News list for "sustainability"

R3 Sustainability 和 Chintai 推出价值 7.95 亿美元的代币化 ESG 基金

R3 Sustainability 和 Chintai 推出价值 7.95 亿美元的代币化 ESG 基金,该基金是不断增长的 RWA 代币化领域的一部分,RWA 指的是在不可变区块链分类账上铸造的金融资产和其他有形资产。 R3 Sustainability 将利用 Chintai 的第一层(L1)区块链,开发价值 7.95 亿美元的真实资产(RWA)代币化基金,专注于环境、社会和治理(ESG)投...

2025-02-04 17:14:33
Synthetix stops deploying on Arbitra

According to Synthetix, it is shifting the operational focus of its perpetual contract marketplace to the Base network, and the perpetual contract marketplace on its Arbitrum will be closed. It is currently set to position squaring-only mode, and users cannot open new positions or increase existing positions. The USDx on Arbitrum needed to be exited along with the Arbitrum perpetual contract product. Synthetix Treasury purchased USDx from the open market and funded a wrapper to support the conve...

2025-01-10 10:22:11
BAN breaks through $0.40 in a short period of time

According to market data, influenced by Binance's launch of BANUSDT perpetual contract news, BAN broke through $0.4 in a short time and is now quoted at $0.3227, an increase of 97.89% in 24 hours.

2024-11-18 10:23:03
OKX plans to adjust some index components on August 26

According to the official announcement, in order to further enhance the market liquidity and index stability of each business line of leverage, delivery, and sustainability, and to prevent market risks, Ouyi plans to adjust some index components from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (UTC + 8) on August 26, 2024. The adjusted index will be weighted according to the price of the new components and the new weights corresponding to each component. It is reported that the indices involved include BETH-USDT, BETH-E...

2024-08-24 01:18:37
Aevo will change the method of calculating funding rates for perpetual futures contracts starting in August

Aevo said in a statement that it is revising the calculation method of the perpetual futures contract funding rate, and the change will take place at 16:00 on August 1, 2024.

2024-07-22 08:39:01
Expanding Orbs Liquidity Hub to IntentX, an Intent based Decentralized Sustainability Platform on the Base Chain

According to official reports, Layer 3 blockchain Orbs has announced its liquidity center Liquidity Hub as its main spot engine, integrating intent based decentralized sustainability platform IntentX. IntentX users will now be able to access spot orders, aggregate on chain and off chain pricing data.

2024-03-26 11:34:42

7x24 Newsflash

22:42 2025-03-28
慢雾安全团队披露 ReachMe 平台存在安全漏洞,研究人员@im23pds 和@T41nk_ 发现可以成功绕过 1BNB(约 600 美元)的付费门槛,仅支付 0.01BNB(约 6 美元)即实现向 CZ 发送私信。该漏洞涉及支付验证逻辑缺陷,攻击者可构造特殊交易绕过费用检测。 慢雾已按行业规范将漏洞细节告知项目方,目前平台已完成紧急修复。
22:42 2025-03-28
Uniswap v4交易量突破25亿美元
Uniswap Labs 发文称,Uniswap v4 的累计交易量已突破 25 亿美元,其中以太坊、Arbitrum、Base 和 BNB 链贡献了主要交易量。
22:36 2025-03-28
据 Coinbase Assets X 账号发文披露,Coinbase, Inc. 已获得纽约州金融服务部 (New York State Department of Financial Services) 的虚拟货币业务许可。
22:23 2025-03-28
22:14 2025-03-28
Galaxy Digital拟缩减比特币挖矿规模,德克萨斯州数据中心转向AI相关业务
据 Galaxy Digital 财报披露,该公司计划在未来几个季度内减少比特币挖矿产量,并将其位于德克萨斯州的数据中心转型为 AI 和高性能计算(HPC)设施。这一转型基于与 CoreWeave 签订的 15 年托管协议。
21:50 2025-03-28
21:41 2025-03-28
21:38 2025-03-28
21:35 2025-03-28
20:55 2025-03-28
美民主党议员抨击SEC候任主席Paul Atkins与加密行业存在利益冲突
特朗普提名的美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席候选人Paul Atkins,近日在参议院听证会上接受质询。民主党议员Elizabeth Warren指出,Atkins创立的咨询公司Patomak Global Partners曾服务包括FTX在内的加密企业,存在利益冲突风险。Atkins净资产超3.27亿美元,承诺若当选将出售公司股份,但拒绝披露交易细节。 听证会聚焦其监管立...
20:43 2025-03-28
Coinbase将Keyboard Cat (KEYCAT)添加到上币路线图
据官方公告,Coinbase宣布将Keyboard Cat (KEYCAT)添加到上币路线图。
20:22 2025-03-28