Swiss crypto asset custodian Taurus has announced the opening of an office in Vancouver, Canada, to expand into the North American market. The announcement said the decision was in response to the growing demand for Taurus digital asset custodian and tokenization services in North America, particularly from the regulated Financial Institution Group. It is reported that Taurus currently has eight offices on three continents. The company recently opened offices in major financial centres such as Z...
瑞士加密资产托管公司 Taurus 宣布在加拿大温哥华开设办事处,以开拓北美市场。公告称,该决定是为了响应北美地区对 Taurus 数字资产托管和代币化服务不断增长的需求,特别是来自受监管的金融机构。 据悉,Taurus 目前已在三大洲设有八个办事处。该公司最近在苏黎世、伦敦、巴黎、法兰克福和迪拜等主要金融中心开设了办事处。
Taurus, a Swiss cryptocurrency custodian, announced that it would provide its digital asset custody and token technology to Misyon, a new bank in Türkiye.
瑞士加密货币托管机构 Taurus 宣布将向土耳其新型银行 Misyon 提供其数字资产托管和代币化技术。 Misyon 银行首席执行官 Önder Halisdemir 表示,通过与 Taurus 的合作,将能够向包括银行、投资组合管理公司、经纪公司、金融科技公司、家族办公室和中央银行在内的各类机构提供数字资产托管服务。(Ledger Insights)
Taurus, Switzerland announced that it would provide its digital asset custody and token technology to Misyon, a new bank in Türkiye.