News list for "wave"



2025-03-13 12:00:56
Trump's tariff policy has made waves again, and his policy may continue to boost inflation expectations, and the Federal Reserve's interest rate cutting space may continue to be restricted; the trend of the US index is more volatile than directional, and the catalyst for the significant reversal of the dollar does not exist for the time being.

Trump's tariff policy has made waves again, and his policy may continue to boost inflation expectations, and the Federal Reserve's interest rate cutting space may continue to be restricted; the trend of the US index is more volatile than directional, and the catalyst for the significant reversal of the dollar does not exist for the time being.

2025-02-11 04:03:44
Despite the fallout from last month's DeepSeek-induced sell-off in US stocks, top CEOs and industry experts believe that DeepSeek's development should be seen as a catalyst for the industry, not a resistance. Click to view...

Despite the fallout from last month's DeepSeek-induced sell-off in US stocks, top CEOs and industry experts believe that DeepSeek's development should be seen as a catalyst for the industry, not a resistance. Click to view...

2025-02-10 05:06:28
The severe cold weather in the United States has reduced the difficulty of bitcoin mining for the first time in four months

Due to the cold wave in the United States, the increase in electricity prices has led to the first reduction in the difficulty of bitcoin mining since the end of September 2024. According to the statistics of bitcoin mining company Luxor, the United States accounts for 36% of the global bitcoin hashrate, of which Texas contributes nearly half. The polar cold snap in January caused the cost of electricity in the United States to rise, and mining companies' profits were frustrated. Mining difficul...

2025-02-01 21:17:33
Swell Announces Wavedrop 2 Inspector Now Available

On January 11, re-staking platform Swell announced that the Wavedrop 2 Checker has been launched, and users can now check the rewards they can claim in Wavedrop 2. Swell also said that claims are expected to open on January 22, and Wavedrop 1 claims will also be reopened on Swellchain at the same time. Currently, migration from the mainnet has been suspended for convenience.

2025-01-11 10:25:58
Swell宣布Wavedrop 2检查器已上线

1月11日消息,再质押平台Swell宣布Wavedrop 2检查器已上线,用户现在能够检查自己在Wavedrop 2中可以领取的奖励。Swell还表示,申领预计将在1月22日开放,Wavedrop 1申领也将同时在Swellchain上重新开放,目前为方便从主网迁移已暂停。

2025-01-11 10:25:58
SUI's ecological project Wave completes seed round financing, led by SUI Foundation and others

Wave, a traffic project on the SUI ecosystem, recently announced the completion of a seed round of financing, led by KuCoin Labs, SUI Foundation, Web3Port Foundation, and Comma3 Ventures. The amount of financing was not disclosed. Wave is a project of SUI ecosystem, and currently has more than 4 million users on the chain, MAU super 600,000. Wave will gradually become the entrance of traffic and assets of SUI ecosystem. Focus on Wave Trading, an easy-to-use silky trading product based on Telegra...

2025-01-07 08:38:21
SUI 生态上项目 Wave 完成种子轮融资,SUI 基金会等领投

SUI 生态上流量项目 Wave 近日正式宣布完成种子轮融资,领投方包括 KuCoin Labs、SUI 基金会、Web3Port Foundation、Comma3 Ventures,融资金额未透露。 Wave 为 SUI 生态的项目,目前已经拥有超过 400 万链上用户,月活超 60 万。Wave 将逐步打造成为 SUI 生态的流量和资产的入口。聚焦基于 Telegram 的易用丝滑交易产品 Wave Trading, 专注支持 SUI 生态早期优质项目的 Wave Pad,以及 DeF...

2025-01-07 08:38:21
Gold and silver 2024 annual closing: Gold recorded its largest annual increase since 2010, once approaching $2,800

The price of spot gold and silver has been climbing due to a combination of factors such as the central bank's gold buying wave, the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut and the regional situation. Gold closed up 27% in 2024, the largest annual gain since 2010. During this period, it continued to set record highs, and once approached the $2,800 mark in October. Silver closed up 21%, hitting a more than 10-year high of $34.86 and now hovering around $28.9 an ounce. Gold outperformed silver as a wh...

2024-12-31 22:30:18
On Christmas Eve, all mainstream varieties except the pound fell into a narrow range of fluctuations, mainly paying attention to the signal of the shock boundary... > >

On Christmas Eve, all mainstream varieties except the pound fell into a narrow range of fluctuations, mainly paying attention to the signal of the shock boundary... > >

2024-12-24 13:32:39
A "purchase restriction wave" is setting off in the public offering market

On December 11th, China Universal Asset Management announced on December 11th that since December 12th, Huitianfu Enhanced Income Bond A has suspended large-amount subscription, large-amount conversion transfer, and large-amount regular fixed investment business. The amount of single or multiple cumulative subscription, conversion transfer, and regular fixed investment in a single-day single fund account should not exceed 10 million yuan (inclusive). Recently, reporters found that there is a "pu...

2024-12-11 04:17:57
Swell: 125 million Swell tokens will be placed in Wavedrop 3 with no more credits

Swell released a Wavedrops update, revealing that 125 million Swell tokens will be placed in Wavedrop 3 and there will be no more points. Only the tokens will flow into the user's wallet through a new reward mechanism, replacing Black Pearls and Ecosystem Points. These points will stop accumulating from December 17th, and Wavedrop earnings will be tracked on the chain as wSWELL. As with Wavedrops 1 and 2, wSWELL will be obtained by holding Swell assets or using an approved DeFi protocol. At the ...

