News list for "symmio"

Symmio completes 3.10 million USD financing, Spartan Group and others participate

Symmio, a decentralized derivatives protocol, announced that it has completed a $3.10 million financing round, with investors such as Spartan Group, Orbs, MCLB and Blockchain Founders Fund investing about $2.10 million in it. MS2 Capital, GMoney and Prime Ventures are early investors in the company.

2024-12-13 06:08:01
Symmio完成310万美元融资,Spartan Group等参投

去中心化衍生品协议Symmio宣布已完成310万美元融资,其中Spartan Group、Orbs、MCLB和Blockchain Founders Fund等投资机构对其投资了约210万美元,MS2 Capital、GMoney和Prime Ventures等是该公司的早期投资方。

2024-12-13 06:08:01