On March 17th, according to Crypto In America, the Canadian bitcoin mining company Bitfarms announced the successful completion of the all-stock acquisition of Stronghold Digital Mining, worth more than $110 million, becoming the largest merger between two listed bitcoin mining companies. The acquisition will make Bitfarms North American energy market share jump from 6% to 80%, especially in the United States PJM grid layout significantly enhanced. It is worth noting that Riot Platforms, the wor...
3月17日消息,据Crypto In America报道,加拿大比特币矿企Bitfarms宣布成功完成对Stronghold Digital Mining的全股票收购交易,交易价值逾1.1亿美元,成为两家上市比特币矿企之间最大规模的并购案。此次收购将使Bitfarms的北美能源市场占比从6%跃升至80%,特别是在美国PJM电网中的布局显著增强。 值得注意的是,此前全球第二大比特币矿企Riot Platforms曾试...
2月28日消息,比特币矿企 Stronghold 宣布,其股东以压倒性多数投票“赞成”Stronghold 与 Bitfarms Ltd.之间即将进行的合并。该合并协议和计划于 2024 年 8 月 21 日签署,并在此后经过修订。在合并协议提案获得批准后,公司预计合并将于 2025 年 3 月完成,但须满足或放弃其余完成条件。特别股东大会结果的最终报告将以 8-K 表格的形式提交给美国证券交易委员会。
Stronghold Digital, which violated energy market rules while prioritizing bitcoin mining, agreed to pay more than $1.40 million in fines and refunds. Stronghold had a contractual obligation to provide usable power to the PJM grid to help ensure the reliability of the grid. However, the FERC's Office of Enforcement determined that Stronghold failed to meet this obligation between June 2021 and May 2022 and instead diverted power to its bitcoin mining operations.
矿企 Stronghold Digital 在优先发展比特币挖矿业务的同时违反了能源市场规则,该公司同意支付超过 140 万美元的罚款和退款。 Stronghold 有合同义务向 PJM 电网提供可用电力,以帮助确保电网的可靠性。然而,联邦能源管理委员会执法办公室认定,Stronghold 在 2021 年 6 月至 2022 年 5 月期间未能履行这一义务,而是将电力转移到其比特币挖矿业务上。
Ray Youssef, CEO of peer-to-peer crypto trading platform NoOnes, has revealed that NoOnes has confirmed that it suffered a security bugs earlier this month that resulted in the loss of about $8 million in crypto assets. The disclosure came shortly after crypto detective ZachXBT posted the news on its "Investigations by Zach" Telegram channel. Ray Youssef said the losses were due to the "utilization of the Solana bridge" on January 1.
On November 2nd, Canadian bitcoin miner Bitfarms signed a second hosting agreement with Stronghold Digital Mining Hosting. Bitfarms will deploy 10,000 mining machines at Stronghold's Scrubgrass mine (located in Pennsylvania). These mining machines were originally planned for use at the Bitfarms mine in Iguazu, Paraguay, and are expected to be operational in December.
11月2日消息,加拿大比特币矿商 Bitfarms 与 Stronghold Digital Mining Hosting 签订了第二份矿机托管协议。Bitfarms 将在 Stronghold 的 Scrubgrass 矿场(位于宾夕法尼亚州)部署 10,000 台矿机。这些矿机原本计划用于巴拉圭伊瓜苏的 Bitfarms 矿场,预计将于 12 月投入使用。
Crypto mining company Bitfarms has signed a second escrow agreement with US-based Stronghold Digital Mining to expand operations at its Pennsylvania-based facility. Under the terms of the escrow agreement, the Bitcoin data center operator will deploy an additional 10,000 mining machines to Stronghold's Scrubgrass mine. These mining machines were originally expected to be used at the Yguazu mine in Paraguay.
加密挖矿公司Bitfarms已与美国Stronghold Digital Mining签署了第二份托管协议,以扩大其位于宾夕法尼亚州的工厂的业务。 根据托管协议的条款,比特币数据中心运营公司将向Stronghold的Scrubgrass矿场额外部署10,000台矿机。这些矿机原本预计用于巴拉圭的Yguazu矿场。
Bitfarms has announced that it will bring forward its 2.2 EH/s hosting agreement with Stronghold Digital Mining to October 2024, two months earlier than originally planned. The agreement will allow Bitfarms to add 10,000 Bitmain T21 mining machines to its Panther Creek facility in Pennsylvania. Ben Gagnon, CEO of Bitfarms, said the facilities will help the company expand its business, reduce power costs, and enter the energy trading and AI space. In addition, Bitfarms' Stronghold acquisition pla...
Bitfarms宣布将与Stronghold Digital Mining的2.2 EH/s矿机托管协议提前至2024年10月上线,比原计划提前两个月。协议将使Bitfarms在宾夕法尼亚州的Panther Creek设施新增10,000台Bitmain T21矿机。Bitfarms首席执行官Ben Gagnon表示,这些设施将帮助公司拓展业务、降低电力成本,并进军能源交易和AI领域。 此外,Bitfarms的Stronghold收购计划引发了其最大股东Riot Platforms的强烈反对。Rio...
Bitfarms has announced that it has entered into a definitive merger agreement with Stronghold Digital Mining, expected to close in Quarter 1, 2025. Under the agreement, Bitfarms will acquire Stronghold through a share-for-share merger transaction. Each Stronghold share held by Stronghold shareholders will receive 2.52 Bitfarms shares at a consideration of $6.02 per share. The equity value of the transaction is approximately $125 million, plus the debt assumed is valued at approximately $50 milli...
比特币矿企 Bitfarms 宣布与 Stronghold Digital Mining 已签订最终合并协议,预计将于 2025 年第一季度完成。根据该协议,Bitfarms 将通过换股合并交易收购 Stronghold。Stronghold 股东所持有的每股 Stronghold 股票将获得 2.52 股 Bitfarms 股票,每股对价为 6.02 美元。该交易的股权价值约为 1.25 亿美元,加上承担的债务价值约为 5000 万美元。该交易可能会增加 307 兆瓦的电力容量,预计到 2025 年底将使 Bitfa...
Bitcoin miner Stronghold Digital Mining reported a 47.1% drop in its monthly Bitcoin mining output in May. The company mined 82 BTC in the first full month after the halving, compared to 155 BTC in April. Meanwhile, revenue for the month was $5.20 million, down 46% from the previous month. Stronghold explicitly attributed the drop to the halving. The company said: The main reason for the decline was the first full month after the halving. The company also reported that the average hash price in ...