News list for "政府"

OpenAl上书美国政府,赤裸裸攻击 DeepSeek

美国《商业标准报》14日报道称,美国人工智能公司OpenAl13日向美国政府提交了一份长达15页的信函,称DeepSeek的最新模型 R1是一个值得关注的进展。OpenAl还在信中攻击称其会带来“重大DeepSeek,风险”,并要求美国政府采取行动。 报道称,OpenAl全球事务副主管克里斯·勒汉在这封信中承认:“尽管美国目前在人工智能领域保持...

2025-03-15 00:13:00


2025-03-14 08:01:29
1. 央行:有序推进融资平台金融债务风险化解,支持地方政府扎实推动融资平台市场化转型。2...

1. 央行:有序推进融资平台金融债务风险化解,支持地方政府扎实推动融资平台市场化转型。2. 金融监督管理总局:研究建立“超长期国债+超长期贷款”服务模式,高效支持“两重”建设。3. 初步“扛住”债市负反馈,14家主要理财公司上月规模增长超1700亿元。4. 长城证券中短债集合计划变更为长城中短债基。5. 交易商协会:近期有未入市主体以投资顾问名义参与债券交易。6. 吉利控股150亿元公司债券更新至“提交注册”。7. 越秀集团发行20亿公司债,3年期利率2.15%。8. 万科:完成赎回“20万科02”,本期债券将于3月17日摘牌。9. 世茂集团境外债务重组计划获香港高等法院批准3月13日生效。10. 惠誉:欧盟增加国防开支的计划将缩小AAA评级空间。11. 地方新增债务限额已下达近2.4万亿,地方债发行“抢跑”,多地一级市场出现“发飞”。12. 年内地产债发行规模降13%,民企净融资缺口仍大,3月迎到期高峰。

2025-03-14 08:06:02

据Arkham监测数据,美国政府钱包地址在过去9小时内向新钱包转移了约298.937 AVAX(价值约$5,480),另有一笔小额转账0.546 AVAX(约$9.99)。

2025-03-14 01:43:29


2025-03-13 18:11:16

据 Arkham 监测,15 分钟前,美国政府将 299.483 枚 AVAX(约 5500 美元)转至一新地址。

2025-03-13 17:01:26
美国政府再度上演关门风波 两党就临时拨款法案僵持不下


2025-03-13 00:22:43

美国加密友好参议员、美国参议院银行数字资产小组委员会主席Cynthia Lummis已重新提交比特币储备法案新版本,最新版将允许美国政府持有超过100万比特币,只要这些比特币是通过直接购买以外的合法手段获得的,例如民事或刑事没收、向美国赠送或从联邦机构转移,而此前法案则是在五年内总计收购100万枚比特币。 此外,新...

2025-03-12 02:53:42


2025-03-11 15:00:52
Peter Schiff将效仿美国政府推出个人战略比特币储备计划

经济学家兼加密货币批评者彼得·希夫在X平台宣布模仿美国政府推出个人战略比特币储备计划,并且效仿制定预算中性策略,以不增加成本的方式(接受捐赠)获取比特币,目前已收到0.055 BTC。

2025-03-10 11:52:00
若美国政府采纳Michael Saylor计划将持有525万枚BTC,20年后可产生16万亿至81万亿美元收益

Strategy(原MicroStrategy)公司创始人Michael Saylor在白宫加密货币峰会上建议美国政府在2035年前收购比特币总供应量的25%以建立比特币战略储备。数据分析认为,如果美国采纳Michael Saylor的计划,将持有525万枚比特币,远超参议员Cynthia Lummis提议的100万枚,并预测到2045年这种储备可以产生16万亿至81万亿美元的收益,有望帮助美国减少国家债务。

2025-03-10 07:20:06


2025-03-10 04:43:05
分析:美国政府持有的非比特币加密资产若全部清算转换,预计可新增约 5000 枚比特币

3月10日消息,据 报道,美国政府持有的非比特币加密资产若全部清算转换为比特币,预计可新增约 5000 枚比特币。据 Arkham 数据,截至 2025 年 3 月 9 日,美国联邦政府持有 60,850 枚以太坊(价值约 1.23 亿美元),可转换为约 1,522.86 枚比特币;此外还持有 1.22 亿枚 USDT,可兑换约 1,500 枚比特币。 政府加密资产储备还包括 750.722 枚包装比特币(WBTC)、40,293 枚 BNB、1,3...

