On March 21, the TON Foundation denied the claim of "raising" $400 million, and clarified that some well-known venture capital institutions hold Toncoin worth more than $400 million.
3月21日消息,TON 基金会否认「筹集」4 亿美元的说法,并澄清称,部分知名风投机构持有的 Toncoin 价值超过 4 亿美元。
Toncoin (TON) holders have surpassed 100 million. According to CryptoQuant, TON holders have ballooned from 4 million at the beginning of the year to more than 100 million today. This growth is mainly driven by click-to-earn games such as "Hamster Kombat" on Telegram. Holders are crypto addresses (or wallets) with balances above zero.
Toncoin(TON)持有者数量已超过1亿。根据CryptoQuant的数据,TON持有者从年初的400万激增至当前的1亿多。这个增长主要受Telegram上“Hamster Kombat”等点击赚取游戏的推动。持有者是指余额高于零的加密地址(或钱包)。
On August 29, according to Bloomberg, venture capital firms that have invested in Toncoin (usually with agreements not to sell for at least a year) are now trying to evaluate whether the French move against Pavel Durov will cause users to flee Telegram. Pantera bought TON at 40 per cent below market price, according to a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the terms were confidential. The average price at the time of the deal's announcement in May was $6....
Binance Launchpool has announced the launch of its 56th project - Toncoin (TON), and the webpage is expected to go live within 24 hours before the launch of the new coin pool.
Binance Launchpool宣布上线第 56 个项目 - Toncoin (TON),网页预计将在新币池启动前 24 小时内上线。
According to the official announcement, Binance has completed the integration of Tether (USDT) into the Toncoin Network network and opened the deposit and withdrawal business.
On May 8th, Hong Kong-licensed exchange HashKey Exchange announced that it will soon launch Toncoin (TON) trading, opening deposit and withdrawal channels. The trading pair will be TON/USD, and professional investors will start trading at 16:00 (Hong Kong time) on May 09, 2024.
5月8日消息,香港持牌交易所HashKey Exchange宣布即将上线Toncoin (TON)交易,开放充值和提现通道。交易对将为TON/USD,专业投资者将于2024年05月09日16:00(香港时间)开始交易。
On April 19, TON will provide 11 million Toncoin user incentives for early adopters of USDT on the chain. Specifically, 5 million Toncoins will be used for the USDT staking mining of Telegram wallet, users only need to buy or deposit USDT and pledge, you can get income; another 5 million Toncoins will be used to incentivize the USDT liquidity of the two major DEX ston.fi and DeDust in the TON ecosystem. Users can participate in liquidity mining and earn income by providing the same amount of Ton...
4月19日消息,TON将为链上USDT早期采用者提供1100万枚Toncoin的用户激励。具体来看,其中500万枚Toncoin将用于Telegram钱包的USDT质押挖矿,用户只需购买或存入USDT并质押,即可获得收益;另有500万枚Toncoin将用于激励TON生态中两大DEX ston.fi和DeDust的USDT流动性,用户提供等量的Toncoin和USDT即可参与流动性挖矿并赚取收益。此外,TON的多家中心化交易所合作伙伴还将提供120万枚Tonc...
According to official sources, John, the APAC manager of the TON Foundation, has announced that he will launch a 1 million Toncoin funding program for the Chinese community, worth over $5 million, to support the development team of Mandarin language families. The program mainly includes The Open League, funding Grants, investment, and acceleration projects.