James Howells, an IT engineer from Newport, accidentally discarded a hard drive worth $669 million in bitcoins. Although he is trying to enter the landfill through legal means or buy the site outright. However, a British scrap yard management expert has questioned the possible recovery, claiming to find the lost hard drive and recover $669 million worth of bitcoins.
来自纽波特的 IT 工程师 James Howells 因意外丢弃了价值 6.69 亿美元比特币的硬盘。尽管他正在尝试通过法律手段进入垃圾填埋场或直接购买该场地。然而,一位英国废品站管理专家对可能的找回提出了质疑,声称找到丢失硬盘并恢复价值 6.69 亿美元比特...
Aroop Chatterjee, a macro strategist at Wells Fargo, wrote in a research note on Wednesday that the rise in trade policy uncertainty looks set to continue, reducing risk appetite, increasing foreign exchange risk premiums and pushing up the dollar. Dollar gains are likely to be concentrated against emerging market currencies and cyclical G-10 currencies. If near-term growth risks prove to be more pronounced, currencies sensitive to falling U.S. Treasury yields could rise, with "the yen leading t...
据Straitstimes报道,英国男子James Howells考虑买下其丢失比特币硬盘的垃圾填埋场,继续寻找损失的10亿美元比特币。 James Howells的前伴侣曾于2013年误将装有8000枚比特币的硬盘当作垃圾处理。他曾试图起诉市议会,要求进入垃圾填埋场寻找或获得4.95亿英镑的赔偿,市议会最近宣布关闭垃圾填埋场并将部分土地改造成太阳能发电厂。
Wells Fargo expects the Federal Reserve to implement two 25 basis point rate cuts this year, in September and December, after forecasting three rate cuts.
Wells Fargo said it is increasingly unlikely that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in March.
The securities arm of Wells Fargo believes that favorable macroeconomics and accommodative monetary policy will continue to propel the U.S. stock market, which has performed well in 2023 and 2024. Christopher Harvey, head of equity strategy at Wells Fargo, wrote in a note to clients on Dec. 3 that the S & P 500 would stand at 7,007 by the end of December. At Wednesday's close of 6,086, the gain would be 15 percent. The benchmark, which climbed 24 percent in 2023, is up 28 percent this year, the ...
Sarah House, managing director and senior economist at Wells Fargo, and Aubrey Woessner, economic analyst, said that the U.S. CPI in November may show that anti-inflation progress is stalling. The unquarterly CPI annual rate is expected to rise from 2.6% to 2.7%. They believe that the unquarterly core CPI annual rate will stay in a narrow range of 3.2% -3.3% for the sixth consecutive month. Although some inflation factors such as the overheating labor market continue to fade, new headwinds have ...
The Fed still appears to have room for further policy readjustment to avoid the labor market cooling beyond its comfort point without reigniting inflation, Wells Fargo said. "The Fed is expected to cut interest rates by 25 basis points, with risks favoring the FOMC to keep rates on hold. Recent signs of funding stress lead us to expect the Fed to discuss the current pace of quantitative tightening (QT) at its November meeting. QT is expected to end in Quarter 1, 2025. I wouldn't be surprised if ...
Sarah House and Aubrey Woessner of Wells Fargo have written that inflation in the United States is likely to remain above the Federal Reserve's 2% target for now. The Consumer Price Index for October, to be released next week, "may show that progress in removing that last bit of inflation is still frustratingly slow". They forecast overall CPI growth of 0.2% in October, the same as September's increase, taking the annual rate from 2.4% to 2.5%. Core CPI is expected to rise 0.3% for the third str...
James Howells, an IT engineer in Newport, Wales, discarded a hard drive containing 7,500 bitcoins in 13 years. Howells repeatedly applied to dig into the landfill to find the hard drive, but the Newport City Council rejected his request repeatedly, citing environmental concerns. Howells claims that the city council "basically ignored" his repeated requests to dig up the burial site of the hard drive. He has now filed a lawsuit with the Newport City Council.
James Howells, an IT engineer from Newport who accidentally discarded a hard drive containing 8,000 bitcoins, is suing Newport City Council for 495 million pounds (about $647 million) in damages. Howells made several attempts to retrieve the hard drive from the local landfill, but was thwarted by the city council, which repeatedly denied his request to excavate the site. In 2013, he mistakenly threw away a hard drive containing bitcoin during a home cleanup, which is now worth nearly 500 million...