Templar Protocol, a decentralized on-chain lending protocol based on Bitcoin, completed a $4 million Pre-Seed round of financing, with participation from Robot Ventures, Digital Asset Capital Management, Proximity Labs, Blackdragon Capital, NEAR Protocol, and others. The new funds will support its construction of multi-party computing (MPC) networks and open-source smart contracts to support borrowing in US dollars (through stablecoins) using Bitcoin or other assets.
基于比特币的去中心化链上借贷协议Templar Protocol完成400万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Robot Ventures、Digital Asset Capital Management、Proximity Labs、Blackdragon Capital、NEAR Protocol等参投,新资金将支持其构建多方计算 (MPC) 网络和开源智能合约,以支持使用比特币或其他资产借入美元(通过稳定币)。