News list for "zircuit"

Bithumb Announces Launch of ZRC (Zircuit)

According to Bithumb's announcement, ZRC (Zircuit) will be launched on the Korean won market on January 13, supporting Zircuit network recharge (other networks are not supported), recharge and withdrawal will be open within 2 hours of the announcement, and trading will start at 4:00 pm (Korean time) on the same day.

2025-01-13 03:23:00


2025-01-13 03:23:00
Zircuit TVL hits about $394 million, ranks among the top 10 in L2 lock-up volume

According to l2beat data, Zircuit's total lock-up reached $394.18 million, an increase of 0.98% in seven days, and is now among the top ten in L2 lock-up.

2025-01-02 17:38:45
Zircuit TVL触及约3.94亿美元,跻身L2锁仓量排名前十


2025-01-02 17:38:45
Zircuit token ZRC will start trading at 18:00 on November 25th

On November 25th, Layer2 project Zircuit announced that ZRC will start trading at 18:00 on November 25th, 2024. According to token economics, 21% of the tokens are allocated to the community airdrop, of which 12.45% are issued immediately and 13.08% are used for future community distribution. There is a 12-month lock-up period for the shares of the team and investors.

2024-11-25 09:38:52
Zircuit 代币 ZRC 将于 11 月 25 日 18:00 开始交易

11月25日消息,Layer2 项目 Zircuit 宣布 ZRC 将于 2024 年 11 月 25 日 18:00 开始交易。根据代币经济学,21% 代币分配给社区空投,其中 12.45% 立即发放, 13.08% 用于未来的社区分配。团队和投资者的份额设有 12 个月锁定期。

2024-11-25 09:38:52
Zircuit Token Economic Model: The total amount of ZRC is 10 billion, 21% is used for airdrops and community rewards

On November 22nd, Zircuit announced the token economic model: the total amount of ZRC tokens is 10 billion, of which 21% is used for airdrops and community rewards, including 7% airdrops in the first season (snapshot taken at 00:00 on July 8th), 3% airdrops in the second season (snapshot taken at 13:00 on November 20th), 2.45% of active airdrops, the above three airdrops are unlocked at TGE, 8.55% of future airdrops, and 24 months of linear release after the 6-12 month lock-up period. The remain...

2024-11-22 13:14:22
Zircuit 代币经济模型:ZRC 总量 100 亿枚,21% 用于空投和社区奖励

11月22日消息,Zircuit 公布代币经济模型:ZRC 代币总量为 100 亿枚,其中 21% 用于空投和社区奖励,包括第 1 季空投 7%(快照拍摄于 7 月 8 日 00:00)、第 2 季空投 3%(快照拍摄于 11 月 20 日 13:00)、活动空投 2.45%,以上三种空投均在 TGE 时解锁,未来空投 8.55%,6-12 个月锁仓期后 24 个月线性释放。 其余分配为:团队 18.74%、基金会 18.70%、生态发展 17.93%、社区规定 13.08%、投资者...

2024-11-22 13:14:22
Zircuit: ZRC token transfer restrictions will be lifted

Zircuit, a Layer 2 project, has officially announced that it will lift ZRC token transfer restrictions on November 25 and plans to launch an important product update next week.

2024-11-22 08:12:57
Zircuit:将解除 ZRC 代币转账限制

Layer2 项目 Zircuit 官方宣布将于 11 月 25 日正式解除 ZRC 代币转账限制,并计划于下周推出重要产品更新。

2024-11-22 08:12:57
Zircuit: More than 51,000 EIGEN holders have received ZRC airdrops, and applications are open until December

On November 14th, Zircuit issued a document saying that in the first week of ZRC Fairdrop, more than 190,000 eligible EIGEN holders applied for 51,000, and the application deadline was December. So far, Fairdrop has been distributed to eligible on-chain users and is actively working with major trading platforms to airdrop ZRC to EIGEN holders on CEX. Today marks the first anniversary of Zircuit and the results achieved so far include: Provides AI-Sequencer security function. · Provided a liquid...

2024-11-14 02:01:22

11 月 14 日消息,Zircuit发文表示,ZRC Fairdrop第一周,符合资格的 EIGEN 持有者超过19万人,申领数量达5.1万,申领截止日期为12月。 到目前为止,Fairdrop已分发给符合条件的链上用户,正积极与主要交易平台合作,向CEX上的EIGEN持有者空投ZRC。今日是Zircuit一周年纪念日,目前取得的成果包括: · 提供了 AI-Sequencer安全功能; · 提供了流动性中心; · 主网已上线; · 20亿美元TVL;...

