News list for "want"

PayPal Wants 20 Million Merchants Using PYUSD Stablecoin by End of 2025
PayPal Wants 20 Million Merchants Using PYUSD Stablecoin by End of 2025

As PayPal plots how to grow PYUSD, it's also setting a target to grow its earnings 20% by 2027.

2025-02-26 14:18:00
Traders are bracing for the prospect of higher interest rates from rising inflationary pressures in Japan, while wary of action by the Bank of Japan to contain a rapid surge in bond yields. Click to view...

Traders are bracing for the prospect of higher interest rates from rising inflationary pressures in Japan, while wary of action by the Bank of Japan to contain a rapid surge in bond yields. Click to view...

2025-02-25 00:46:27
Palantir (PLTR. N) fell sharply after reports that Trump asked the Pentagon to devise plans to cut its budget by 8 percent, the latest drop of more than 12 percent.

Palantir (PLTR. N) fell sharply after reports that Trump asked the Pentagon to devise plans to cut its budget by 8 percent, the latest drop of more than 12 percent.

2025-02-19 20:48:03
US President Trump: If Europe wants to deploy peacekeepers in Ukraine, that's fine. We will not need to send any troops in Ukraine.

US President Trump: If Europe wants to deploy peacekeepers in Ukraine, that's fine. We will not need to send any troops in Ukraine.

2025-02-18 21:22:45
Federal Reserve Daly: Cryptocurrency is a fledgling industry that does not want to stifle innovation due to fear

The Federal Reserve's Daly said that cryptocurrencies are a fledgling industry and do not want to stifle innovation due to fear.

2025-02-18 15:56:49
He Yi responded that Binance sold part of its shares to BlackRock and other institutions. Rumors: You can vote to see how many people understand that it is good to introduce strategic partners

Binance Lianchuang He Yi responded in a post on the X platform "I have heard rumors one after another since last year that Binance is going to sell some shares to BlackRock and other institutions". She said: "It was all crickets behind the back before, and this is finally put on the table. Can I reply? You can initiate a vote to see how many people understand that Binance's introduction of strategic partners is good, or yesterday's understanding of the small composition sold the next Huobi bad."

2025-02-17 11:45:51
Mr. Trump has proposed reciprocal tariffs in a bid to reshape trade on his own terms. Mr. Lutnik, the commerce secretary nominee, predicted on Thursday that the new tariffs would take effect on April 2. Click to view...

Mr. Trump has proposed reciprocal tariffs in a bid to reshape trade on his own terms. Mr. Lutnik, the commerce secretary nominee, predicted on Thursday that the new tariffs would take effect on April 2. Click to view...

2025-02-13 23:12:18
Federal Reserve Chairperson Powell: We don't want to get in the way of banks providing services to legitimate customers using cryptocurrencies

Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell said that we do not want to prevent banks from providing services to legitimate customers using cryptocurrencies. When banks conduct cryptocurrency activities on their own, it is appropriate to ensure that we understand the risks involved.

2025-02-12 16:19:58

2月5日,FalconX研究主管David Lawant于X发文表示,当地时间2月3日,以太坊单日现货交易量达到了创纪录的380亿美元,而比特币单日交易量达490亿美元,为其历史第三高纪录。

2025-02-05 07:14:51
Former Dallas Fed President Kaplan says the Fed should remain steadfast in suspending policy adjustments under pressure from Trump to cut interest rates immediately. Click to view...

Former Dallas Fed President Kaplan says the Fed should remain steadfast in suspending policy adjustments under pressure from Trump to cut interest rates immediately. Click to view...

2025-01-29 03:39:01
People familiar with the matter say Trump wants to prove he is not bluffing with tariffs first, and then bring trading partners to the negotiating table. Click to view...

People familiar with the matter say Trump wants to prove he is not bluffing with tariffs first, and then bring trading partners to the negotiating table. Click to view...

2025-01-27 04:02:30
Trump asks U.S. Supreme Court to suspend enforcement of TikTok forced sale order

On December 28th, local time learned on December 27th that US President-elect Trump filed a request with the US Supreme Court to suspend the enforcement of TikTok forced sale order. Trump said he hoped the court would give him time to resolve the dispute through political means after he officially took office on January 20th next year. On December 18th local time, the US Supreme Court announced another discussion on the bill banning TikTok from operating in the United States. According to report...