2024-12-10 05:38:33
Swell:1.25亿枚Swell代币将在Wavedrop 3中投放且不再有积分

Swell发布Wavedrops更新,披露1.25亿枚Swell代币将在Wavedrop 3中投放且不再有积分,只有代币通过新的奖励机制流入用户钱包,取代Black Pearls 和生态系统积分Ecosystem Points,从12月17日起这些积分将停止累积,后续将以wSWELL的身份在链上追踪Wavedrop收益。与Wavedrops 1和2 一样,wSWELL将通过持有Swell资产或使用经批准的DeFi协议获得,在每个Wavedrop结束时,wSWELL将可兑换SWELL,或者在更...

2024-12-10 05:38:33
Trader Eugene: ETH has been bought during the market downturn

Trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio wrote: "Take advantage of this decline to buy some ETH. Although the market signal is still not very clear, the compression of the trend of BTC and MSTR means that the train of bitcoin has obviously stopped. According to the most basic '10 IQ capital flow logic ', it should be ETH's turn to rise. Now the price around $3,000 looks like a bargain. (Please)."

2024-11-26 19:02:58
A trade Pnut profit of more than $10 million whale has lost $530,000 in BOME

According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Lester official push this farce, so that LESTER nearly 24 hours down 40%, the market value of only $32.70 million. March 15 spent $2.30 million to buy BOME big (@bazingahappy) on November 15 spent 3,217 SOL ($670,000) to buy 4.37 million tokens have lost $530,000, assets fell 78.7%. After the official push confirmed that Lester was retained as its mascot 13 hours ago, he added another 10.20 million tokens, which currently cost an average of $0.07752; he rece...

2024-11-20 07:51:11

7x24 Newsflash

03:06 2025-03-26
03:00 2025-03-26
据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,“2015 年 ICO 100 万枚 ETH 的远古巨鲸”于 03.21 向地址转移的 10,000 枚 ETH 已开始抛售。 7 小时前,该 OG 在链上以 2076 美元卖出 500 枚 ETH,价值 104 万美元;参考其此前的交易习惯,这部分 ETH 或将在短期内被全部卖出。
02:57 2025-03-26
Infinite Reality以2.07亿美元收购Napster,将打造音乐元宇宙
人工智能与元宇宙公司Infinite Reality宣布以2.07亿美元收购老牌音乐平台Napster,计划将其转型为音乐元宇宙平台。 Napster CEO Jon Vlassopulos将继续留任,他表示这将推动音乐体验从"移动社交"迈向"三维沉浸"时代。Napster曾于2022年在Algorand区块链发行平台代币,此次收购标志着其向Web3领域的进一步转型。
02:51 2025-03-26
02:48 2025-03-26
Polymarket在其官方Discord发布公告称,已识别到有关“乌克兰稀土市场”预测事件的情况。这个市场的解决违背了Polymarket用户的期望。Polymarket表示由于这不是市场失灵,将不会退款。同时Polymarket和UMA团队经过协商,将建立系统、监控等,以确保这种情况不会重演。 据此前社区消息,某用户通过劫持预言机UMA对Polymarket上“乌克兰稀土市场”预测事件结果进行篡改。
02:45 2025-03-26
某鲸鱼过去两天亏损 200 万美元出售780,132 枚 EIGEN
据Spot On Chain监测,某鲸鱼在过去两天以 200 万美元的亏损出售 EIGEN,从 2024 年 10 月 8 日到 18 日,鲸鱼 “0xce0” 花费了 1,198 枚ETH(约 290 万美元)以 3.76 美元的平均价格购买了 772,450 枚EIGEN。 在过去 5.5 个月价格下跌 68% 后,该鲸鱼在过去两天以平均 1.178 美元的价格,出售了 780,132 枚EIGEN(91.9 万美元),换取 WBTC 和 $ETH,遭受了 201 万美元的损失。
02:33 2025-03-26
02:33 2025-03-26
高盛:特朗普对等关税或达市场预期两倍,4 月 2 日市场或现“爆炸性冲击”
在特朗普即将于 4 月 2 日宣布对等关税政策前夕,高盛最新报告警告,实际税率可能达到市场预期的 2 倍,并预计白宫可能采取"先炸后撤"策略,市场或将经历"先崩后稳"的剧烈波动。 近期,彭博社和《华尔街日报》报道称特朗普将...
02:30 2025-03-26
Pixel Powered Ledger 与 DePIN X 达成 240 万美元战略合作,共同推动去中心化 3D 生态系统革新
裸眼 3D 与区块链技术平台 Pixel Powered Ledger(以下简称“PPL”)宣布与去中心化物理基础设施(DePIN)领域机构 DePIN X 达成一项价值 240 万美元的战略合作。此次合作将加速 PPL 在裸眼 3D 技术及去中心化生态系统的布局,进一步推动其 EG3D 内容网络与 Soaring Eagle Pad 设备的全球化应用。
02:21 2025-03-26
02:18 2025-03-26
Coincheck推出面向机构与企业客户的“Coincheck Prime”服务
3月26日消息,日本加密交易所Coincheck宣布正式推出面向机构与企业客户的“Coincheck Prime”服务,支持加密资产的大额交易、托管与资产管理,服务对象为拥有或交易金额在1000万日元以上的法人客户。
02:12 2025-03-26
据TradingView数据,今日比特币市占率(BTC.D)报61.45%,自2月25日以来始终维持在60%以上,持续居于2021年3月以来的近四年高位。市占率高企显示山寨市场的沉寂,行情持续处于冰点,但侧面也代表触底反弹将至。 据此前历史数据,去年11月比特币市占率冲上60%时,山寨币开启了一轮小牛市。在2019年和2021年比特币市市占率都曾站上过70%的高点,随后迎来波澜壮阔的普涨行情。