News list for "visiontrack"

Bloomberg: Numerous crypto hedge funds achieved double-digit returns last year

On January 15th, according to Bloomberg, Galaxy's VisionTrack data shows that many crypto hedge funds achieved double-digit returns last year, and the 130 funds tracked by the VisionTrack Composite Index jumped 40% overall. But these gains pale in comparison to the sharp rise of Bitcoin. Bitcoin surged 120%, breaking the $100,000 mark for the first time. Hedge funds focused on digital asset direction and quantitative strategies performed the best, with the VisionTrack Quant Directional Index ris...

2025-01-15 17:10:37

1月15日消息,据彭博社报道,Galaxy的VisionTrack数据显示,去年众多加密对冲基金实现了两位数回报率,VisionTrack Composite Index追踪的130家基金整体跃升40%。但与比特币的大幅上涨相比,这些收益就显得微不足道了。比特币飙升了120%,首次突破10万美元大关。 专注于数字资产方向性和量化策略的对冲基金表现最佳,VisionTrack Quant Directional Index上涨53.7%,VisionTrack Fundamental Index增...

2025-01-15 17:10:37