News list for "德克萨斯"

德克萨斯州法官:YouTube博主Coffeezilla不应回避网红Logan Paul就CryptoZoo提出的诉讼

德克萨斯州的一名地方法官表示,应该允许影响力人士洛根-保罗(Logan Paul)继续提起诉讼,指控名为 “Coffeezilla ”的YouTuber对保罗失败的CryptoZoo项目发表诽谤性言论。 在 3 月 26 日提交给圣安东尼奥联邦法院的一份报告中,治安法官亨利-本波拉德(Henry Bemporad)建议负责监督此案的联邦法官奥兰多-加西亚(Orlando Garcia)驳回斯蒂芬-芬迪森...

2025-03-28 06:31:17
美德克萨斯州法院在Bancor DAO无视传票后对其作出缺席判决

德克萨斯州一名联邦法官在Bancor DAO(运营去中心化金融平台Bancor)未对网上传票做出回应后,对其做出了缺席判决。法官罗伯特-皮特曼(Robert Pitman)在Bancor DAO于2024年1月在DAO论坛上发布传票后,没有露面为自己辩护,因此做出了上述判决。 “地方法院书记员菲利普-德尔文(Philip Delvin)在3月13日写道:"被告Bancor DA...

2025-03-14 05:46:34

德克萨斯州众议员 Ron Reynolds 提交了一项新法案,建议州财政主管不得使用经济稳定基金投资超过 2.5 亿美元于比特币或其他加密资产。此外,德州各市或郡的加密货币投资不得超过 1000 万美元。此提案紧随德州参议院上周通过的 SB 21 法案,后者旨在建立德州比特币战略储备,且未设定购买上限。

2025-03-11 20:36:58

德克萨斯州引入了另一项比特币储备法案(HB 4258),该法案允许州审计长将不超过2.5亿美元的经济稳定基金余额投资于比特币或其他加密货币,并允许地方政府(如市政当局或县)将其不超过1,000万美元的资金投资于比特币或其他加密货币。该法案将于2025年9月1日生效。

2025-03-11 05:40:25

德克萨斯州参议院刚刚通过了参议院第 21 号法案(SB-21)以巨大优势获胜,这是将数字资产纳入国家金融体系的一大步。 德克萨斯州参议院以 25 比 5 的投票通过了德克萨斯州比特币储备法案,该法案允许该州将公共资金投资于比特币和其他数字资产。 根据 SB-21,德克萨斯州审计长将管理比特币...

2025-03-09 21:19:13

德克萨斯州参议院通过了SB 21,创建了德克萨斯州比特币储备基金——美国历史上第一个国营加密基金。 副州长丹·帕特里克称这是一大进步,符合特朗普总统让美国成为全球加密货币领导者的愿景。德克萨斯州正在引领这一进程。 该储备将持有BTC和其他顶级加密货币,市值门槛为 5000 亿美元以上。一个新的咨询委员会将监督其发展。这不仅仅是一个国家举措——...

2025-03-08 23:01:17


2025-03-06 23:38:43

德克萨斯州战略比特币储备法案(SB21)已于 3 月 5 日星期三被添加到“意向通知”下议程,表明该法案可能会在明天进行投票。

2025-03-05 04:33:02


2025-02-27 15:24:29
Core Scientific正计划与CoreWeave合作,以12亿美元扩建位于德克萨斯州丹顿的数据中心

Core Scientific(CORZ)周三盘后股价大涨超过11%,因为这家数据中心和比特币挖矿公司表示,它正计划与CoreWeave合作,以12亿美元扩建位于德克萨斯州丹顿的数据中心,以支持人工智能(AI)和高性能云计算(HPC)。 “声明称:"丹顿数据中心新增的 70 兆瓦(兆瓦)合同电力将使全部关键 IT 负载增至约 260 兆瓦。

2025-02-26 23:49:00
比特币矿企 Genesis Digital Assets 在德克萨斯扩建 50 兆瓦矿场

据 CoinDesk 报道,私人比特币矿业公司 Genesis Digital Assets Limited (GDA) 正在德克萨斯西部扩大其比特币挖矿业务,在 Pyote 和 Vernon 两处矿场新增 50 兆瓦电力容量。 此次扩建包括在 Pyote 矿场新增两座 20 兆瓦建筑,使该矿场总容量达到 195 兆瓦;在 Vernon 矿场新增 10 兆瓦集装箱设施,使该矿场总容量达到 70 兆瓦。据 GDA 网站显示,P...

