News list for "矿难度"

比特币挖矿难度上调5.61%至114.17 T,创历史新高

据 CloverPool 数据,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度 883,008 处(北京时间今日 17:33:07)迎来挖矿难度调整,难度上调 5.61% 至 114.17 T,创历史新高。 目前全网近七天平均算力为 814.56 EH/s,预测下次难度调整至 114.16 T。

2025-02-09 09:51:05

受美国寒潮影响,电价上涨导致比特币挖矿难度自2024年9月底以来首次下调。据比特币挖矿公司Luxor统计,美国占全球比特币算力的36%,其中德州贡献近一半。1月极地寒流使美国电力成本上升,矿企盈利受挫,1月27日挖矿难度下调。此前六个月内,挖矿难度仅有两次下降。Luxor预计,随着气温回暖,算力将逐步恢复稳定。此外,部分美国矿企,如Riot Platforms,...

2025-02-01 21:17:33

自 2024 年 8 月以来,比特币的挖矿难度出现显著上涨,季度增幅达到 24%。

2025-01-21 15:29:21

1月13日消息,比特币挖矿难度迎来连续第八次正向调整,创下 110.45T 的历史新高,表明当前挖矿难度约为比特币创世区块时的 110.45 万亿倍。比特币网络每 2016 个区块调整一次难度,以保持平均每 10 分钟出块度。 这是继 2018 年熊市和 2021 年牛市后,又一次出现连续多次正向调整。2021 年中国禁止...

2025-01-13 11:08:01
比特币挖矿难度今晨上调1.16%至109.78 T,续创新高

CloverPool数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度876,960(2024年12月30日5:55:37)处迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度上调1.16%至109.78 T,续创历史新高。目前全网平均算力为781.07 EH/s。

2024-12-29 23:48:11
1. 比特币挖矿难度上调1.59%至103.92 T,再创历史新高。2. 比特币价格上涨推动矿工收入达...

1. 比特币挖矿难度上调1.59%至103.92 T,再创历史新高。2. 比特币价格上涨推动矿工收入达到自4月以来新高。3. Coinbase CEO:预计特朗普上任后美国将迅速出台加密货币法律。4. 数据:11月份加密市场许多指标创下历史新高,链上总交易量增长69.4%。5. 美国比特币和以太币ETF11月齐创单月资金净流入纪录,得益于特朗普支持加密货币。6. 比特币矿企MARA增发至8.5亿美元可转换优先票据,部分用于购入比特币。7. 神鱼:加密交易中杠杆操作最难,已不再期待逃顶。8. BitGo推出零售平台,提供加密资产交易、托管及质押服务。9. 韩国将加密货币价格操纵调查范围扩大至个人投资者。10. 10X Research:韩国加密货币24小时零售交易量达180亿美元,创年内次高。11. QCP Capital:微软下周股东投票或会成为比特币在年底前突破10万美元的催化剂。12. 四家资管公司已向美国SEC提交申请,计划推出不同保护层级的比特币ETF。13. 市场消息:安然公司拟借助去中心化技术“解决全球能源危机”,并暗示将推出某种代币。14. Nano Labs计划在未来五...

2024-12-03 02:48:49

数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度872,928(2024-12-02 23:34:00)处迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度上调1.59%至103.92 T,再创历史新高。目前全网平均算力为726.57 EH/s。

2024-12-02 15:46:23
1. 比特币挖矿难度今晨上调0.63%至102.29 T,续创新高。2. 数据:今日恐慌与贪婪指数为90...

1. 比特币挖矿难度今晨上调0.63%至102.29 T,续创新高。2. 数据:今日恐慌与贪婪指数为90,等级仍为极度贪婪。3. 马斯克:我仍持有大量狗狗币,而SpaceX持有大量比特币。4. CryptoQuant CEO:比特币散户级交易量创3年来新高。5. 比特币相关性降至历史低点,创9.3万美元新高展现独立行情。6. CZ:各国将竞相将比特币纳入战略储备。7. 亿万富翁Paul Tudor的对冲基金持有价值2.3亿美元贝莱德现货比特币ETF。8. 上市公司Genius Group以1000万美元买入110枚比特币,建立比特币储备。9. 经济日报发文:比特币纳入美国储备资产面临政策、监管与国际挑战。10. 美OCC发布通知称准备上线现货比特币ETF期权。11. Bitdeer:受比特币减半和研发成本增加影响第三季度净亏损5010万美元。12. “木头姐”Cathie Wood:2030年比特币将达到65万美元,现在仍是一项不错的投资。

2024-11-19 02:48:04
比特币挖矿难度今晨上调0.63%至102.29 T,续创新高

11月19日消息,CloverPool 数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度 870,912 处(今日 4:42:12)迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度上调 0.63%至 102.29 T,续创历史新高;目前全网近七天平均算力为 738.3 EH/s。

2024-11-19 00:01:00


2024-11-05 02:56:45
比特币挖矿难度今晨上调6.24%至101.65 T,续创新高

CloverPool数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度868,896处(今日 6:28:08)迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度上调6.24%至101.65 T,续创历史新高;目前全网近七天平均算力为721.25 EH/s。

2024-11-04 23:56:33
1. 比特币挖矿难度今晨上调3.94%至95.67 T。2. a16z创始人评论GOAT诞生:人工智能与加密货...

