIGChain验证节点并质押300万枚ZIG

2月7日消息,DWF Labs于X发文表示,其已作为验证节点加入ZIGChain,并在当前活动中质押了300万枚ZIG。去年4月消息,去中心化社交投资市场Zignaly推出Layer1区块链ZIGChain并设立1亿美元生态系统基金。

2025-02-07 06:30:32


2025-01-09 13:19:39


2025-01-04 09:54:29
Upbit:因 ADA 的区块链节点出现问题,存款和取款暂时停止

据Upbit官方公告称,由于 ADA 的区块链节点出现问题,存款和取款暂时停止。

2025-01-03 14:38:07


2024-12-19 11:03:30


2024-12-19 09:02:39
Lista DAO:Lista验证节点正式上线,助力BNB生态

Lista DAO 宣布其 BNB 验证节点已正式上线,其致力于打造 BSC 顶级节点,为用户提供更高质押收益、更安全稳定的资产保护,助力生态发展。 Lista DAO 是一个由 LSDfi 提供支持的去中心化稳定币借贷协议。用户可以在 Lista 上进行质押和流动质押,也可以根据各种去中心化抵押品借入 lisUSD。Lista 旨在利用创新的流动性质押解决方案,将 lisUSD 打造为加密货币领域的头号稳定币。

2024-12-06 03:46:06

关键节点:1. 总统尹锡悦昨日深夜宣布紧急戒严令,尹锡悦称在野党裹挟国会,搅乱国家,表示将肃清韩国国内“反国家势力”;2. 执政党党首称此举违宪;3. 韩国军方空降国会试图抓捕议员;4. 在野党党首李在明称尹锡悦不再是总统;5. 韩国国会190名到席的议员全票通过解除戒严令的提案,尹锡悦数小时后表示尊重国会意见,将解除戒严令;6. 当地时间凌晨5时,戒严令官宣解除,本次戒严令仅持续6个小时,为1980年以来首次发出。韩国建国以来共发出过16次戒严令;7. 在野党呼吁尹锡悦下台;8. 韩国有关资产大跌,金融当局将碰头开会讨论稳定措施;分析表态:1. 美国白宫:美国并未提前收到戒严令的通知;2. 中国驻韩国大使馆:提醒在韩中国公民加强安全防范;3. 预测市场平台PolyMarket交易员预测,到2025年前尹锡悦政府被推翻的可能性为67%;4. 分析称此次事件的导火索是在野党推动针对总统夫人的系列立法以及弹劾检察官等公职人员;5. 瑞联全球顾问公司:韩国政治局势创造了低价买入半导体供应链关键公司的机会;6. 战略咨询公司The Geopolitical Business:若政治危机持续,韩...

2024-12-03 21:21:42
Consensys 去中心化 Infura 作为 EigenLayer AVS 推出

Consensys 以太坊验证器节点提供商 Infura 表示,其去中心化基础设施网络 (DIN) 取得了重大进展,并宣布计划在以太坊重新质押平台 EigenLayer 上推出主动验证服务 (AVS)。

2024-11-15 04:05:39

Upbit 宣布由于节点同步问题,Risk(LSK)、Brett(BRETT)、CARV 充值和提现将暂停。

2024-11-02 11:19:41
Over Protocol开放空投查询,主网启动后将进行空投分发

10月30日消息,L1区块链轻量级节点协议Over Protocol公布空投分配细节,并开放空投查询,会在主网启动后进行空投分发(预计在今年年底至明年初之间)。Over Protocol已将代币总供应量的15%分配给社区访问计划(OCAP),其中5450万枚OVER代币(5.45%)专门用于空投计划,剩余代币将用于支持营销、流动性供应、赠款计划和生态系统基金。空投金额是根据OverWallet任务和测试网参与...

2024-10-30 05:37:03
Unisat 发布 Fractal 节点更新 v0.2.2

Unisat 发布 Fractal 节点更新 v0.2.2,目前已部署 4 个官方节点供矿工连接,以减少孤块并提高网络性能。

2024-10-18 13:42:06

Tezos节点运营者Josh Jarrett再次起诉美国国税局(IRS),要求将质押奖励视为财产而非收入。Jarrett此前在2021年针对2019年税单提起诉讼,但该案在2024年因“无意义”被驳回。此次诉讼,Jarrett和妻子寻求对2020年获得的13,000枚Tezos代币的税收退款,并要求法院禁止IRS将质押奖励视为收入。Jarrett认为,应在代币出售时征税,而非获得时。Coin Center等组织支持此诉讼,认为现...