2024-12-27 23:32:57
FalconX Research Director: Bitcoin may remain volatile in the near term until a bullish trajectory appears in Q1 next year

David Lawant, head of research at cryptocurrency prime broker FalconX, wrote in a note that bitcoin's near-term price volatility remains "the most likely scenario" until a "bullishtrajectory" in Quarter 1 2025. "As we move into the final days of the year, the low-liquidity environment is likely to bring more volatility, especially as BTC could see its largest option expiration event in history on December 27," Lawant said.

2024-12-23 06:40:06


2024-12-23 06:40:06
Musk asks a US court to block OpenAI's transformation into a for-profit enterprise

Elon Musk, a prominent US entrepreneur, has asked a US court to stop the "illegal" transformation of OpenAI, the US research centre for open artificial intelligence, into a for-profit enterprise. An OpenAI spokesperson said Mr. Musk's application was "duplicative and remains unfounded". In February, Mr. Musk filed a lawsuit claiming that he had agreed with two of the company's co-founders to make OpenAI a "non-profit organisation" when he provided funding and other support for the company's foun...

2024-12-01 18:45:19

7x24 Newsflash

14:44 2025-03-25
14:41 2025-03-25
14:16 2025-03-25
MIM Spell:愿为黑客提供被盗资金总额的20%作为赏金
MIM Spell在X平台发文称,核心贡献者和安全工程师正在深入调查该问题,并将尽快提供更多信息,每个 gmCauldron 在发布前都经过全面审计,与 GMX 核心合约使用了相同的审计者,gmCauldrons 也集成在 Abracadabra Security 基础设施的其余部分中,本次是在攻击者执行了多笔交易后,漏洞才被发现,目前已关闭了所有 cauldrons 的借贷并在评估此次攻击造成的全部损失。 M...
14:07 2025-03-25
美股上市公司 KULR 宣布以每枚 88,824 美元的价格额外购入 56.3 个 BTC,使其总持有量达到 668.3 枚。该公司的比特币储备总计花费约 6,500 万美元,平均每枚价格为 97,305 美元。
14:07 2025-03-25
芝商所拟利用Google Cloud测试数字资产基础设施以简化结算和清算
芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)正在与谷歌云Google Cloud合作探索代币化,旨在通过使用 Google Cloud Universal Ledger 进行资产标记化提高资本市场的效率,两家公司计划在今年晚些时候开始与市场参与者进行直接测试,并计划在 2026 年推出新服务。
13:49 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,GMGN 联创 Haze 宣布网站安全更新,提升提款安全性。具体措施包括: 1.提币渠道调整,关闭 TG Bot 提币入口,仅支持 Web 端操作,并新增 Tron 链提款支持; 2.白名单地址管控,仅允许向已生效的白名单地址转账,提币结果及白名单更新通过登录 Bot 自动推送; 3.安全升级,提币新增谷歌二次验证(2FA),白名单地址的添加与编辑均需通过 2FA 验证。
13:31 2025-03-25
疑似Arrington Capital地址收到500万枚PARTI
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,除 Flow Traders 外,疑似Arrington Capital地址(Arkham标记显示)也从项目方合约地址处收到500万枚PARTI,占流通代币的2.14%,截至目前已将所有代币充值进了交易所。
13:31 2025-03-25
美股三大股指集体高开 特朗普媒体科技集团开涨近8%
美股开盘,道指涨0.12%,标普500指数涨0.14%,纳指涨0.11%。特朗普媒体科技集团(DJT.O)开涨近8%,其与Crypto.com合作推出ETF。明星科技股多数高开,特斯拉(TSLA.O)、Meta Platforms(META.O)涨近1.5%。
13:28 2025-03-25
据链上数据,Circle 刚刚在 Solana 网络上增发 2.5 亿枚 USDC。
13:13 2025-03-25
13:13 2025-03-25
以太坊链上预言机服务Chronicle完成1200万美元种子轮融资,Strobe领投, Brevan Howard、6th Man Ventures等参投,新资金拟用于支持其为代币化资产的数据基础设施提供服务。
13:10 2025-03-25
Flow Traders 3小时前从PARTI项目方合约地址处收到 900 万枚代币
据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,Flow Traders 成为 Binance 新币 PARTI 的做市商之一,3 小时前从项目方合约地址处收到 900 万枚代币(占流通代币的 3.86%),目前已有 675 万枚充值进各大 CEX。