News list for "事件"


链上侦探 ZachXBT 在社交媒体上发文表示,Infini 被盗事件的 5000 万枚 USDC 在 40 分钟内并被完全套现。Circle 24/7 应急响应团队在哪里?对了,我忘了,他们根本不存在,因为 Circle 明知故犯支持这种行为。

2025-02-24 10:28:59

慢雾余弦表示,已第一时间对接跟进Infini黑客事件,攻击者挺懂技术,懂智能合约操作,才可能以一把私钥盗走其 Vault 及相关策略里的资金,盗了两次:11,455,666 USDC和38,060,996 USDC。

2025-02-24 04:36:40


2025-02-24 04:09:14
pump.fun已在前端移除Lazarus Group相关Meme币 已在前端移除与 Bybit 事件黑客、朝鲜黑客组织 Lazarus Group 相关的 Meme 币。

2025-02-23 14:56:32
【下周重要事件与数据预告——美国PCE携手英伟达财报炸场 十四届全国人大常委会第十四次会议举行】1. 周...

【下周重要事件与数据预告——美国PCE携手英伟达财报炸场 十四届全国人大常委会第十四次会议举行】1. 周一:①数据:德国2月IFO商业景气指数;欧元区1月CPI年率与月率终值;美国2月达拉斯联储商业活动指数。②事件:十四届全国人大常委会第十四次会议2月24日至25日在北京举行。③假期:日本股市休市。2. 周二:①数据:德国第四季度未季调GDP年率终值;英国2月CBI零售销售差值;美国12月FHFA房价指数月率、美国12月S&P/CS20座大城市未季调房价指数年率、美国2月谘商会消费者信心指数、美国2月里奇蒙德联储制造业指数。②事件:十四届全国人大常委会第十四次会议2月24日至25日在北京举行。3. 周三:①数据:美国当周API及EIA原油库存;澳大利亚1月加权CPI年率;德国3月Gfk消费者信心指数;瑞士2月ZEW投资者信心指数;美国1月新屋销售总数年化。②事件:美联储巴尔、巴尔金发表讲话;20国集团(G20)财长与央行行长会议举行,至2月27日。③财报:英伟达。④假期:印度股市休市。4. 周四:①数据:德国2月季调后失业人数、失业率;欧元区2月工业和经济景气指数;加拿大第四季...

2025-02-23 12:45:31
mETH Protocol发布Bybit安全事件更新:没有发生未经授权cmETH退出,已将攻击者列入黑名单

mETH Protocol发布Bybit安全事件更新,其中披露Bybit发生安全事故导致mETH和cmETH被未经授权从交易所提现,其中包括通过DEX的三笔交易将8,000枚mETH兑换成ETH,通过mETH Protoc发起15,000枚cmETH提款但未成功完成,Mantle或mETH Protocol没有风险并减少 Mantle Network L2上的cmETH流动性,并将攻击者的钱包地址被列入黑名单,从而阻止进一步的cmETH转移或协议内的交互,最终没有发生未经授权...

2025-02-22 11:54:13

跨链桥 Chainflip 更新 Bybit 被盗事件最新进展称,我们已经注意到黑客试图通过 Chainflip 将 Bybit 被盗资金转换为 BTC。目前,我们已关闭部分前端服务以阻止资金流动,但由于协议是完全去中心化的,拥有 150 个节点,我们无法完全关闭整个系统。 作为更长期的解决方案,我们正在加强 ETH 代理级别的筛选机制,以通过 broker-api 拒绝可疑存款。目前,该机制已适用于 BTC,我们只需...

