News list for "verrilli"

The former U.S. attorney general has accused federal regulators of trying to isolate the digital asset industry from the traditional economy

Donald Verrilli, a former US attorney-general, has claimed that federal regulators are actively and co-ordinately trying to "debank" the digital asset industry. In court, he supported the appeal of Custodia Bank, which was denied its application for a Federal Reserve master account because of its involvement in cryptocurrency. Verrilli argued that this reflected federal regulators' efforts to isolate the digital asset industry from the traditional economy. Several politicians and organizations, ...

2024-07-05 21:58:21

美国前总检察长Donald Verrilli声称,联邦监管机构正积极协调地试图“去银行化”数字资产行业。他在法庭上支持Custodia银行的上诉,该银行因其申请美联储主账户被拒,理由是其涉及加密货币业务。Verrilli认为,这反映了联邦监管机构将数字资产行业与传统经济隔离的努力。 多位政界人士和组织,包括前参议员Pat Toomey和数字商会,也支持了Custodia的上诉。目前,法院尚...

2024-07-05 21:58:21