News list for "vesting"

Binance Labs: Invest in 46 projects this year, focus on crypto, artificial intelligence and biotech next year

Binance Labs (soon to be renamed) posted that 46 projects were invested in this year, of which 14 were from BNB chain-centric MVB programs or chain-agnostic lab incubation programs, and 32 were from direct investments. The split between infrastructure and app transactions is 50:50. Of these 46 transactions, 10 belong to DeFi, 7 belong to AI, 7 belong to BTC ecosystem, 4 belong to Restake, 3 belong to games, 2 belong to ZK, 2 belong to RWA, and 2 belong to consumer applications. The remaining inv...

2024-12-31 07:54:25
Report: Coinbase Advanced transaction volume up 191%, number of users up 77%

According to report, cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase Advanced, a platform for professional traders, saw a surge in users and trading volumes in 2024. The Dec. 19 report said trading volumes on the platform rose 191 percent, mainly due to strong growth in derivatives trading, with the number of users up 77 percent. Coinbase Advanced is aimed at experienced traders and charges users a fixed monthly fee in exchange for discounted trading costs, a wider range of order types and analyt...

2024-12-19 22:20:26
报告:Coinbase Advanced交易量增长191%,用户数量增长77%

根据Investing.com的报告,加密货币交易所Coinbase面向专业交易员的平台Coinbase Advanced在2024年的用户和交易量激增。 12月19日的报告称,该平台的交易量增长了191%,主要得益于衍生品交易的强劲增长,用户数量增长了77%。Coinbase Advanced面向经验丰富的交易者,向用户收取固定的月费,以换取折扣交易成本、更广泛的订单类型和分析工具。 Coinbase向Investing.com透露,衍生产品经历...

2024-12-19 22:20:26
Murad: The essence of investing in Meme Coin is to invest in the community

Meme Godfather Murad posted on the X platform that the essence of investing in Meme Coin is to invest in the community. The key is to find communities with the following characteristics: People who work hard every day - More than 6 months - Survived many major falls The number of holders increases monthly - Target amount over $20 billion - Big Distribution + Diamond Hand

2024-11-24 20:40:38
SushiSwap Launches Linear Home Memecoin Launch Platform Vesting Launch

SushiSwap today launched Vesting Launch, a Memecoin launch platform with linear attribution, where tokens will be slowly released to buyers who buy within 24 hours of token creation. Make sure buyers maintain the exact same experience as early buyers, snipers and pull shippers can't destroy promising tokens within the first few hours of creation.

2024-11-06 17:31:59
SushiSwap推出线性归属Memecoin发射平台Vesting Launch

SushiSwap 于 X 发文,今日推出 Memecoin 发射平台 Vesting Launch,具备线性归属功能,代币将缓慢释放给代币创建后 24 小时内购买的买家。确保买家保持与早期购买者完全相同的体验,狙击手和拉高出货者不能在创建的最初几个小时内毁掉有前途的代币。

2024-11-06 17:31:59
Bitwise Chief Investment Officer: Bitcoin ETF Adoption at Record Speed

Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at Bitwise, recently said that the adoption of spot bitcoin ETFs by investment advisors is far faster than any other ETF in history. Hougan pointed out that while the inflow of $1.50 billion is not huge compared to the total 4.60 billion, it is still a significant achievement.

2024-09-09 22:35:36
Orderly Network has opened token airdrop application and pledge

Orderly Network, a Web3 liquidity provider, said in a post that its token airdrop application and pledge have been officially launched. In addition, ORDER tokens will be listed on CEX at 18:00 today, and VALOR rewards and trading and market making rewards will be released at 8:00 on August 28.

2024-08-26 08:02:52
The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad: Buying Bitcoin every month and following Warren Buffett's buy-and-hold strategy

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has warned against investing in bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). He prefers to invest in real bitcoin, calling them fake bitcoins. He recently revealed that he buys bitcoin every month and follows Warren Buffett's buy-and-hold strategy.

2024-06-30 10:51:59
Hong Kong police arrested 100 people involved in 180 million fraud, the largest investment in virtual currency fraud over 20 million yuan

The Sham Shui Po District of the Hong Kong Police launched an operation code-named "Open Top" to crack down on fraud and money laundering cases, arresting 100 people, most of whom were puppet account holders. It involved laundering the proceeds of crime in 82 fraud cases, involving 180 million yuan. The largest investment in virtual currency fraud case involved more than 20 million yuan.

2024-05-23 03:10:20
ARK Invest sold about $980,000 worth of bitcoin futures ETF "ARKA" yesterday

Cathie Wood's ARK Invest sold 14,663 shares of the ARK 21Shares Active Bitcoin Futures ETF (ARKA) on May 20, worth about $980,000 at the closing price of $66.80.

2024-05-21 00:21:24
Colony Lab launches decentralized fundraising platform and new feature liquid vesting

Avalanche eco-project incubator Colony has announced the launch of a new "liquid vesting" feature, along with the launch of its decentralized fundraising platform, which has the stated goal of "democratizing the channel for early-stage project seed sales investments previously restricted to specific groups, including venture capitalists and high net worth individuals." Wessal Erradi, co-founder of Colony Labs, said: "Liquidity attribution allows early investors to trade their tokens before inves...

