News list for "纳什维尔"

美国众议员Ro Khanna成为首位支持比特币储备的民主党人

美国参议员Cynthia Lummis于 7 月在比特币纳什维尔宣布了创建战略比特币储备的立法。卢米斯的法案将使用美联储和财政部的现有资金购买 100 万比特币。就在 Lummis 公布她的法案细节的同一天,前...

2024-10-06 03:38:42

在纳什维尔举行的比特币2024大会上,展示了数十个推动比特币区块链创新的协议。Bitlayer联合创始人Charlie Hu表示,Franklin Templeton正通过支持Bitlayer等协议,探索通过比特币网络为客户解锁收益。Build On Bitcoin联合创始人Alexei Zamyatin谈到比特币L2的安全问题,并介绍了虚拟机BitVM的研究。B2 Network联合创始人Calvin认为,比特币可以成为非加密世界的入口点,并强调了继续构...

2024-07-29 21:48:18

美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纳什维尔的比特币会议上发表了主题演讲,而特朗普支持比特币的立场可能会改变美国。随着共和党拥抱“比特币权利”,美国可能会看到更多支持加密货币的联邦政策(federal policies)。此外,通过将“比特币权利(Bitcoin Right)”嵌入其政党政纲,共和党已经发出了明确信号,支持可能影响美国金融监管未来的亲加密...

2024-07-28 09:55:23
美议员Bill Hagerty:喜欢比特币是因为自由和独立、去中心化

美国参议员Bill Hagerty在纳什维尔举行的2024年比特币大会上解释了他为什么喜欢比特币:“我热爱自由和独立,我不喜欢中心化。”

2024-07-26 22:53:12
作家Jimmy Song批评2024比特币大会偏离比特币精神

作家Jimmy Song在纳什维尔的2024比特币大会上严厉批评了首日议题,认为讨论逐渐渗透的银行业、机构投资和美国交易所交易基金等内容偏离了比特币的核心价值。他强调比特币的伟大在于自由、独立和自我主权,并谴责金融机构如贝莱德的参与。 Song强调比特币应远离国家和跨国公司的干预。独立媒体人Luke Rudkowski支持Song的观点,认为比特币提供了...

2024-07-25 21:57:34

怀俄明州参议员 Cynthia Lummis 计划在纳什维尔的比特币大会上宣布一项战略比特币储备立法,拟要求美联储将比特币作为战略储备资产。Lummis 希望在前总统特朗普的演讲前宣布该计划,并希望获得他的支持。此立法旨在将比特币纳入美联储储备,类似于黄金和外币,以稳定美元价值。

2024-07-25 12:51:17

2024 比特币大会将于北京时间今晚 9 点(纳什维尔当地时间 8:00 AM)正式开始,今日议程主要聚焦于比特币挖矿。Core Scientific、Riot Platforms 等知名矿企将发表演讲。

2024-07-25 11:47:54

唐纳德.特朗普仍将在纳什维尔举行的比特币2024大会上发表演讲。 此前报道,特朗普在美国宾夕法尼亚州举行竞选集会发表演讲时,现场响起枪声,特朗普右耳有血迹,观众中1人死亡2人受伤,枪手已被美国特勤局击毙。

2024-07-14 19:11:38
前美国国会议员Tulsi Gabbard:BTC是一种“不受政府控制的独立、透明货币形式”

前美国国会女议员塔尔西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)将在纳什维尔的Bitcoin 2024会议上发表讲话,BTC是一种“不受政府控制的独立、透明的货币形式”。

