DeFi Technologies announced financial position data as of February 28, 2025, in which it disclosed that it increased its holdings of 700,000 ADAs and 50,000 DOTs in February. Digital asset holdings include: 208.8 BTC ($18,868,471), 433.322 AVAX ($9.468.943), 14,375 SOL ($2,115,586), 1.442.703 KERN ($685.428), 181.616 DOT ($814.529), 1.286.683 ADA ($1.189.538), 121 ETH ($271.673), 490.5 UNI ($3.568). In addition, DeFi Technologies also disclosed that it currently operates three nodes in the S...
DeFi Technologies公布截至2025年2月28日的财务状况数据,其中披露2月增持了70万枚ADA和5万枚DOT,数字资产持仓包括: 208.8枚BTC(18,868,471美元)、433.322枚AVAX(9.468.943美元)、14,375枚SOL(2,115,586美元)、1.442.703枚KERN (685.428 美元)、181.616枚DOT (814.529美元)、1.286.683枚ADA(1.189.538美元)、121枚ETH(271.673美元)、490.5枚UNI (3.568美元)。 此外,DeFi Technologies还披露目前运营三个节点,分别在S...
Decentralized financial and digital asset company DeFi Technologies announced an increase in its stake in Swiss-licensed asset management company Neuronomics AG, which has now received a majority stake of 52.5%. The transaction is also a capital increase for DeFi Technologies to acquire the stake in Neuronomics, which already holds an asset management license issued by the Swiss financial marekt regulatory authority (FINMA).
去中心化金融及数字资产公司DeFi Technologies宣布增持瑞士持牌资管公司Neuronomics AG股权,目前已获得该公司的多数股权,比例达到52.5%,此次交易也是DeFi Technologies收购Neuronomics股权的增资,后者已持有瑞士金融市场监管局 ( FINMA ) 颁发的资产管理牌照。
位于瑞士的加密做市商 Portofino Technologies 宣布拟在纽约和新加坡开设新办事处,该公司受到英国,瑞士和英属维尔京群岛的监管,由两名前城堡证券高管 Leonard Lancia 和 Alex Casimo 于 2021 年创立。
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) has unveiled a new brand identity for its exchange technology platform, now called Cboe Titanium (Cboe Ti). In addition, the CBOE plans to transfer its current cash-settled Bitcoin and Ethereum futures contracts to the Cboe Futures Exchange (CFE), which runs on Cboe Ti, in the second quarter of 2025, pending regulatory review. The CBOE...
Listed bitcoin miner HIVE Digital Technologies released its December 2024 operating report, generating 103 BTC in the month and a total of 1,772 BTC to date; currently holds 2,805 BTC, worth $262 million.
上市比特币矿企HIVE Digital Technologies发布2024年12月运营报告,当月产出103枚BTC,迄今共计产出1772枚BTC;当前持有2,805枚BTC,价值2.62亿美元。
上市数字资产公司DeFi Technologies公布月度业务数据,其子公司 Valour截止12月31日资产管理规模达到11.8亿加元(8.19亿美元),较上月下降 11%。此外,DeFi Technologies披露12月增持DOT并出售部分CORE代币,目前多元化投资组合包括:208.8枚比特币、121枚以太坊、586,683枚ADA、126枚DOT、14,375枚SOL、490.5枚UNI、433,322枚AVAX、以及1,701,703枚CORE,投资组合的总价值约为5890万加元(4070万美元),...
Kontrol Technologies Corp., a publicly traded Canadian company, announced the addition of multiple urban clients (clients) following the completion of multiple successful RFPs (Request for Proposals). Kontrol won these opportunities by competing with larger organizations, and Kontrol will provide its sustainability solutions for multiple buildings in its client portfolio. Following the press release dated November 8, 2024, the company accelerated its strategy of Bitcoin on its balance sheet and ...
加拿大上市公司Kontrol Technologies Corp.宣布,在完成多个成功的RFP(请求提案)后,新增多个城市客户(客户)。Kontrol通过与更大的组织竞争赢得了这些机会,Kontrol将为其客户组合中的多个建筑提供其可持续性解决方案。 继2024年11月8日的新闻稿之后,公司加快了其资产负债表上的比特币战略,目前在其资产负债表上持有约300万加元的比特币或比特币相关代币。
Parity Technologies, the parent company of Polkadot, has released its Polkadot 2025 roadmap, with the following highlights: 1. Smart Contracts: Asset Hub adds support for EVM and Solidity, while PVM provides a lightweight, secure, and scalable solution. 2. Flexible scalability: Multi-core architecture increases capacity to meet growing on-chain demand. 3. XCM v5: Cross-chain messaging upgrades take interoperability to a new level. 4. Uniform address format: Polkadot and all Rollup...
Polkadot(波卡)母公司 Parity Technologies 发布 Polkadot 2025 年路线图,重点内容如下: 1. 智能合约:Asset Hub 增加对 EVM 和 Solidity 的支持,PVM 则提供轻量级、安全且可扩展的解决方案。 2. 弹性扩展:多核架构提升了容量,满足日益增长的链上需求。 3. XCM v5:跨链消息传递升级将互操作性提升到新的高度。 4. 统一地址格式:Polkadot 和所有 Rollup ...
Stablecoin issuer Tether invested $2 million in Arcanum Capital's Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II, a tokenized investment vehicle specializing in decentralized Web3 projects. James McDowall, managing partner of Arcanum Capital, said the fund invests in blockchain technology to enhance remittances, cross-border transfers, privacy and provide banking services to the unbanked. Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, said that anti-censorship and promoting open communication are the main priorities for ...
稳定币发行商Tether向Arcanum Capital的Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II投资200万美元,Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II是一个专门从事去中心化Web3项目的代币化投资工具。 Arcanum Capital的执行合伙人James McDowall表示,该基金投资于区块链技术,以增强汇款、跨境支付、隐私和为无银行账户人群提供银行服务。Tether首席执行官Paolo Ardoino表示,抗审查和促进开放式沟通是Tether和该基金的主要...