2024-05-14 15:38:39
Colony Lab 推出去中心化筹款平台和新功能 liquid vesting

Avalanche 生态项目孵化器 Colony 宣布推出流动性归属 “liquid vesting” 新功能,同时推出其去中心化筹款平台,该平台的既定目标是“使早期项目种子销售投资的渠道民主化,以前仅限于特定群体,包括风险投资和高净值个人。 Colony Labs 联合创始人 Wessal Erradi 表示:“流动性归属允许早期投资者在投资前交易他们的代币,而不会影响项目,也不会影响二级市场。

2024-05-14 15:38:39
Bond tokenization platform BlockInvest receives strategic investment from Open Venture

BlockInvest, a bond tokenization platform backed by Cre ́ dit Agricole, has received a strategic investment from Italian venture capital firm Open Venture to expand the tokenization solution. One of BlockInvest's existing backers is Cre ́ dit Agricole, a partner in several tokenization initiatives. Lorenzo Rigatti, CEO of BlockInvest, said: "Even if the tokenization industry is gaining momentum, it is not enough to develop disruptive software to become a leader in the European market. Now is t...

2024-05-10 11:42:39

7x24 Newsflash

21:04 2025-03-27
美国司法部(DOJ)宣布查封约 20 万美元的加密货币,作为打击哈马斯融资网络行动的一部分。DOJ指出,这笔资金为 USDT,来源于与哈马斯及其附属组织相关的钱包。自 2024 年 10 月以来,这些地址共收到超过 150 万美元加密货币,背后是一次有组织的筹款行动。资金被集中转入一个主钱包,并通过多个交易所及场外交易商转移,以试图掩盖资金流向。
20:43 2025-03-27
据 Arkham 监测,美国政府刚刚从“Sae-Heng 没收资金”地址中转移了价值约 177 万美元的以太坊(ETH)。 首先,一笔价值 1 美元的测试交易被发送至地址:0xBf7f...c74b,大约十分钟后,来自 Sae-Heng 没收资金地址(0x17f)的 177 万美元 ETH 随即被转移到 0xBf7 地址。
20:31 2025-03-27
美国区块链基础设施公司Constellation Network近日发布"数字证据"(Digital Evidence)系统,该系统基于区块链技术,旨在为执法部门和公共服务机构提供防篡改的数据存证解决方案。该公司此前已与美国国防部合作开发"Iron SPIDR"项目长达六年。 该系统可应用于警用车辆、消防设备等场景的数据采集,并与松下TOUGHBOOK设备实现集成。Const...
20:12 2025-03-27
19:45 2025-03-27
Arthur Hayes:4月将成为市场的转折点,新一轮的市场增长即将到来
BitMEX 联合创始人 Arthur Hayes 表示, 4 月将成为市场的转折点,并预测新一轮的市场增长即将到来。Hayes 认为,特朗普的关税政策不会影响美联储的决策,货币印钞机将继续运转,新一轮全球流动性即将释放。
19:06 2025-03-27
18:29 2025-03-27
OpenAI创始人:GPU超负荷 将暂时对ChatGPT生成图片功能增加速率限制
OpenAI创始人Sam Altman表示,看到人们喜欢在聊天中使用(生成)图片功能真是太有趣了。但我们的GPU已超负荷,在我们努力提高效率的同时,我们将暂时要对ChatGPT生成图片的功能引入一些速率限制。
18:23 2025-03-27
Binance Alpha上线Ghiblification(Ghibli)和GhibliCZ(Ghibli)
Binance Alpha 上线 Ghiblification(Ghibli)和 GhibliCZ(Ghibli)。
18:20 2025-03-27
据 Arkham 数据,大约半小时前,美国政府地址向 bc1q7q 开头地址转移 97.336 枚 BTC,约 846 万美元。
17:50 2025-03-27
据官方公告,根据投票结果和尽职调查,币安将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 05:00(东八区时间)上线 Mubarak(MUBARAK)、CZ'S Dog(BROCCOLI714)、Tutorial (TUT) 和 Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) 并开放以下现货交易对:MUBARAK/USDT、MUBARAK/USDC、BROCCOLI714/USDT、BROCCOLI714/USDC、TUT/USDT、TUT/USDC、BANANAS31/USDT、BANANAS31/USDC。
17:16 2025-03-27
据路透社消息,法国国有银行 Bpifrance 推出 2500 万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币。
17:04 2025-03-27
YZi Labs将举办黑客马拉松,表现出色项目有机会获孵化与投资
YZi Labs 将黑客马拉松,关注人工智能和区块链驱动的金融科技解决方案。在 4 月 12 日举办线下黑客马拉松,4 月 13 日至 27 日举办线上黑客马拉松除了黑客马拉松。表现出色的建设者将有机会加入 YZi Labs 孵化计划,获得 YZi Labs 的直接投资。