News list for "spartan"

Organize: A list of financing information in the past 24 hours (August 9)

1. Moonveil completes Pre-A round of financing, led by Spartan; 2. TON ecological project TONX announced that it received 4 million US dollars in financing; 3.AI liquidity allocation agreement Quantlytica completed 1 million Euro financing; 4. UniWorlds, a chain game infrastructure provider, completed a seed round of financing, led by unisat; 5. ZK order book Vessel completed the $10 million seed round financing, and Sequoia Capital participated in the investment; 6. L2 project LYNC completed th...

2024-08-09 00:03:39

1.Moonveil完成Pre-A轮融资,Spartan领投; 2.TON生态项目TONX宣布获得400万美元融资; 3.AI流动性分配协议Quantlytica完成100万欧元融资; 4.链游基础设施提供商UniWorlds完成种子轮融资,unisat领投; 5.ZK订单簿Vessel完成1000万美元种子轮融资,红杉资本等参投; 6.L2项目LYNC完成150万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Movement Labs等参投; 7.OneMedNet完成460万美元私募融资,其中180万美元用于购买比特币; 8.AI代理工具Paym...

2024-08-09 00:03:39
Former Synthetix employee clarifies: SynthaMan was never a team member, let alone a finance director

Former Synthetix employee Dorothy said at X that SynthaMan is a member of the spartan council, one of the members elected by the community to participate in governance, and has never been a team member, let alone a treasurer. The only true treasurer of SNX is Jordan, the co-founder of SNX, who quit SNX after it completed decentralization. It is reported that SynthaMan's tweet profile is Synthetix guardian, Ex Synthetix councillor, Ex Synthetix treasurer. Previously, former Synthetix treasurer Sy...

2024-08-07 03:25:07

前Synthetix员工多多Dorothy在X表示,SynthaMan是spartan council成员,是社区选举出来参与治理的议员之一,从来都不是团队成员,更不是财务主管。SNX真正意义上的财务主管只有SNX的联合创始人Jordan,他在SNX完成去中心化后便退出 SNX 了。 据悉,SynthaMan推文简介是Synthetix guardian、Ex Synthetix councillor、 Ex Synthetix treasurer。 此前消息,前Synthetix财务主管SynthaMan发布推文称,他因遭遇...

2024-08-07 03:25:07
Agencies: If the CPI report released in August is also weak, the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates three times this year

Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Spartan Capital Securities, said the June CPI report is good news for the Fed. It's good news for consumers and the economy. The market will love the numbers. The report largely supports Powell's view that a 2% inflation rate is achievable. Powell has been hinting at a rate cut in September. The numbers speak for themselves. If we get another good inflation report in August, then I think...

2024-07-11 14:22:32

Spartan Capital Securities首席市场经济学家Peter Cardillo表示,6月CPI报告对美联储来说是个好消息。这对消费者和经济来说都是好消息。市场将会喜欢这些数字。这份报告基本上支持了鲍威尔的观点,即2%的通胀率是可以实现的。 鲍威尔一直暗示九月份会降息。这些数字说明了这一点。如果我们在八月份再获得一份良好的通胀报告,那么我认为...

2024-07-11 14:22:32
Zentry announces strategic funding from Spartan, LongHash, Synergis, and DWF Labs

Chain game project Zentry (formerly GuildFi) announced strategic funding from Spartan, LongHash, Synergis and DWF Labs to enhance Metagame Layer. Zentry said its funding exceeded $150 million. Previously, it was reported in April that GuildFi plans to rebrand as Zentry and create a unified Superlayer that rewards gamers of all types across multiple blockchains.

2024-05-30 15:18:04
链游项目Zentry宣布从Spartan、LongHash、Synergis和DWF Labs获得战略资金

链游项目Zentry(原链游公会GuildFi)宣布从Spartan、LongHash、Synergis和DWF Labs获得战略资金,以增强Metagame Layer。Zentry表示其资金超过1.5亿美元。 此前4月消息,GuildFi拟品牌重塑为Zentry,并计划创建一个统一的Superlayer,奖励跨多个区块链的所有类型游戏玩家。

2024-05-30 15:18:04
Spartan Group Transfers Multiple Tokens Worth About $6.67 million to Coinbase

Arkham data shows that within 50 minutes, Spartan Group transferred 352,000 GALs (about $1.21 million), 15 million C98 (about $3.90 million), 333,000 1INCH (about $129,000), 30,350 MPL (about $420,000), 1.379 million STG (about $629,000), 95,238 GFI (about $383,000) to Coinbase Prime hot wallet addresses, totaling about $6.67 million.

2024-05-17 11:44:35
Spartan Group将价值约667万美元的多个代币转至Coinbase

Arkham 数据显示,50 分钟内,Spartan Group 经由多个中间地址将 35.2 万枚 GAL(约合121万美元)、1500 万枚 C98(约合390万美元)、33.3 万枚 1INCH(约合12.9万美元)、30350 枚MPL(约合42万美元)、137.9 万枚 STG(约合62.9万美元)、95238 枚 GFI(约合38.3万美元)转至 Coinbase Prime 热钱包地址,共计约合 667 万美元。

2024-05-17 11:44:35
Spartan Group recharges 140,000 LINK into Binance and earns $1.39 million

According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitor, 20 minutes ago, investment institution Spartan Group retrieved 140,000 LINK (2.31 million USD) from Aave and then recharged it into Binance. These LINK were raised by Spartan Group from Binance at a price of 6.55 USD between July and September last year, and now sold at a price of 16.50 USD will make a profit of 1.39 million USD (+ 152%).

2024-05-17 10:29:10
Spartan Group将14万LINK充值进币安,获利139万美元

据链上分析师余烬监测,20分钟前,投资机构Spartan Group从Aave取回14万LINK(231万美元)然后充值进币安。这些LINK是Spartan Group在去年7-9月期间以6.55美元的价格从币安提出,如今以16.5美元的价格出售将获利139万美元(+152%)。

2024-05-17 10:29:10
Merlin Chain Receives New Investment Led by Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs

Merlin Chain announced the completion of a new round of financing, led by Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs, with participation from Amber Group, Presto Labs, and IOBC Ventures. The specific amount has not been disclosed yet.

2024-04-17 13:15:08
Merlin Chain获得由 Spartan Group和Hailstone Labs共同牵头的新投资

Merlin Chain 宣布完成新一轮融资,Spartan Group 和 Hailstone Labs 领投,Amber Group、Presto Labs 和 IOBC Ventures 参投,具体金额暂未披露。

2024-04-17 13:15:08