2025-02-22 09:47:29
Bybit 被盗资产占加密货币行业被盗金额总量的 15% 左右,行业被盗资金超 106 亿美元

据 DefiLlama 网站黑客事件面包统计,Bybit 被盗超 14 亿美元资产属于加密货币史上最大一次安全事件,约占加密货币史上所有安全事件被盗金额中的 15%左右。 该面板数据显示,加密货币史上累计被盗金额超 106.2 亿美元,其中 DeFi 相关被盗资产高达 63.1 亿美元,各类桥接项目被盗资产高达 28.7 亿美元。

2025-02-22 08:16:59
Ethena Labs:USDe 资产未受 Bybit 安全事件影响

2月22日消息,Ethena Labs 在 X 上发布 Bybit 安全事件相关动态: 支持 USDe 的所有现货资产都存放在场外托管解决方案中,包括通过 Copper Clearloop 的 ByBit。包括 Bybit 在内的任何交易所都没有现货支持价值。 与 Bybit 对冲头寸相关的未实现 PNL(利润和损失)总额不足 3000 万美元,现已降至 1000 万美元,不到储备基金的一半。 目前 USDe目前仍然超额抵押。 所有 USDe ...

2025-02-22 06:37:26


2025-02-21 21:37:38
Arkham:ZachXBT确认ByBit攻击者为朝鲜Lazarus Group

Arkham 在 X 平台发文称,ZachXBT 提交了 ByBit 攻击事件的确凿证据,证明朝鲜 Lazarus Group 策划了此次攻击,并附带测试交易分析、相关钱包连接及取证图表。该报告已提交给 ByBit 团队协助调查。 此前消息,Arkham创建并资助了一笔赏金,以帮助识别 Bybit 黑客攻击的幕后个人或组织。此赏金的提交内容将与 Bybit 团队共享,以支持他们的调查。

2025-02-21 20:52:24
Du Jun:平台若有偿付能力则无需限制提币

ABCDE 联创 Du Jun 于社交平台回应 Bybit 被盗事件称,“平台被盗危机公关:赔得起,要放任提币;赔不起,则需要关闭提币或限制大额提币。 但是都要有一个前提,就是财务团给出准确被盗金额,以及安全团队确认剩余资产和流程安全可控。”

2025-02-21 17:15:14

针对 Bybit 被黑客攻击事件,BitMart 创始人 Sheldon 在 X 平台发文表示已冻结了相关地址,一旦有被盗资产流入 BitMart,将立即冻结相关资产,以支持追回工作。 他指出“加密货币行业是一个命运共同体,这个行业最重要的是信誉。我们希望共同努力帮助 Bybit 挽回损失,夺回资产。这个行业需要大家共同守护。 ”

2025-02-21 17:12:13

孙宇晨于X平台就 Bybit 被盗事件称,“我们一直在密切关注 Bybit 事件,并将尽最大努力协助我们的合作伙伴追踪相关资金,提供我们能力范围内的所有支持。”

2025-02-21 17:00:09

Beosin安全团队分析Bybit这次事件的攻击手法和WazirX比较类似,都是通过前端UI欺骗,让多签钱包签署了恶意的内容,篡改了多签钱包的逻辑实现合约,导致多签钱包的资金被转出。 Beosin Trace监测到,Bybit 安全事故价值 14.4 亿美元的资金被提取,分别包括: 401,347枚 ETH,价值 11.2 亿美元; 90,376枚 stETH,价值 2.5316 亿美元; 15,000枚 cmETH,价值 4,413 万美元; 8,0...

