News list for "strijers"

Deribit CEO: Due to regulatory pressure, many crypto trading platforms "will cease to exist"

Luuk Strijers, CEO of Deribit, said he is skeptical about the sustainability of many crypto trading platforms due to regulatory pressure. He said: "I think a lot of platforms will cease to exist, so rather, I think the regulatory framework will be strengthened globally and make many of the platforms in the current huge list no longer viable, either because the operating costs are too high or...

2024-12-21 02:42:56
Deribit CEO:由于监管压力,很多加密交易平台“将不复存在”

Deribit首席执行官Luuk Strijers表示,由于监管压力,他对许多加密交易平台的可持续性表示怀疑。他说:“我认为很多平台将不复存在,所以更确切地说,我认为监管框架将在全球范围内加强,并使目前庞大的平台名单中的许多平台不再可行,要么是因为运营成本太高,要么是...

2024-12-21 02:42:56
Deribit CEO: About $3 billion worth of BTC options will expire on November 8, with relatively strong bullish sentiment

Luuk Strijers, chief executive of Deribit, said: "As we approach the US election, we are observing heightened market expectations, with around $3 billion of unpositioned squaring contracts currently due to expire on November 8, with bitcoin call options having strike prices of $70,000, $75,000 and $80,000 respectively, indicating relatively strong bullish sentiment." (TheBlock)

2024-11-05 21:52:53
Deribit CEO:价值约30亿美元的BTC期权将于11月8日到期,看涨情绪相对强劲

Deribit 首席执行官 Luuk Strijers 表示:“随着美国大选的临近,我们观察到市场预期加剧,目前有大约 30 亿美元的期权未平仓合约将于 11 月 8 日到期,其中比特币看涨期权的执行价格分别为 70,000 美元、75,000 美元和 80,000 美元,这表明看涨情绪相对强劲。”(TheBlock)

2024-11-05 21:52:53
Deribit CEO: The number of bitcoin call options expiring on November 8 is twice that of put options

Deribit CEO Luuk Strijers said derivatives traders are bracing for a bullish move in Bitcoin in the days following the US election on November 5. He added that data showed that twice as many call options on Bitcoin expired on November 8 as put options, the first option to expire after the US Presidential Election. Strijers said: "For options expiring on November 8, the unpositioned squaring contract is worth more than $2 billion, with major strike prices of $70,000, $75,000, and $80,000.

2024-10-26 05:57:17
Deribit CEO:11月8日到期的比特币看涨期权数量是看跌期权的两倍

Deribit首席执行官Luuk Strijers表示,衍生品交易员正在为11月5日美国大选后几天比特币的看涨走势做准备。他补充说,数据显示,11月8日到期的比特币看涨期权数量是看跌期权的两倍,这是美国总统大选后第一个到期的期权。 Strijers表示:“对于11月8日到期的期权,未平仓合约价值超过20亿美元,主要执行价为70,000美元、75,000美元和80,000美元,看跌/看涨...

2024-10-26 05:57:17