News list for "一期"


据官方消息,Wormhole宣布第一期质押奖励计划(SRP)现已开放领取,超过5,000万枚W代币将分发给58,415个符合条件的地址。该计划面向2024年6月10日至2025年1月8日期间在EVM链和Solana上进行质押的早期代币持有者。 奖励资格要求EVM链用户需达到至少25,000个W代币日数(如持有1,000W质押100天),Solana用户则需在2024年12月4日至2025年1月8日期间保持至少100W的质押量。...

2025-01-17 02:08:47
Pantera Capital创始人:美国大选影响尚未被完全理解,也没有被BTC价格计价

Pantera Capital创始人Dan Morehead在最新一期”Blockchain Letter“中表示,华尔街的古老格言”买谣言,卖新闻“并不适用于现货比特币ETF的推出,对比特币ETF应该“买谣言,买新闻”,自2024年比特币ETF推出以来,比特币已上涨103%。Dan Morehead表示,美国大选是又一次“买谣言,买新闻”,美国大选的影响尚未被完全理解,而且肯定没有被比特币价格计价(price in)。

2025-01-13 10:01:38
币安宣布 BNSOL 超级质押将上线第一期项目 Pyth Network(PYTH)

Binance 宣布 BNSOL 超级质押将上线第一期项目- Pyth Network(PYTH)。 2024 年 12 月 02 日 08:00 至 2024 年 12 月 17 日 07:59(东八区时间)期间,在 Binance 账户和 Web3 钱包中持有 BNSOL,或将 SOL 质押至 BNSOL 的用户,将获得 PYTH APR Boost 空投奖励。

2024-11-28 07:37:35

在最近一期的《乔·罗根体验》节目中,前总统特朗普表示,他认真考虑取消美国联邦所得税,并用进口关税取代收入来源。 特朗普指出,美国前总统威廉·麦金莱在19世纪90年代的关税政策为国家带来了巨大的繁荣,并认为今天应该采用同样的政策来为政府提供资金。特朗普告诉罗根,关税创造了如此多的收入,以至...

2024-10-26 22:44:06

10月25日消息,Ink 创始人在 Bankless 的一期播客中做出免责声明,Ink 没有计划发行任何代币。 此前消息,加密货币交易所 Kraken 推出基于 OP Stack 的区块链 Ink,测试网将于两周后启动。

2024-10-25 10:32:20
Binance Launchpool本期已锁仓超47万枚BNB和1.98亿枚FDUSD

据官方数据,Binance Launchpool 最新一期项目 CATI 挖矿,目前已锁仓超 47 万枚 BNB 和 1.98 亿枚 FDUSD,参与人数超 3.4 万人。 本次挖矿持续 4 天,目前处于预热阶段,将于 9 月 16 日 8:00 正式开启。

2024-09-15 08:51:40

8月20日消息,比特币侧链方案MVC(全称MicrovisionChain)第一期开发者激励计划宣布即将在8月27日截止申请。本期活动总计奖励25万枚SPACE,并提供在比特币侧链上开发的辅助SDK。 MVC是一条UTXO模型的一层智能合约公有链,旨在解决比特币的拥塞问题,成为比特币的理想侧链,支持大规模Web3应用程序的开发。SPACE为MVC主网代币及gas,本周最高单日涨幅达109.9%,当前报价1.46美元。

2024-08-20 07:13:04

8 月 20 日消息,Azuki 于官方社交平台释出新一期动画短片并配文「It is a trap!」,视频包含女性角色及 Beanz,由动画制作人安田現象创作。

2024-08-20 00:02:16
3678万枚BLUR 5小时前从Blur解锁合约解锁转出

据余烬监测,今日为 BLUR 一月一期的解锁时间,3678 万枚 BLUR (564 万美元) 在 5 小时前从 Blur 解锁合约解锁转出至 0x0A0 多签地址,0x0A0 多签地址同时向 Coinbase Prime 进行了小额存款测试,这些 BLUR 会像之前一样随后进入 Coinbase Prime。 自 2023 年 6 月 25 日 BLUR 进入解锁周期以来,已有 26.6% (8 亿) 总量的 BLUR 解锁并流入 Coinbase Prime。以转出时的价格计算,价值 2.8592 亿美元。

2024-08-16 00:40:11

CoinList 于 X 发文表示,由于市场状况恶劣,最新一期代币发售项目 Enso 的团队已决定推迟代币发售计划,已承诺进行的认购将被退还,已完成购买的买家若出价高于最终拍卖价格,将在未来重启发售时获得 20%的代币奖励。

2024-08-06 19:34:50
METIS生态Meme CACA 3日涨幅95%

Metis 联合创始人 Kevin 在最新一期社区对话中表示:“我坚信世界是一个巨大的 meme,而 meme 是我们文化不可或缺的一部分。”并且 Kevin 还提及 Metis 生态 Meme 项目 CACA,行情显示,CACA 突破 0.00007119 美元,创历史新高,72 小时涨幅 95%,当前市值 550 万美元。

2024-07-26 13:05:15
zkLink 公布第一期生态系统资助计划结果,共向16个项目拨款1000万枚ZKL

zkLink公布第一期生态系统资助计划结果,共向16个项目拨款1000万枚ZKL,受助项目涵盖DeFi各个领域,包括资产管理、订单簿、投票、AMM、RPC和预言机等。zkLink 生态系统资助计划第二阶段将于 2024 年 7 月 24 日开始,并于 2024 年 9 月 30 日结束。