2024-06-27 21:22:17

7x24 Newsflash

03:04 2025-03-18
Binance Leverage will remove multiple leveraged trading pairs such as ALPHA/BTC and CTXC/BTC
According to the official announcement, Binance Leverage will remove the following leveraged trading pairs on March 25, 2025 at 14:00 (Eastern Zone Time): Full Leverage Trading Pairs: ALPHA/BTC, CTXC/BTC, DODO/BTC, IDEX/USDC, LISTA/FDUSD, NKN/BTC, SAGA/BTC; Leverage trading pairs: ALPHA/BTC, CTXC/BTC, DODO/BTC, FLM/BTC, IDEX/USDC, LISTA/FDUSD, NKN/BTC.
02:58 2025-03-18
Spot gold stands at $3,010/ounce, continuing to hit a record high
The situation in the Middle East has heated up again, with spot gold standing at $3,010/ounce, continuing to hit a record high. So far this year, it has risen by more than 14%. (Gold Ten)
02:52 2025-03-18
21.69 million BLUR was unlocked and transferred from the Blur contract 4 hours ago
According to on-chain analyst Ember monitoring, Blur, which was unlocked on January 1, unlocked 21.69 million BLUR (2.32 million dollars) 4 hours ago, and it should be transferred to Coinbase Prime as before. Since 2023/6/15 entered the unlock cycle, Blur has unlocked 35% of the total BLUR (1.044 billion) and transferred to Coinbase Prime into circulation. The value is $337 million at the price at the time of transfer. The average transfer price is $0.32.
02:49 2025-03-18
4E: US stocks continue to rebound, crypto market fluctuates narrowly
On March 18, according to 4E monitoring, US stocks continued the rebound momentum of last Friday on Monday. Investors sought to buy dips after four consecutive weeks of market declines, driving the index higher. As of the close, the Dow index rose 0.85%, the Nasdaq index rose 0.31%, and the S & P 500 index rose 0.64%. Most of the large technology stocks fell, with Tesla leading the way down 4.83%. It has fallen more than 40% this year. The crypto market fluctuated in a narrow range, and the over...
02:40 2025-03-18
Bedrock launches uniBTC one-click deposit feature, powered by Enso
On March 18, EVM transaction aggregator Enso announced that Bedrock has launched the uniBTC one-click deposit function, supported by Enso Shortcuts.
02:31 2025-03-18
BNB breaks through $630
The market shows that BNB has broken through $630 and is now reported at $630.53, with a 24-hour increase of 2.58%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.
02:31 2025-03-18
PancakeSwap 2021 OG player suspected of clearing 1.475 million CAKE 15 hours ago
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, PancakeSwap 2021 OG players suspected clearance of 1.475 million CAKE 15 hours ago, worth 3.79 million US dollars, this is the first time the smart money to the exchange recharge CAKE, in addition, he had to buy low and sell WBTC profit 19.69 million US dollars, the cost as low as 26395 US dollars.
02:22 2025-03-18
A16z-supported Web3 game Champions Ascension announces temporary server shutdown
According to an official announcement, Web3 game Champions Ascension announced that its servers will be temporarily shut down as the development team shifts its focus to REACH Labs. The shutdown, which includes the Champions Ascension server and related features such as Imperial Expeditions and Dudo, took effect last Friday. The technology developed for REACH Labs is expected to play a key role in shaping the future of Champions Ascension, the announcement said, although a specific timeline for ...
02:19 2025-03-18
Bithumb will list the BMT Korean won trading pair
According to the official announcement, Bithumb will list the BMT Korean won trading pair.
02:16 2025-03-18
Market News: Trump will sign an executive order at 3:30 PM EST on Tuesday
Market news: Trump will sign an executive order at 3:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday. (Jin Ten)
02:13 2025-03-18
Centralized prediction market developer Opinion Labs completes $5 million seed round, led by Yzi Labs
On March 18th, Opinion Labs, a decentralized prediction market developer, announced that it has completed a $5 million seed round of financing earlier, led by Yzi Labs, and other investors include angel investment community Echo, Animoca Ventures, Manifold Trading, Amber Group, etc.
02:10 2025-03-18
Ethereum Layer2 Network Lisk Open Airdrop Query
According to official news, the Ethereum Layer2 network Lisk has announced that it has opened an airdrop qualification query, allowing users to check whether they are eligible to receive the first season of LSK rewards by entering their wallet address.