Data indexing tool SubQuery has announced the distribution of 50 million SQT from the Seekers program to more than 17,500 participants. Recipients need to connect their wallets to the claim page to obtain tokens. The first 800 SQT in the prize will be distributed immediately and can be claimed today. The remaining tokens will be released linearly according to Tokenomics for 6 months.
According to official reports, the data indexing tool SubQuery has announced a partnership with the decentralized exchange DojoSwap of the Objective ecosystem AMM.
据官方消息,数据索引工具 SubQuery 宣布与 Injective 生态 AMM 去中心化交易所 DojoSwap 达成合作。 DojoSwap 开发团队表示,DojoSwap 利用 SubQuery 对其 Factory 合约进行索引和查询链上数据,能够跟踪新的交易对、mint NFT、兑换交易和跨 DeFi 应用进行代币转账。