News list for "约翰"



2025-01-03 18:54:55
Mike Johnson:相信自己经过一轮投票即可连任美国众议长

路易斯安那州共和党人迈克·约翰逊(Mike Johnson)在Fox Business露面时表示,他相信自己在周五经过一轮投票即可连任众议院议长。

2025-01-02 22:19:34


2024-12-11 18:36:37


2024-12-04 16:09:01

盛宝银行策略师约翰·哈迪表示,如果美国当选总统特朗普提议的贸易关税促使其他国家寻找美元的替代品,加密货币市场和黄金可能会受益。关税将对全球贸易产生可怕的影响,因为它会切断所需的美元供应。金砖国家可能会使用以黄金为支撑的数字货币等方式进行交易。与黄金挂钩的加密稳定币也可能被使用。加密市场可能翻两番,达到超过 10 万亿美元,而美元...

2024-12-03 11:51:20

来自南达科他州的美国参议员约翰・图恩(John Thune)当选美国参议院多数党领袖,将在下一届领导参议院共和党党团,他在周三的一场闭门投票中赢得了三方竞选,成功接替少数党领袖麦康奈尔。在参议院中,鉴于共和党拥有53个席位的多数优势,图恩在参议院将有一定的操作空间。现年63岁的图恩尚未承诺对党团会议领袖一职设置...

2024-11-13 17:34:23


2024-11-12 15:55:36

美国亿万富翁投资者约翰·保尔森(John Paulson)表示,若特朗普当选美国总统,而他在其第二任期内担任美国财政部长,他将与马斯克合作,大幅削减联邦支出。保尔森接受采访称,他的首要任务将是延长特朗普2017年颁布的即将到期的减税政策,其次是“与马斯克合作削减联邦支出”,特别是取消《通胀削减法案》中的绿色能源补贴。现年...

2024-10-31 00:55:56

约翰斯·霍普金斯大学经济学家 Steve Hanke 表示,美联储下周三可能降息 25 个基点已经被市场消化,并可能导致风险资产出现“抛售新闻”事件。Steve Hanke 表示,市场已经预期到 25 个基点的降息,这意味着实际的降息可能会令人失望,导致市场出现“抛售新闻”的反应。相比之下,50 个基点的降息并未被考虑进去。如果真的发生,可能会推动市场上涨。

2024-09-13 11:49:36
亿万富翁John Paulson预计美联储将在2025年底前将利率降至2.5%

亿万富翁投资者约翰·保尔森(John Paulson)预测,美国联邦储备局将在2025年底前将利率降至低至2.5%。保尔森表示,美联储在降息方面行动过慢,并将在未来几个月内采取措施降低利率。在接受彭博电视采访时,保尔森估计联邦基金利率可能会在明年降至3%,甚至2.5%。他指出,保持高实际利率(债券收益率与当前通胀率的差距)意味着美联储在放松货...

2024-09-05 22:09:10

据俄罗斯卫星通讯社,前美国中央情报局分析师拉里·约翰逊表示:“Telegram 是少数几个真正允许批评西方政策的信息继续传播的渠道之一。我认为这确实是问题的根源。” 这位分析师称对 Durov 的指控是“捏造的政治案件”,暗示这些指控旨在恐吓这位科技企业家。“曾经有一段时间,他被认为与法国总统马克龙很友好,” 约翰逊补充道。“但这显然...

