News list for "tokenpost"

President of the Korea Financial Investment Association: Will actively support the institutionalization of token securities and the approval of crypto ETFs

According to Tokenpost, the president of the Korea Financial Investment Association, Seo You-suk, said at the New Year's meeting in Yeouido, Seoul, that he will actively support the institutionalization of domestic token securities and the approval of virtual asset ETFs. President Xu pointed out that, given that Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs have been listed and traded in the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, etc., South Korea should also at least list Bitcoin or Ethereum ETFs and cultivate the...

2025-02-05 16:03:39

据 Tokenpost 报道,韩国金融投资协会会长徐宥锡在首尔汝矣岛举行的新年会议上表示,将积极支持国内代币证券的制度化和虚拟资产 ETF 的批准。 徐会长指出,鉴于美国、香港、加拿大等地已有比特币和以太坊现货 ETF 上市交易,韩国也应至少上市比特币或以太坊 ETF,并将其培育成金融产品。他强调将继续向金融当局提出允许虚拟资产 ETF 的建议,以确保韩国在这一趋势中不...

2025-02-05 16:03:39

据Tokenpost披露,比特币挖矿公司Cipher Mining(CIFR)宣布获得软银(SoftBank)5000万美元投资,软银将购买该公司1040万股股票。 Cipher Mining表示将利用这笔资金支持高性能计算(HPC)数据中心的发展。该公司CEO Tyler Page表示,软银对技术创新和人工智能开发的支持与Cipher 成为 HPC数据中心开发领导者的愿景相契合。

2025-01-31 11:18:06
Global survey: 51% of Generation Z (aged 18-29) own or have owned cryptocurrencies

According to a recent survey by cryptocurrency exchange Gemini cited by Tokenpost, 51% of Gen Z respondents globally (aged 18-29) said they currently or have held cryptocurrencies, much higher than the 35% of the general population. The survey of 6,000 respondents in countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Singapore, and Turkey revealed that 51% of Gen Z, 49% of Millennials, and 29% of Gen X in the United States own or have owned cryptocurrency. In addition, the survey...

2025-01-30 16:52:30
调查:全球51% Z世代(18-29岁)持有或曾持有加密货币

据 Tokenpost 援引加密货币交易所 Gemini 最新调查显示,全球 51% 的 Z 世代(18-29 岁)受访者表示目前或曾经持有加密货币,远高于总人口的 35%。 调查覆盖美国、英国、法国、新加坡和土耳其等国家共 6000 名受访者。具体数据显示,美国有 51% 的 Z 世代、49% 的千禧一代以及 29% 的 X 世代表示拥有或曾经拥有加密货币。 此外,调查还发现,31% 的 Z 世代强烈支持政府加强对...

2025-01-30 16:52:30
Web3 游戏公司 Hive Labs 完成 275 万美元种子前轮融资

1 月 17 日,据 tokenpost 报道,Web3 游戏公司 Hive Labs 完成由 Framework Ventures 领投的 275 万美元种子前轮融资。Volt Capital、Builder Capital、32 Bit Ventures 等机构及多位个人投资者参投。Hive Labs 正在开发基于去中心化数据可用性服务 EigenDA 的游戏聚合器,该协议可与 Telegram、Discord 和 Farcaster 等社交平台实现集成。

2025-01-17 20:23:16
The United States, Japan and South Korea released a joint statement: North Korean hackers stole $1.30 billion in cryptocurrency last year

According to tokenpost, the governments of the United States, Japan and South Korea issued a joint statement warning of the serious threat posed by North Korean hackers to the international financial system. According to blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis, North Korean hackers stole about $1.34 billion in digital assets in 47 attacks in 2024, an increase of 102% from $660 million in 2023.

2025-01-15 15:21:48


2025-01-15 15:21:48