2024-07-24 13:22:34
Polyhedra Network将于7月18日开启下一期质押计划

7月9日消息,Polyhedra Network 于 X 宣布下一期质押计划将于 7 月 18 日开始,之前的质押计划已结束,并完成奖励发放。

2024-07-09 10:07:40

最近一期Bankless播客讨论了 21 世纪专制政权的潜在优势,经济学家Noah Smith和以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin阐述了区块链通过安全、匿名通信和可验证投票来增强民主韧性的潜力。Vitalik Buterin强调,将信息环境比作Thomas Hobbes的“所有人反对所有人”的战争概念,垄断控制叙事可能成为唯一稳定的均衡。这个隐喻强调了专制政权利用互联网进行数据聚合的潜力...

2024-06-26 10:24:29

7x24 Newsflash

10:52 2025-03-28
New users who have participated in Binance PARTI may have been airdropped 88 or 44 PARTI tokens
On March 28, according to the monitoring of @ai_9684xtpa, users who previously participated in the new project PARTI of Binance Web3 wallet may have been airdropped 88 or 44 PARTI tokens. Users are advised to check the airdrop status.
10:43 2025-03-28
KiloEx: Some users will be compensated for insufficient or incorrect rewards during TGE
On March 28, KiloEx tweeted that some users did encounter insufficient or incorrect distribution of rewards during the TGE period. The first wave of airdrop compensation involved a total of 2,271 addresses, and 1,203,428.34 KILO needed to be redistributed. KiloEx will continue to follow up according to Google form feedback to compensate users who received insufficient or incorrect distribution.
10:40 2025-03-28
Huobi HTX will hold a live theme at 20:00 today: The gold content of Forbes' cover! Chat about Brother Sun's legendary history
On March 28th, according to official social media, Huobi HTX will hold a live broadcast on the theme of "Justin Sun on the cover of Forbes! Add another legend in the crypto field?" at 20:00 (UTC + 8) today. At that time, Huobi HTX spokesperson Liu Ye will attend together with crypto KOL Vito, MEJ Maomao Sister, DaDa, LOYAL Lu Yao, PPP, cicada, and industry media MetaEra, Golden Finance, and Mars Finance to talk about the significance of Sun Yuchen's appearance on the cover of the English version...
10:16 2025-03-28
Futures Hotspot Tracking
The end of the third consecutive rise in copper weekly, the impact of US trade policies on the market, the resumption of production of tin mines in Myanmar's Wa State, where will tin and copper prices go next week?
10:13 2025-03-28
According to government sources, India is considering scrapping the 2.5% import duty on liquefied natural gas imports from the United States.
According to government sources, India is considering scrapping the 2.5% import duty on liquefied natural gas imports from the United States.
10:07 2025-03-28
Inventory of "high-energy" charging piles: To what height have car companies rolled up in charging efficiency?
Inventory of "high-energy" charging piles: To what height have car companies rolled up in charging efficiency?
10:05 2025-03-28
The General Office of the State Council issued guidance on establishing and improving a long-term supervision mechanism for enterprise-related fees
On March 28th, the key tasks include, improve the system of enterprise-related fee catalogue. Improve the mechanism of evaluation and review of enterprise-related fee policies. Strengthen the normal publicity and interpretation of enterprise-related fee policies. Improve the tracking and monitoring system of enterprise-related fees. Improve the mechanism for collecting and handling clues about enterprise-related fee issues.
10:03 2025-03-28
The Eurozone's industrial sentiment index for March was -10.6, expected to be -10.5, and the previous value was revised from -11.4 to -11.
The Eurozone's industrial sentiment index for March was -10.6, expected to be -10.5, and the previous value was revised from -11.4 to -11.
10:03 2025-03-28
The Eurozone's economic sentiment index for March was 95.2, compared with an expected 97 and a previous value of 96.3.
The Eurozone's economic sentiment index for March was 95.2, compared with an expected 97 and a previous value of 96.3.
10:03 2025-03-28
490,000 UNIs transferred from Uniswap Time Lock are deposited in Binance within 5 hours
According to on-chain analyst Ember, 490,000 of the 27.90 million UNIs transferred from the Uniswap timelock contract seven days ago (3/21) have flowed into Binance in the past 5 hours. The unlocked UNIs this time have 1.24 million (8.22 million USD) entered Binance in the past day. The price of UNI since entering Binance has been -6.5%.
09:59 2025-03-28
It is said that the B-2 is usually used in the early stages of large-scale military operations to form a deterrent. This unprecedented focus could be designed to urge the Houthis to cease fire and push Iran back to the negotiating table. Click to view...
It is said that the B-2 is usually used in the early stages of large-scale military operations to form a deterrent. This unprecedented focus could be designed to urge the Houthis to cease fire and push Iran back to the negotiating table. Click to view...
09:55 2025-03-28
Futures Hotspot Tracking
The rubber market "plunged" on Friday, the US trade policy "boots" landed, and the torrential rain in South East Asia hit. Can the rubber market usher in a turnaround next week?