美国立法者即将就稳定币监管展开激烈辩论,预计行业主要领导者将阐述他们对数位资产监管未来的愿景。稳定币发行商Paxos的联合创始人兼首席执行官Charles Cascarilla计划在众议院金融服务委员会作证,敦促立法者在稳定币监管中建立「跨司法管辖区的互惠」。
Paxos官方发布2025年2月稳定币PYUSD透明度报告,披露PYUSD相关未审计数据,包括:代币流通总额(Total Tokens Outstanding)较1月的约4.8亿美元大幅上涨,升至751,638,595美元;总净资产中抵押品当前市值770,113,333美元,名义头寸价值755,514,232美元。Paxos表示,目前PYUSD代币超额抵押,因此损失风险不大,即便违约Paxos也能够用美国国债超额抵押来弥补损失。
Digital asset platform Nexo has announced a strategic partnership with scalable blockchain solutions provider Sphere to advance the cross-border transfer landscape in Latin America. The collaboration aims to provide a fast, low-cost, and regulatory-compliant solution. According to Cointelegraph, the partnership is designed to help make international business payments more convenient.
数字资产平台 Nexo 宣布与可扩展区块链解决方案提供商 Sphere 建立战略合作伙伴关系,推动拉丁美洲跨境支付格局的发展。 该合作旨在提供快速、低成本且符合法规的解决方案。 据Cointelegraph报道,此次合作旨在帮助更加便捷地进行国际商业支付。
Paxos官方发布2025年1月稳定币PYUSD透明度报告,披露PYUSD相关未审计数据,包括: 1、代币流通总额(Total Tokens Outstanding)再次下降,触及482,747,103美元; 2、美国国债抵押逆回购协议总额中抵押品当前市值约为464,985,360美元,名义头寸价值约为455,868,000美元; 3、现金存款中抵押品当前市值约为28,588,701美元,名义头寸价值约为28,588,701美元; 4、总净资产中抵押品当前市值493,574,06...
Project finance platform Polkastarter tweeted that the XO IDO whitelist application is now open. It is reported that the Polkastarter platform now has 1.50 million + users, 600,000 SBT token holders.
项目融资平台 Polkastarter 发布推文宣布 XO IDO 白名单申请现已开放。 据悉,Polkastarter 平台现拥有 150 万+ 用户,60 万 SBT 代币持有者。
UTXO Management announced that it has partnered with Sora Ventures to complete a Web3 strategic acquisition. The two companies will acquire 70.26% of the issued share capital of HK Asia Holdings Limited, a Hong Kong-listed company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. They intend to change the company's name to Moon Inc. The new leadership team is dedicated to generating higher returns for the business and shareholders, and plans to use their resources and experience to invest in Bitcoin, Web3...
UTXO Management宣布与Sora Ventures合作完成一笔Web3战略收购,两家公司供收购港交所上市公司香港亚洲控股公司HK Asia Holdings Limited已发行股本的70.26%,打算将公司更名为Moon Inc.,新领导团队致力于为业务和股东创造更高的回报,并计划利用其资源和经验进行比特币、Web3和加密货币投资。据悉,UTXO与Sora Ventures曾帮助日本上市公司Metaplanet拓展Web3和比特币战略。
In an interview with Fox Business, the new cryptocurrency czar, David Sacks, praised President Donald Trump's executive order on cryptocurrencies. The order aims to clarify regulations, define digital assets, and strengthen the dominance of the U.S. dollar through stablecoins. According to Sacks, the newly formed Digital Asset Task Force will oversee regulatory developments. It will divide digital assets into categories such as securities, commodities, and collectibles. The government also seeks...
On January 22nd, according to CoinDesk, Nexo announced that it will implement a minimum account usage threshold of $5,000 effective February 21, 2025, in order to focus on serving high net worth customers. This move is part of its 2025 growth strategy and recent rebranding. Nexo said that the platform is dedicated to supporting long-term coin holders and wealth creators through high-end customized services and wealth management solutions. As of now, Nexo has managed more than $11 billion in asse...