2024-08-25 01:30:30

7x24 Newsflash

21:30 2025-03-23
Cathie Wood to launch artificial intelligence public education program in El Salvador
Ark Invest founder Cathie Wood will give an opening speech for El Salvador's newly launched "Center for Urban Welfare and Opportunity" (CUBO) artificial intelligence (AI) program. The program is a public education initiative led by the Salvadoran government. According to El Salvador's Bitcoin Office, the program will offer college-level AI courses for students and professionals, which...
20:25 2025-03-23
Trump will make intensive "private visits" to US military bases in Greenland
On March 24th, according to the Financial Times, several senior officials of the Trump administration will travel to Greenland next week. The Arctic island "coveted" by the US president is in talks about forming a new government and holding local elections. Waltz, assistant to the US president for national security affairs, Usha Vance, wife of Vice President Vance, and the US army and energy secretaries will travel to Greenland from Thursday to Saturday for a so-called "private visit", according...
20:14 2025-03-23
USDC Treasury Makes 250 million New USDC in Solana Chain
According to Whale Alert, a data tracking service on the chain, at around 4:01 am Beijing time, USDC Treasury minted 250 million new USDC in the Solana chain.
20:06 2025-03-23
The Prime Minister of Canada has announced an early federal election
On March 23 local time, Canadian Prime Minister Carney announced that he would dissolve the parliament and hold an early election for the 45th federal House of Representatives. According to the schedule, the election will last for 36 days, and the polling day will be April 28. During the election, Carney's cabinet will become a "caretaker cabinet". Carney was elected as the new leader of Canada's ruling party Liberal Party by an overwhelming margin on the 9th, and was sworn in as Canada's prime ...
20:05 2025-03-23
The Turkish stock market has been temporarily banned from short selling
On March 24th, the Turkish capital markets committee: banned the Istanbul stock exchange from selling short transactions for one month. Decided to relax the equity ratio requirements when conducting credit capital markets transactions. Cancel the cap on the total amount of stock repurchases of listed companies.
19:11 2025-03-23
Report: Despite the increasing difficulty of bitcoin mining, the mining hash price remains stable
Despite a modest increase of 1.4% in Bitcoin mining difficulty, the Bitcoin mining hash price (the amount of revenue a miner earns per day mining blocks per unit of hash power) remained at around $48 per hash per second (PH/s). Data from CoinWarz shows that on March 23, at block 889,081, the difficulty of bitcoin mining climbed to 113.76 trillion, higher than the difficulty of 112.10 trillion in the previous cycle. According to TheMinerMag, a hash price below $50 would make running Antminer S...
18:19 2025-03-23
PNUT breaks through $0.23, gaining 17.9% in 24 hours.
The market shows that PNUT has broken through $0.23 and is now quoted at $0.2234, with a 24-hour increase of 17.9%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.
17:27 2025-03-23
CZ: Going long on APX Finance mubarak is the first time to test on-chain perpetual contracts, just an experience
"Going long on APX Finance mubarak is the first on-chain perpetual contract test," CZ said in a post on the X platform. "Just want to experience it and see if there is still miner extractable value (MEV). You may not believe it, I have never traded futures on Binance [a centralized exchange]. Although I have seen many product demos."
16:54 2025-03-23
CZ opened 24.7 times the mubarak order on APX Finance with 0.04 BNB through the public donation address, and the position is currently closed.
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, seven minutes ago, CZ opened 24.7 times the mubarak order with 0.04 BNB on APX Finance with a public donation address (the current position has been closed). APX: Already up 26% ($0.64 > $0.081) - mubarak: up 5.5% ($0.146 > $0.154)
16:36 2025-03-23
ETH falls below $2000
The market shows that ETH has fallen below $2,000 and is now quoted at $1999.16. The 24-hour increase has narrowed to 0.58%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.
15:41 2025-03-23
Trump: I like the TRUMP token
Trump posted on his social platform Truth, saying, "I LOVE $TRUMP - SO COOL!!! The Greatest of them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".
15:29 2025-03-23
Next week's important US macro data: March 28 release of the US February core PCE
Important macro data to be announced in the US next week are as follows: On March 25 at 21:05, the FOMC Permanent Voting Committee and New York Federal Reserve President Williams delivered an opening speech at an event. On March 27 at 01:10, FOMC voting committee and St. Louis Federal Reserve President Musalem delivered a speech. · At 20:30 on March 27, the number of initial jobless claims in the United States (10,000 people) in the week to March 22 was expected to be 22.5, compared to the prev...