News list for "stockton"

Analyst: Bitcoin's historic breakout failed to be confirmed, or faces around 13% correction risk

Technical analyst and founder of Fairlead Strategies Katie Stockton pointed out that Bitcoin's failure to maintain above $100,000 for more than a few days left the historic breakout "unconfirmed" and opened up Bitcoin's potential weakness in the short term. He said that the short-term rally is weak, and there is a new daily level counter-trend signal to support Bitcoin to consolidate in the coming weeks before continuing its upward trend. Two support levels that investors should watch, including...

2024-12-11 22:32:10

技术分析师、Fairlead Strategies创始人Katie Stockton指出,比特币未能维持在10万美元以上超过几天时间,使得历史性的突破“未得到确认”,并在短期内打开了比特币潜在的弱势局面,他表示短期看涨势头较弱,并且有一个新的日线级别反趋势信号支持比特币在未来几周内进行盘整,然后再继续其上升趋势。投资者应关注的两个支撑水平,包括截...

2024-12-11 22:32:10