News list for "不足"



2025-02-18 11:36:21


2025-01-07 05:30:32


2024-12-27 18:00:26


2024-11-06 15:34:04


2024-11-06 03:12:16

据 ApeChain 浏览器信息,ApeChain 上线不足 12 小时,已完成超 36 万笔交易,交易费累计达 495.17 枚 APE。 此外,当前 ApeChain 上已部署合约数达 1204 个,代币合约 45 个。

2024-10-20 07:23:57


2024-10-04 14:47:09


2024-09-25 12:17:36

欧洲央行管委维勒鲁瓦表示,欧洲央行必须警惕经济增长不足的风险。市场对 2025 年利率在 2%-2.5%区间的预期合理。九月份降息是正确且明智的选择。

2024-08-30 14:11:47


2024-08-28 09:06:30
1. 财政部等六部门:严禁为没有收益或收益不足的市政基础设施资产违法违规举债,不得增加隐性债务。<span class="secti...

1. 财政部等六部门:严禁为没有收益或收益不足的市政基础设施资产违法违规举债,不得增加隐性债务。2. 央行:2024年7月份债券市场共发行各类债券66383.9亿元。3. 央行:截至2024年7月末,境外机构在中国债券市场的托管余额4.50万亿元。4. MLF缩量平价续作,市场人士预计降准降息仍在政策工具箱内。5. 券商债券投顾业务规模几何?总规模约1万亿元。6. 全球首只人民币SGS债券在法兰克福上市。7. 中信证券:9月债市基本不存在流动性缺口。8. 中央财办副主任韩文秀:合理扩大地方政府专项债券支持范围,适当扩大用作资本金的领域、规模、比例。9. 八部门:引导长江经济带金融机构和企业根据国内国际标准发行绿色债券,便利国际市场资金投入我国低碳转型。10. 绿城中国:向未赎回2025年到期2.3%增信债券持有人提出现金收购要约。11. 德银:建议做空美国10年期国债,因就业市场富有韧性。

2024-08-27 08:30:12
财政部等六部门:严禁为没有收益或收益不足的市政基础设施资产违法违规举债 不得增加隐性债务


2024-08-26 10:17:40


2024-08-20 07:08:44
A股收评:沪指跌0.14% 两市成交额不足5000亿元


2024-08-12 07:13:57
数据:距离 BCH 减半不足 3 小时

据 OKLink 数据,距离 BCH 减半不足 3 小时,仅剩 2 小时 46 分。当前区块奖励为 6.25 BCH,减半后区块奖励为 3.125 BCH,目前剩余区块为 17 个。

2024-04-03 15:35:20

7x24 Newsflash

16:44 2025-03-28
SEC meets with Wintermute representatives to discuss solutions to crypto regulation-related issues
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) released an announcement saying that the staff of the cryptocurrency working group met with representatives of Wintermute Trading Ltd. and Morrison Cohen LLP on March 28. The topic of discussion at the conference was solutions to issues related to crypto asset regulation. Representatives of Wintermute Trading Ltd. and Morrison Cohen LLP provided an accompanying paper, the topics in which were discussed during the conference. Wintermute discussed trading a...
16:05 2025-03-28
Futures Hotspot Tracking
So far this year, tin prices have risen by 24%, supply in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been blocked, and inventories have hit a two-year low. Can the price of tin break through the $37,100 mark?
15:44 2025-03-28
Staring Artifact · Agricultural Product Analysis
Brazilian soybean exports are expected to record, Chinese demand continues to rise, and the outlook for the US soybean market is worrisome.
15:43 2025-03-28
A whale deposited more than 650,000 LINK with Coinbase.
According to Onchain Lens, a whale deposited 659,415 LINK (about $9.42 million) to Coinbase, earning $3.53 million.
15:40 2025-03-28
Analysis: Traders are keeping a close eye on Bitcoin's $81,000 support level publishes a community daily summary saying that overall market sentiment appears to be mostly cautiously bearish as the discussion revolves around bitcoin moving around key trend levels and multiple mentions of'gap covering 'coming soon. Traders are eyeing the $81,000 bitcoin support level.
15:14 2025-03-28
Trump said he had a phone call with Canadian Prime Minister Carney and planned to meet, and the Canadian dollar rose in response
On March 28, U.S. President Donald Trump said he had a phone call with Canadian Prime Minister Carney on Friday, and the two will meet after the Canadian election. The meeting comes as Canada's tariff war with the United States, a neighboring ally and major trading partner, is intensifying. "It was a very productive call, we agreed on a lot of things, and will meet immediately after Canada's upcoming election to work together on politics, business and all other factors, which will ultimately be ...
15:12 2025-03-28
President Trump has agreed to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Carney after the Canadian election.
President Trump has agreed to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Carney after the Canadian election.
15:07 2025-03-28
BTC falls below $84,000
The market shows that BTC has fallen below $84,000 and is now trading at $83,992, a 24-hour decline of 3.71%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.
15:00 2025-03-28
As of 23:00 closing, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and rose less. Glass fell nearly 3%, coking coal and coking coal fell nearly 2%, caustic soda ash, PTA, No. 20 glue, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fell more than 1%; in terms of gains, beans rose 0.52%.
As of 23:00 closing, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and rose less. Glass fell nearly 3%, coking coal and coking coal fell nearly 2%, caustic soda ash, PTA, No. 20 glue, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fell more than 1%; in terms of gains, beans rose 0.52%.
14:51 2025-03-28
ARK Invest currently holds over $550 million worth of Coinbase stock
Cathie Wood's ARK Invest currently holds more than $550 million worth of Coinbase stock through three ETFs: ARKK ($390.20 million), ARKW ($91.40 million), and ARKF ($70.20 million).
14:51 2025-03-28
The three major U.S. stock indexes opened lower and went lower, and all three major stock indexes fell by more than 1%.
According to a report by Jin Ten, the three major U.S. stock indexes opened lower, and all three major stock indexes fell by more than 1%.
14:48 2025-03-28
Midea Group: 5 billion yuan - 10 billion yuan to buy back shares
On March 28th, Midea Group announced that the company plans to repurchase class A shares in a centralized bidding mode, and the repurchase amount does not exceed 10 billion yuan and not less than 5 billion yuan. The source of funds is equity fund and/or special project loans for stock repurchase. The repurchase price does not exceed 100 yuan/share, and the repurchased shares will be used for cancellation to reduce registered capital and implement Equity Incentive Plan and/or employee stock owner...