2025-03-10 02:48:25
David Sacks:美国政府的加密货币持有量将接受审计

加密货币沙皇戴维·萨克斯 (David Sacks) 表示,美国政府的加密货币持有量将接受审计,“以查明我们实际拥有哪些数字资产”。

2025-03-08 20:21:28


2025-03-07 17:24:47

7x24 Newsflash

05:45 2025-03-21
Initia-based Meme application chain is about to launch a public beta version
On March 21st, the Meme application chain built on Initia is about to launch a public beta version. Join the waitlist to get early access and exclusive rewards. built by Embr Labs and supported by Initia Interwoven Stack. This project is specially built for the next generation of Meme economy, aiming to bring more innovative and fun gameplay of Meme and become the first platform to promote the development of the next generation of Meme.
05:42 2025-03-21
CZ: Giggle Academy team members are all focused on product development, and later collaborations will happen naturally
"We don't have a dedicated business development person on our team [Giggle Academy, a Web 3 education platform]. There are no social media interns. Everyone is focused on product development. We want to build the best free education platform. Partnerships will come later. A lot of collaborations will happen naturally," CZ said in a post on the platform. This is in response to a user's suggestion that "Giggle Academy connects with all the best free education institutions in the world".
05:42 2025-03-21
South Korean financial regulator launches enforcement action against unregistered overseas crypto exchanges
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIU) under South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) has taken enforcement action against overseas cryptocurrency exchanges that provide services to Korean users without registration, under the Act on Reporting and Use of Specific Financial Transaction Information. According to reports, the FIU is considering blocking website access as a primary enforcement measure, targeting exchanges including BitMEX, KuCoin, CoinW, Bitunix, and KCEX.
05:32 2025-03-21
Data scientist: Crypto prediction marketplace Polymarket predicts world events with up to 90% accuracy
Data scientist Alex McCullough's research shows that prediction market Polymarket is 90% accurate at predicting events that occur one month later and 94% accurate four hours before the event. McCullough analyzed historical data from Polymarket and found that the platform slightly but consistently overestimated the probability of an event occurring in most probability ranges, possibly influenced by factors such as herd psychology, low liquidity, and participants' preference for risky bets.
05:20 2025-03-21
Total stablecoin market cap breaks through $230 billion for the first time
According to The Block, on Thursday, the total market capitalization of stablecoins topped $230 billion for the first time in the context of efforts by U.S. regulators to promote the adoption of stablecoins. According to DefiLlama, the current total market capitalization stands at $230.45 billion, an increase of $2.3 billion in the past seven days. The market capitalization of stablecoins has increased by 56% compared to the same period last year. In the overall market capitalization, Tether's U...
05:12 2025-03-21
Tesla Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory first batch of Megapack export shipments
On March 21st, Tesla announced that the first batch of super-large commercial electrochemical energy storage system Megapack of Tesla Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory was officially exported. According to reports, a single Megapack can store about 3,900 kWh of electricity, equivalent to the battery capacity of 62 Model 3 rear-wheel drive versions.
05:11 2025-03-21
The United States has been exposed as seeking to expand control of key assets in Ukraine
On March 21, according to the Financial Times, the administration of US President Donald Trump is seeking to adjust the terms of the US-Ukraine minerals agreement to give the United States access to key mineral and energy assets in Ukraine, expanding its economic demands on Ukraine. Two Ukrainian officials said Washington wants Kiev to agree detailed terms on who owns and controls a joint investment fund, as well as a broader scope that could include US ownership of other economic assets such as...
05:06 2025-03-21
According to the Financial Times, the Trump administration is seeking to adjust the terms of the U.S.-Ukraine minerals deal to give the United States access to key mineral and energy assets in Ukraine, expanding its economic demands on Ukraine.
According to the Financial Times, the Trump administration is seeking to adjust the terms of the U.S.-Ukraine minerals deal to give the United States access to key mineral and energy assets in Ukraine, expanding its economic demands on Ukraine.
05:06 2025-03-21
The turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the 43rd consecutive trading day.
The turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the 43rd consecutive trading day.
05:02 2025-03-21
Class A shares three major indexes fell more than 1% in the afternoon
On March 21, the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 1%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell by 1.52%, and the growth enterprises market index fell by 1.83%.
05:01 2025-03-21
The gold decade K line is soaring into the sky, and the global "gold bull market" is accurately bet on the "short" by India, owing 13 billion US dollars of "gold debt"! Click to view...
The gold decade K line is soaring into the sky, and the global "gold bull market" is accurately bet on the "short" by India, owing 13 billion US dollars of "gold debt"! Click to view...
05:01 2025-03-21
Class A shares of Yi'an Technology rose underwater, falling more than 10% in early trading, and now the decline has narrowed to less than 4%.
Class A shares of Yi'an Technology rose underwater, falling more than 10% in early trading, and now the decline has narrowed to less than 4%.