2024-11-14 02:01:22
Zircuit Fairdrop is now available to Eigenlayer holders and pledgers

On November 1st, EVM-compatible ZK Rollup Zircuit tweeted that Zircuit Fairdrop is open to Eigenlayer holders and staking holders. This event will distribute 2% of the total supply of ZRC tokens, and all eligible wallet addresses will receive the same reward (regardless of the size of the staking amount). In addition, the official said that ZRC tokens will be airdropped to EIGEN holders of the trading platform in the future.

2024-11-01 01:10:56
Zircuit Fairdrop已面向Eigenlayer持有者和质押者开放

11月1日消息,与EVM兼容的ZK Rollup Zircuit发推表示,Zircuit Fairdrop已面向Eigenlayer持有者和质押者开放。本次活动将分配总供应量2%的ZRC代币,所有符合条件的钱包地址都会获得同等奖励(无论质押金额大小)。此外,官方表示未来还将向交易平台的EIGEN持有者空投ZRC代币。

2024-11-01 01:10:56
Catizen Announces Layer2 Project Zircuit to Launchpool

Catizen has announced that Layer 2 project Zircuit will be launching its Launchpool, becoming the first project to launch its Launchpool. From October 28th to November 4th, users can earn Zircuit tokens ZRC by staking CATI and Cats.

2024-10-25 11:53:48

7x24 Newsflash

10:56 2025-03-14
10:44 2025-03-14
10:41 2025-03-14
“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”目前已累计持仓846,507.48枚LINK
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”的对手盘是此前报道过的“ETH高胜率波段巨鲸”,过去40分钟内,他在链上直接以均价13.98美元抛售了47万枚LINK,价值657万美元;期间又分两次以13.94美元从币安提出47万枚LINK,一来一回“搬砖”赚差价。此外,“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”的第二个500万枚USDC限价单也已成交,目前已累计持仓846,507.48枚LINK(约1204.5万美元),成本13.95美元...
10:38 2025-03-14
据@ai_9684xtpa 监测,ETH 高胜率波段鲸鱼在近 40 分钟内于链上抛售 47 万枚 LINK,累计套现 657 万美元。 此外,该地址还又分两次以 13.94 美元从 Binance 提出 47 万枚 LINK,以赚取差价。
10:29 2025-03-14
据英国媒体《天空新闻台》报道,英国警方和检察官表示,一名国家犯罪调查局(NCA)官员在调查网络有组织犯罪期间涉嫌盗窃近6万英镑的比特币,已被起诉。默西塞德郡警方发言人表示,42岁的Paul Chowles被指控与2017年涉嫌盗窃50枚比特币相关的15项罪名。八年前,这些加密货币的价值接近6万英镑,而现在的价值超过300万英镑。Chowles将于下月出庭利物浦地方法院。
10:13 2025-03-14
10:10 2025-03-14
3月14日消息,据巴西媒体《环球报》(O Globo)报道,巴西计划通过利用区块链技术来简化金砖国家(BRICS)成员国之间进出口合同的国际金融交易。这一议题将成为巴西轮值主席国任期内的优先事项之一。巴西的轮值主席国任期从2025年1月开始,为期一年。该提案与此前提出的创建金砖国家共同货币的设想...
09:55 2025-03-14
09:55 2025-03-14
据多位与会者称,在周二由比特币政策研究所主办的闭门圆桌会议上,总统数字资产工作组执行董事 Bo Hines 告诉与会者,白宫打算尽可能多地收购比特币。当房间里有人问美国政府最终可能会收购多少比特币时,Hines 开玩笑说,这个问题就像问一个人他们想要多少美元一样。 一位白宫官员证实,Hines 确实发表了关于尽可能多...
09:49 2025-03-14
CZ :华尔街日报和彭博社的文章对 BNB 价格有利,但它们包含太多错误的事实
币安创始人 CZ 在 X 发文称,"华尔街日报和彭博社的文章对 BNB 价格有利,但它们包含太多错误的事实。我们致力于长期建设!"
09:43 2025-03-14
美国众议员 Byron Donalds 计划提交立法草案,以将特朗普政府本月签署的行政命令正式立法,该命令旨在建立战略比特币储备和美国数字资产储备。该法案若通过,将确保该政策不会因未来总统的行政命令被撤销。 特朗普的行政命令要求财政部设立比特币储备,以持有约 20 万枚比特币,并授权财政部和商务部制定“预...
09:40 2025-03-14
据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,Hyperliquid 50 倍杠杆巨鲸近期进行了以下操作: 1:归还此前从 Aave 借出的 11 万枚 LINK,未用于追加仓位。 2:提取 1108 枚 WETH 的保证金转入 CowSwap 开设限价单准备卖出。