Startup DoubleZero Foundation raised $28 million at a valuation of $400 million, led by Dragonfly and Multicoin Capital, according to people familiar with the matter. DoubleZero Foundation is currently looking for "strategic partners" to seek more strategic financing at a valuation of $600 million, which has not yet closed. According to reports, DoubleZero is building a "new type of Internet" to improve blockchain performance, with the vision of building a global network of private fiber optic c...
知情人士透露,初创公司DoubleZero Foundation以4亿美元估值完成2800万美元融资,Dragonfly和Multicoin Capital领投。DoubleZero Foundation目前正在寻找“战略合作伙伴”,以6亿美元的估值寻求更多战略融资,战略融资尚未结束。 据介绍,DoubleZero正在构建一个“新型互联网”以提高区块链性能,其愿景是建立一个全球私有光缆网络,然后利用这些光缆,使区块链能够比在公共互联网上...
According to Lookonchain monitoring, the LayerZero Foundation multi-signature address recharged 1 million ZROs to Coinbase seven hours ago, worth $3.06 million, and the address currently holds 77.91 million ZROs, worth a total of $238 million.
The Kobeissi Letter said in a post on X that ZeroHedge's new chart shows that Ethereum is facing record short selling by hedge funds, with the number of CME futures contracts hitting a new high of 11,341. Short positions on Ethereum have increased by 40% in one week and by 500% since November 2024. It points out that the history of Ethereum shows a clear correlation between large short positions and subsequent price crashes.
On February 8, the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand released a joint statement on future-oriented, people-centered, strengthening comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and promoting the building of a more stable, prosperous and sustainable China-Thailand community with a shared future. The two sides stressed that under the bilateral and Lancang-Mekong cooperation and other regional cooperation mechanisms, with a resolute attitu...
LayerZero 通过其 lzCatalyst 计划对 Plume Network 完成首轮战略投资。本次 A 轮融资由 LayerZero 联合 Lightspeed Faction 和 Animoca Ventures 共同领投,旨在加速 Plume 推动现实世界资产上链的核心使命。 lzCatalyst 计划专为赋能 LayerZero 生态项目打造,致力于连接顶尖区块链开发者与顶级加密风投机构。
Bryan Pellegrino, CEO of LayerZero, a cross-chain interoperability agreement, said in a social media post that after more than two years and millions in legal fees, we have reached a settlement agreement with FTX estate. Ultimately, we decided that this was not a confrontation between us and FTX, although we felt we had every reason to do so, but a confrontation between us and our creditors. The original repurchase money has been returned to FTX estate. It is nice to stop talking to lawyers freq...
LayerZero announced the launch of the Quick Merkle Database (QMDB), a high-performance, verifiable database optimized for blockchain. Developed by LayerZero Labs under the MIT and Apache-2 licenses, QMDB is fully open-source. 2.28 million status updates per second 1 million TPS (base transfer per second). Benchmark workloads to 15 billion (10 times the state of Ethereum in 2024) and prove to scale to 280 billion records on a single server.
LayerZero 在 X 平台发文宣布推出 Quick Merkle 数据库(QMDB),一种为区块链优化的高性能可验证数据库。QMDB 由 LayerZero Labs 开发,采用 MIT 和 Apache-2 许可证,并完全开源。 · 每秒处理 228 万次状态更新,100 万 TPS(基准转账每秒)。 · 经过基准测试,工作负载可达到 150 亿(是以太坊 2024 年状态的 10 倍),并且证明能够在单台服务器上扩展至 2800 亿条记录。 ...
On January 9, the Aligned Foundation, a decentralized zero-knowledge proof verification layer, tweeted that it has completed $1 million community financing. Aligned Layer is a ZK validation layer developed on top of the EigenLayer. This will make the validation of any SNARK proof cost-effective, leveraging the security of an Ethereum validator without the limitations of Ethereum. As the EigenLayer AVS, it promises to provide an affordable validation and versatile proof system for L2 and bridges,...
Zero Gravity Labs (0G Labs or 0GL), a crypto-artificial intelligence startup, announced that it has raised around $30 million through a node sale. The new funds are intended to support global node deployment, build a decentralized AI operating system, and create a new AI agent standard. Last November, 0G Labs completed a $40 million seed round and received a $250 million token purchase commitment.