2025-02-21 16:51:04

7x24 Newsflash

07:56 2025-03-28
Two new wallets sold 14,064 ETH in the past 8 hours.
According to Spot On Chain, in the past eight hours, the two new wallets sold 14,064 ETH at an average price of $1,959, in exchange for 27.5 million DAI. Their ETH is through the THORChain and Chainflip cross-chain bridges, which are suspected of money laundering.
07:44 2025-03-28
TON breaks through $4
The market shows that TON has broken through $4 and is now quoted at $4.01. The 24-hour increase has reached 5.8%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.
07:37 2025-03-28
A smart investor deposited 11 million MUBARAK and 10 million BROCCOLI into Binance 10 hours ago
According to The Data Nerd, 10 hours ago, a smart investor 0xc27 deposited 11 million MUBARAK (approx. $1.49 million) and 10 million BROCCOLI (approx. $826,000) into Binance. If he sells all of the above tokens, he will make a profit of $1.65 million from 2 tokens, especially MUBARAK with an investment return of x15.3.
07:34 2025-03-28
A whale sold 6,505 ETH at an average price of $1913.80 in the past 3 hours, worth $12.76 million
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, the giant whale 0x17E... E4EA5 sold 6,505 ETH at an average price of $1913.80 in the past 3 hours, worth as much as $12.76 million.
07:28 2025-03-28
Revenue trading agreement Pendle exceeded $500 million in trading volume yesterday, setting a new high for single-day trading volume
On March 28th, the revenue trading agreement Pendle hit a new high in a single day on March 27th, exceeding $500 million. Pendle Lianchuang @tn_pendle said that even if Pendle becomes the industry's leading DeFi protocol, there is still huge room for growth in the DeFi market compared to traditional finance. Pendle plans to break through existing limitations through the Citadels program in 2025, dedicated to connecting traditional financial marekt resources to provide the highest quality fixed i...
07:23 2025-03-28
The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that the short order of New York gold futures is prominent here, which may constitute resistance for ultra-short-term rise... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >
The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that the short order of New York gold futures is prominent here, which may constitute resistance for ultra-short-term rise... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >
07:23 2025-03-28
Thai Prime Minister interrupts meeting to urgently discuss earthquake response measures
On March 28th, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck northwestern Sagaing Province in Myanmar on the 28th, the Thai capital Bangkok was felt. On the same day, Thai Prime Minister Petuntan interrupted the meeting to discuss emergency response measures after receiving a report on the earthquake.
07:22 2025-03-28
Last Futures Exchange: Copper inventories decreased by 21,032 tons this week, aluminum inventories increased by 3,317 tons, zinc inventories decreased by 1,292 tons, lead inventories increased by 525 tons, nickel inventories increased by 4,571 tons, tin inventories increased by 650 tons, and natural rubber inventories decreased by 40 tons.
Last Futures Exchange: Copper inventories decreased by 21,032 tons this week, aluminum inventories increased by 3,317 tons, zinc inventories decreased by 1,292 tons, lead inventories increased by 525 tons, nickel inventories increased by 4,571 tons, tin inventories increased by 650 tons, and natural rubber inventories decreased by 40 tons.
07:19 2025-03-28
LY Corporation clarifies that it has no business relationship with Soneia
On March 28, LY Corporation released a statement saying that since March 12, 2025, there have been media and social media reports that LY Corporation has reached a business cooperation with Soneium operators. In response, LY Corporation clarified that although Soneium announced plans to use its platform to expand its business with LINE API and LINE MINI Apps, the two parties have not established any business partnership. It is reported that LINE NEXT Inc., a subsidiary of LY Corporation, is oper...
07:18 2025-03-28
Four Indian state-owned enterprises are in talks with Chile's Chemicals and Mining (SQM) for a 20 per cent stake in the Australian lithium project, sources said, in India's biggest effort to secure supplies of the key electric vehicle battery metal.
Four Indian state-owned enterprises are in talks with Chile's Chemicals and Mining (SQM) for a 20 per cent stake in the Australian lithium project, sources said, in India's biggest effort to secure supplies of the key electric vehicle battery metal.
07:14 2025-03-28
India is considering lowering agricultural tariffs at the request of the United States
On March 28, people familiar with the matter said that India is reviewing US demands to cut agricultural import tariffs and significantly lower other barriers. New Delhi officials are seeking exemptions from US reciprocal tariffs to be imposed next week. The Indian government is considering lowering tariffs on pecans, beans and non-GMO soybeans, as well as dry distilled grains, the people said.
07:09 2025-03-28
Gold rose 1% to $3085.24 during the day
On March 28, according to Reuters quotes, spot gold continued its gains, rising 1% during the day to a new record high of $3,085.24 per ounce.