2024-10-10 21:32:48
AI Web3初创公司Bluwhale计划通过节点销售筹集 1000 万美元

AI Web3 初创公司Bluwhale旨在通过节点销售筹集 1000 万美元,销售活动从现在开始持续到 11 月底。Bluwhale 将总共销售 100,000 个网络节点,节点价格会随着时间的推移而上涨,买家可以选择通过折扣代码或通过推荐获得折扣来支付较低的价格。 Bluwhale 的主节点最初将只关注数据验证。

2024-10-08 13:18:24

10月5日消息,Ola官方宣布,Massive节点验证网络的第三赛季将成为Ola测试网阶段的最后一个赛季,参与Massive赛季的用户将获得Ola代币的分配资格。Ola将在今年年底前进行主网和TGE。 自今年四月开放节点注册以来,OlaMassive网络已有超过24万个活跃节点。前两个赛季的代币分配比例分别为1%和2%,即将于10月10日进行的第三赛季快照将是最终赛季。

2024-10-05 01:24:56

7x24 Newsflash

10:03 2025-03-28
490,000 UNIs transferred from Uniswap Time Lock are deposited in Binance within 5 hours
According to on-chain analyst Ember, 490,000 of the 27.90 million UNIs transferred from the Uniswap timelock contract seven days ago (3/21) have flowed into Binance in the past 5 hours. The unlocked UNIs this time have 1.24 million (8.22 million USD) entered Binance in the past day. The price of UNI since entering Binance has been -6.5%.
09:54 2025-03-28
Mt. Gox protester Kolin Burges to auction his "placard", starting at 4.5 BTC
Mt. Gox protester Kolin Burges will auction its "placard" in Scare.City with a starting price of 4.5 BTC, and the auction will end on April 3. In February 2014, after Mt. Gox, the world's largest bitcoin exchange at the time, froze withdrawals, Kolin Burges flew from London to Tokyo, holding a handwritten cardboard sign that read "Mt. Gox, where is my money?" attracted international media attention, and Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy a few days later.
09:51 2025-03-28
SlowMist: No tokens have ever been issued, so please be vigilant
SlowMist said in an X post that after reporting security bugs to Binance CEO CZ and receiving thanks, the team found that there were multiple meme coins named "SLOWMIST", "SlowMist" and other variants on the and Four.Meme platforms. The SlowMist security team hereby reminds that these memes are fraudulent projects, and emphasizes that SlowMist has never issued any tokens, calling on users to remain vigilant.
09:48 2025-03-28
Data: Mubarak continues to decline, with 24H falling by 42.8%.
BSC ecological Meme coin mubarak continued to fall, nearly 24 hours fell by 42.8%, the market value is now 84.10 million dollars, 24 hours turnover of 309 million dollars.
09:36 2025-03-28
Bitpanda has been granted a broker-dealer license by the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority
Headquartered in Vienna, Bitpanda has been granted a broker-dealer license by the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA).
09:36 2025-03-28
Analysis: Trump's tariff plan upsets the market, bitcoin plummets due to risk appetite
Bitcoin prices fell as fears of impending US tariffs reduced investors' appetite for risky assets. Earlier this week, President Trump announced new 25 per cent tariffs on cars and auto parts, which are set to take effect on April 2. He also plans to impose reciprocal tariffs on US trading partners on the same day. "The implementation of these tariffs has heightened fears of a global trade war," Naeem Aslam, analyst at Zayeh Capital Markets, said in a note.
09:18 2025-03-28
Manus announces charging plans: $39 and $199 packages, billed by points to support multitasking
Al Agent product "Manus" announced its fee plan. ManusStarter charges $39 per month and earns 3,900 credits for running up to 2 tasks simultaneously. ManusPro charges $199 per month and earns 19,900 credits for running up to 5 tasks simultaneously, while supporting the use of high-investment mode and other testing features. Credits are the standard unit of measure used by Manus. The more complex or time-consuming the task, the more points are required. According to its official website, for a co...
08:50 2025-03-28
IntoTheBlock: 10% of TON holders return to profitability
According to IntoTheBlock data, TON has recently rebounded from a long-term downtrend, after almost all holders were in the red at the beginning of March. Currently, about 10% of holders have returned to profitability. Notably, more than 1.10 million TONs left the exchange yesterday, indicating that investors have started accumulating the asset again.
08:23 2025-03-28
GameStop issues $1.30 billion Bitcoin convertible bond at a 35% premium to closing price
GameStop has priced a $1.30 billion convertible senior bond that it plans to use to increase its bitcoin holdings. The bond will mature in 2030 at an initial conversion rate of 33.4970 shares per $1,000, corresponding to a conversion price of about $29.85, a premium of about 35% from Thursday's closing price of $22.09. If successful, GameStop would become the fourth largest listed company in the world to hold bitcoin, behind Riot Platforms and ahead of Tesla.
08:23 2025-03-28
A "band winning rate 81% address" bought 392.7 WBTC in the past half hour
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a Bitcoin and Ethereum band trader with a winning rate of 81% bought 392.7 WBTC at an average price of $85,583 in nearly half an hour, with a total transaction value of about $33.60 million. The address's current holdings include 576.3 WBTC (~ $49.13 million, average $85,751) and 4,216 ETH (~ $8.04 million, average $2,090). Previously, the address sold 495.5 WBTC on March 26 for $88,009, with a transaction value of about $43.60 million.
07:56 2025-03-28
Two new wallets sold 14,064 ETH in the past 8 hours.
According to Spot On Chain, in the past eight hours, the two new wallets sold 14,064 ETH at an average price of $1,959, in exchange for 27.5 million DAI. Their ETH is through the THORChain and Chainflip cross-chain bridges, which are suspected of money laundering.
07:44 2025-03-28
TON breaks through $4
The market shows that TON has broken through $4 and is now quoted at $4.01. The 24-hour increase has reached 5.8%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.