Zoom Communications (ZM) should adopt a Bitcoin strategy to break growth stagnation and enhance shareholder value, Semler Scientific founder Eric Semler wrote on the X platform. He believes that Zoom is currently in a "zombie zone" and needs new growth drivers. With $7.70 billion in cash reserves, $2 billion in annualized free cash flow, and low-cost financing capabilities, Zoom could quickly become one of the world's largest corporate Bitcoin holders if it enters the Bitcoin field. Semler cites...
Semler Scientific 创始人 Eric Semler 在 X 平台发文称,Zoom Communications(ZM)应采用比特币策略,以打破增长停滞、提升股东价值。他认为 Zoom 目前处于「僵尸区」,急需新的增长动力。而 Zoom 拥有 77 亿美元现金储备、年化自由现金流 20 亿美元,以及低成本融资能力,若投身比特币领域,可迅速跻身全球最大企业比特币持有者之一。Semler 以 SMLR 为例,称其在 2024 年中期采用比特币作为...
According to Zoomer, the U.S. Department of Government Efficiency has reached out to a number of public blockchain projects to conduct a technical evaluation of these companies, including the use of blockchain to track federal spending, secure data, make payments, and even manage buildings.
SlowMist tweeted to alert users to phishing attacks disguised as Zoom meeting links, in which attackers use the domain name of "app [.] us4zoom [.] us" to impersonate legitimate Zoom meeting links. The webpage closely mimics the real Zoom meeting interface. When users click the "Start Meeting" button, it triggers the download of malicious installation packages. Instead of launching the local Zoom client side, hackers collect user data and decrypt it to steal sensitive information such as mnemoni...
On September 10th, in response to the recent ZoomDoge project Rug incident that has attracted much attention, Bitcoin's native two-layer project Bitlayer and its ecological project announced an anti-Rug brave incentive plan for users with damaged funds to jointly resist actions that damage the ecological development of Bitlayer. Among them, the Bitlayer Foundation announced that it will issue "Anti-Rug Warrior Badges" to the addresses of all users whose assets were damaged in the ZoomDoge incide...
On August 22nd, Ethereum developers gathered at Zoom for the 140th All-Core Developer Consensus (ACDC) conference call. The bi-weekly meeting focused on discussing and coordinating changes to the Ethereum Consensus Layer (CL), also known as the beacon chain. The call was hosted by Alex Stokes, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation (EF). Pectra Upgrade: Stokes has released a new version of the CL specification for Pectra Upgrade, labeled v1.5.0-alpha.5, encouraging client side teams to review i...
8月22日,以太坊开发人员齐聚Zoom,召开了第140次全核心开发人员共识 (ACDC) 电话会议。该会议每两周举行一次,主要讨论和协调对以太坊共识层 (CL)(也称为信标链)的更改。此次电话会议由以太坊基金会 (EF) 研究员 Alex Stokes 主持。 Pectra 升级:Stokes发布了Pectra升级版的CL规范新版本,标记为v1.5.0-alpha.5,鼓励客户端团队对其进行审核。 PeerDAS:工程师Barnabas Busa宣布PeerDAS Devnet...
According to PeckShield monitoring, Chainzoom issued a fraud warning, saying that scammers set up fake ZOOM/WETH trading pairs on Uniswap to deceive users. Chainzoom will delay the TGE of ZOOM and contact Uniswap to delete the fraudulent trading pairs and add the correct ZOOM/WETH trading pairs. Chainzoom will airdrop for all ZOOM holders to protect the interests of users. PeckShield said that counterfeit ZOOM tokens have fallen by 42% in the past hour, and fraudulent token deployers have intera...
据PeckShield监测,Chainzoom发布诈骗警告,称诈骗者在Uniswap上设置了假的ZOOM/WETH交易对来欺骗用户,Chainzoom将推迟ZOOM的TGE,并联系Uniswap删除诈骗交易对并添加正确的ZOOM/WETH交易对。Chainzoom将为所有ZOOM持有者空投,保障用户利益。 PeckShield表示,假冒的ZOOM代币在过去1小时内已经下跌了42%,欺诈代币部署者已与币安进行交互。