News list for "zoomdoge"

Bitlayer and its ecosystem project announce exclusive incentive plan for users damaged by the ZoomDoge incident

On September 10th, in response to the recent ZoomDoge project Rug incident that has attracted much attention, Bitcoin's native two-layer project Bitlayer and its ecological project announced an anti-Rug brave incentive plan for users with damaged funds to jointly resist actions that damage the ecological development of Bitlayer. Among them, the Bitlayer Foundation announced that it will issue "Anti-Rug Warrior Badges" to the addresses of all users whose assets were damaged in the ZoomDoge incide...

2024-09-10 18:31:20

9月10日消息,针对近期备受关注的ZoomDoge项目Rug事件,比特币原生二层项目Bitlayer及其生态项目公布对资金受损用户的反Rug勇者激励方案,共同抵制破坏Bitlayer生态发展的行为。 其中,Bitlayer基金会宣布为所有ZoomDoge事件中资产受损用户地址发放“反Rug勇士徽章”,用户将获得不低于受损资金的等值$BTR代币空...

2024-09-10 18:31:20