2025-02-26 11:05:53

比特币矿企 MARA 宣布已收购德克萨斯州一家风电场,此次收购将为 MARA 向能源基础设施领域扩张的资产基础增添 114 兆瓦的风电容量,该公司将使用由可再生能源驱动的最新一代 ASIC 挖矿硬件来降低比特币生产成本。MARA 是第二大上市企业比特币持有者,其资产负债表上有 45,659 枚 BTC。

2025-02-18 15:23:22

据BecauseBitcoin消息,美国德克萨斯州参议院将于 2 月 18 日就建立战略比特币储备举行公开听证会。

2025-02-17 23:04:28

美国德克萨斯州政府网站公布,关于在德克萨斯州建立潜在的战略比特币储备的首次公开听证会定于2月18日举行,距参议院秘书收到该法案不到一周时间。尽管此举对比特币的采用来说是积极的一步,但根据加密货币借贷平台Nexo的调度分析师Iliya Kalchev的说法,此次...

2025-02-17 00:32:40
德克萨斯州参议员Charles Schwertner重新提交战略比特币储备法案

德克萨斯州参议员查尔斯·施魏特纳(Charles Schwertner)重新提交了该州的战略#比特币储备法案,允许其投资于比特币或市值至少5000亿美元的加密货币,且没有购买上限。 德克萨斯州副州长丹·帕特里克(Dan Patrick)此前宣布,该州的战略比特币储备法案将是2025年参议院的前40项优先法案之一。

2025-02-13 02:34:20

7x24 Newsflash

11:31 2025-03-28
Nasdaq files grey release Avalanche ETF application with SEC
Nasdaq has filed a grey release Avalanche ETF application with the SEC.
11:19 2025-03-28
Ceffu Transfers 837 BTC to Binance, Approximately $71.28 million
According to Whale Alert, about 15 minutes ago, 837 BTC ($71,285,201) was transferred from cryptocurrency custodian Ceffu to Binance.
10:58 2025-03-28
BTC falls below $85,000
The market shows that BTC has fallen below $85,000 and is now trading at $84,940, a 24-hour decline of 2.56%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.
10:52 2025-03-28
New users who have participated in Binance PARTI may have been airdropped 88 or 44 PARTI tokens
On March 28, according to the monitoring of @ai_9684xtpa, users who previously participated in the new project PARTI of Binance Web3 wallet may have been airdropped 88 or 44 PARTI tokens. Users are advised to check the airdrop status.
10:43 2025-03-28
KiloEx: Some users will be compensated for insufficient or incorrect rewards during TGE
On March 28, KiloEx tweeted that some users did encounter insufficient or incorrect distribution of rewards during the TGE period. The first wave of airdrop compensation involved a total of 2,271 addresses, and 1,203,428.34 KILO needed to be redistributed. KiloEx will continue to follow up according to Google form feedback to compensate users who received insufficient or incorrect distribution.
10:40 2025-03-28
Huobi HTX will hold a live theme at 20:00 today: The gold content of Forbes' cover! Chat about Brother Sun's legendary history
On March 28th, according to official social media, Huobi HTX will hold a live broadcast on the theme of "Justin Sun on the cover of Forbes! Add another legend in the crypto field?" at 20:00 (UTC + 8) today. At that time, Huobi HTX spokesperson Liu Ye will attend together with crypto KOL Vito, MEJ Maomao Sister, DaDa, LOYAL Lu Yao, PPP, cicada, and industry media MetaEra, Golden Finance, and Mars Finance to talk about the significance of Sun Yuchen's appearance on the cover of the English version...
10:16 2025-03-28
Futures Hotspot Tracking
The end of the third consecutive rise in copper weekly, the impact of US trade policies on the market, the resumption of production of tin mines in Myanmar's Wa State, where will tin and copper prices go next week?
10:13 2025-03-28
According to government sources, India is considering scrapping the 2.5% import duty on liquefied natural gas imports from the United States.
According to government sources, India is considering scrapping the 2.5% import duty on liquefied natural gas imports from the United States.
10:07 2025-03-28
Inventory of "high-energy" charging piles: To what height have car companies rolled up in charging efficiency?
Inventory of "high-energy" charging piles: To what height have car companies rolled up in charging efficiency?
10:05 2025-03-28
The General Office of the State Council issued guidance on establishing and improving a long-term supervision mechanism for enterprise-related fees
On March 28th, the key tasks include, improve the system of enterprise-related fee catalogue. Improve the mechanism of evaluation and review of enterprise-related fee policies. Strengthen the normal publicity and interpretation of enterprise-related fee policies. Improve the tracking and monitoring system of enterprise-related fees. Improve the mechanism for collecting and handling clues about enterprise-related fee issues.
10:03 2025-03-28
The Eurozone's industrial sentiment index for March was -10.6, expected to be -10.5, and the previous value was revised from -11.4 to -11.
The Eurozone's industrial sentiment index for March was -10.6, expected to be -10.5, and the previous value was revised from -11.4 to -11.
10:03 2025-03-28
The Eurozone's economic sentiment index for March was 95.2, compared with an expected 97 and a previous value of 96.3.
The Eurozone's economic sentiment index for March was 95.2, compared with an expected 97 and a previous value of 96.3.