News list for "whisper"

RedStone clarifies that it is not working with Web3Port or market maker Whisper

The centralized oracle project RedStone released a statement to clarify that it has not partnered with Web3Port or market maker Whisper, and that the previous cooperation statement has not been officially approved. RedStone immediately requested the removal of such information upon discovery, but there may still be traces of some indexing. RedStone emphasizes that the above entities have never provided market-making services to it, and that such misleading statements may cause serious impact and...

2025-03-20 13:17:59
RedStone 澄清:未与 Web3Port 或做市商 Whisper 合作

中心化预言机项目 RedStone 发布声明,澄清未与 Web3Port 或做市商 Whisper 合作,此前流传的相关合作声明未经官方同意。 RedStone 发现此类信息后已立即要求移除,但仍可能存在部分被索引的痕迹。RedStone 强调,上述实体从未为其提供做市服务,此类误导性声明可能造成严重影响和实际损害,团队致力于保持行业诚信,并将持续加强与社区及生态系统的沟通透明度。

2025-03-20 13:17:59