SynFutures 发布 2025年度路线图,按季度规划将上线现货聚合器,链上财富管理 Vault 及现货发射器平台,并为永续合约引进高级交易功能及机构化解决方案,总体计划于 2025 年 Q4 整合现货、永续合约及财富管理功能,打造统一流动性层。协议还将引入 AI 代理。
SynFutures (F), an on-chain derivatives agreement, broke through $0.088 in a short time and is now trading at $0.08411, an increase of 10.25% in 24 hours. The market is volatile, please do a good job in risk control.
On November 25th, SynFutures, an on-chain derivatives agreement, announced the economics of tokens, with a total of 10 billion tokens, 28.5% allocated to the community (ecosystem, airdrop and liquidity), 23.5% allocated to early backers and advisors, 15% allocated to foundations, 15% allocated to subsequent protocol development, and 3% allocated to liquidity.
11月25日消息,链上衍生品协议 SynFutures 公布代币经济学,F 总量为 100 亿枚,28.5% 分配予社区(生态系统、空投和流动性),23.5% 分配予早期支持者和顾问,15% 分配予基金会,15% 分配予后续协议开发,3% 分配予流动性。
Decentralized derivatives startup SynFutures has launched "Perp Launchpad", the first tool platform designed to create a sustainable futures market that supports futures trading of any asset, including memetics. Built on the Base of Ethereum Layer 2, the platform is designed to provide market liquidity and risk hedging for new projects and passive rewards for liquidity providers. SynFutures also launched a $1 million grant program designed to support token demand and utility for new projects, in...
去中心化衍生品初创公司SynFutures推出了“Perp Launchpad”,这是首个专为创建永续期货市场的工具平台,支持任何资产的期货交易,包括迷因币。该平台构建在以太坊Layer 2的Base上,旨在为新项目提供市场流动性与风险对冲,并为流动性提供者提供被动奖励。SynFutures还推出了100万美元资助计划,旨在支持新项目的代币需求和实用性,包括金融支持、流动性和营销帮助。自7...
9 月 10 日消息,在近期专访中,SynFutures 创始人 Rachel 表示,DeFi 并不缺乏大规模应用,而是数字经济还待大规模发展,AI 将会加速这个进程。目前 Web3 很多活跃用户是“羊毛党”,但空投、流动性挖矿对于项目方来说是高昂的营销成本,产品纯靠打补贴吸引用户不可持续,要看排除这个激励后能否支持起大规模用户的真实需求。 据 SynFutures 看板数据显示,SynFutures 自 3 月份主网上线以...
On August 1st, according to Defillma data, SynFutures has traded more than $170 million in the past 24 hours, and the base network derivatives trading volume ranks first, making it one of the most active ecological projects on the base network. At the same time, Messari recently released a report showing that SynFutures Q2 has a total trading volume of more than $98 billion on Blast, accounting for 66% of Blast derivatives trading volume. SynFutures currently supports DAO Perps project tokens su...
8月1日消息,据Defillma数据,SynFutures过去24小时交易量超过1.7亿美金,Base网络衍生品交易量排名第一,为Base网络上目前最活跃的生态项目之一。 同时,Messari近日发布的报告显示,SynFutures Q2在Blast上总交易量超过980亿美金,占Blast衍生品交易量的66%。 SynFutures目前DAO Perps项目已支持Lido, Cygnus和Bifrost等项目代币作为抵押品进行交易。 SynFutures此前宣布获得来自Pantera、Polychain、Dragonfly、S...
According to a report released by Messari, SynFutures Protocol traded more than $98 billion in the second quarter. As of the end of the second quarter, SynFutures had a 66% market share on Blast.
据 Messari 发布的报告数据显示,SynFutures Protocol 二季度交易量逾 980 亿美元。 截至第二季度结束时,SynFutures 在 Blast 上占有 66% 的市场份额。
Rachel Lin, CEO of decentralized derivatives exchange SynFutures, said that the success of Pump.fun shows the growing interest of retail investors in meme coins. In the cryptocurrency space, there are not many new inflows except for institutional funds flowing into BTC, ETH and other major assets. Lin said of bitcoin and ether that people prefer to trade meme for potentially huge returns.
去中心化衍生品交易所 SynFutures 首席执行官 Rachel Lin 表示,Pump.fun 的成功表明散户投资者对meme币的兴趣日益浓厚。在加密货币领域,除了机构资金流入 BTC、ETH 和其他主要资产外,没有太多新资金流入,Lin在谈到比特币和以太币时表示,人们更喜欢交易 meme,以获得潜在的巨额回报。