News list for "subhub"

Dmail Network Releases SubHub for ToB Products, Entering Over 400 Projects

Dmail Network recently disclosed the data of its ToB product Subhub, which currently has 420 projects; more than 8.90 million total subscribers; more than 50 million total push information; 115 KOLs joined.

2024-07-11 17:53:34
Dmail Network发布ToB产品SubHub,已入驻超400个项目

Dmail Network近期披露其ToB产品Subhub 数据,目前总入驻项目420家;总订阅者超过890万人;总推送信息量超过5000万;加入的KOLs 115 个。

2024-07-11 17:53:34