1. 比特币挖矿难度今晨上调3.94%至95.67 T。2. a16z创始人评论GOAT诞生:人工智能与加密货币的首次真正融合。3. Arkham:特斯拉可能仍持有7.8亿美元比特币。4. 名义价值42亿美元BTC期权和10亿美元ETH期权将于本周五到期。5. CryptoQuant创始人:美国比特币现货ETF的机构投资者持有比例约为20%。6. 美国SEC主席Gary Gensler预祝比特币白皮书16周年,重申SEC执法监管方针。7. 比特币ETF期权获批后分析师预计市场波动性将增加。8. FOX记者:SEC将加密货币纳入2025年审查重点清单。9. Tether CEO:预计美国将在加密货币监管方面迎头赶上。10. 美国法院将Ripple提交与SEC诉讼相关的确认书和出庭通知表的最后期限延期14天。11. 印度考虑禁止加密货币,同时推进CBDC数字卢比采用。12. Radiant Capital:所有曾与Radiant互动过的用户需立即撤销对相关合约的授权。

2024-10-23 02:52:26

根据区块链浏览器Mempool的数据,比特币挖矿难度上涨3.94%,达到创历史纪录的95.67 T,难度调整发生在区块高度866880(北京时间8月23日凌晨两点左右)。 根据The Block的数据仪表板,比特币全网算力的七天移动平均值也创下了723.6 EH/s历史新高,为首次突破700 EH/s。

2024-10-22 19:47:19
比特币挖矿难度今凌晨下调4.6%至88.4 T

BTC.com数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度862,848处(今日3:40:28)迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度下调4.6%至88.4 T,目前全网近七天平均算力为637.39 EH/s。

2024-09-26 00:07:18
比特币挖矿难度上调3.58%至92.67 T,创历史新高

据BTC.com数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度860832处(11:25:57)迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度上调3.58%至92.67 T,创历史新高,目前全网近七天平均算力为635.70 EH/s。

2024-09-11 03:35:02

7x24 Newsflash

14:38 2025-03-13
US authorities seized 749 bitcoins linked to the Silk Road drug trade this month
On March 13, according to Forbes, earlier this month, the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas ordered the seizure of just over 749 bitcoins, worth about $62.50 million. The order also involves hundreds of thousands of various currencies as well as gold coins and bars. According to the Department of Justice, the assets were linked to illegal activities carried out by two men, one of whom was a Silk Road drug dealer and the other who assisted him in the laundering of Canadian drugs.
14:18 2025-03-13
The draft defense white paper shows that the European Commission will propose a comprehensive simplified defense regulation by June 2025.
The draft defense white paper shows that the European Commission will propose a comprehensive simplified defense regulation by June 2025.
14:17 2025-03-13
Circle issues 250 million USDC on Solana Network
According to Whale Alert (@whale_alert), Circle issued 250 million additional USDC on the Solana network.
14:15 2025-03-13
The 30-minute chart of the order flow shows that New York gold futures are long and short here, or constitute... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >
The 30-minute chart of the order flow shows that New York gold futures are long and short here, or constitute... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >
14:08 2025-03-13
The main contract of Shanghai tin rose by 6.00% during the day, and is now reported at 281,080.00 yuan/ton.
The main contract of Shanghai tin rose by 6.00% during the day, and is now reported at 281,080.00 yuan/ton.
14:08 2025-03-13
The main contract of Shanghai tin futures rose by more than 5% and is now reported at 279,200 yuan/ton.
The main contract of Shanghai tin futures rose by more than 5% and is now reported at 279,200 yuan/ton.
14:04 2025-03-13
Futures Hotspot Tracking
The two major labor unions are on strike simultaneously, and Argentina's soybean crushing plants are shut down! Will soybean oil and soybean meal prices soar?
13:59 2025-03-13
US Senator Lummis: The US Senate Banking Committee will consider the stablecoin-related GENIUS bill today
U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis, chair of the U.S. Senate Banking Subcommittee on Digital Assets, said that the U.S. Senate Banking Committee will today conduct final consideration (markup) of Senator Hagerty's proposed GENIUS bill, which includes: clearly defining payment stablecoins, establishing clear procedures for institutions seeking to issue stablecoins, and promoting responsible innovation and protecting consumer rights.
13:59 2025-03-13
Circle plans to bring newly acquired Hashnote under license in Bermuda
Circle plans to bring its recently acquired Hashnote tokenized money market fund under Bermuda's regulatory purview and under the existing Digital Asset Business Act license. Hashnote-issued USYC is the largest tokenized money market fund with nearly $1 billion in assets.
13:56 2025-03-13
BTC falls below $82,000
The market shows that BTC has fallen below $82,000 and is now trading at $81976.01, a 24-hour decline of 1.55%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.
13:51 2025-03-13
Mexico's Minister of Economy: We will hold in-depth negotiations on U.S. tariffs in the coming weeks.
Mexico's Minister of Economy: We will hold in-depth negotiations on U.S. tariffs in the coming weeks.
13:50 2025-03-13
Shanghai and Lunxi futures prices rose sharply as Alphamin suspended operations at the Bisie mine in Congo
Gold Ten Futures, March 13 (Reuters) - Tin prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME) rose after Alphamin Resources said it would temporarily halt operations at its Bisie mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Reuters reported. Tin futures rose nearly 4 percent to $34,505 a tonne as of 21:45, having previously hit a high of $34,560 a tonne, the highest level since July. The Shanghai tin futures main contract jumped nearly 5 percent to 278,000 yuan a tonne.