News list for "span"

Moonshot hispanicpepe (CONCHO)

On January 13, Moonshot officially announced the launch of hispanicpepe (CONCHO), the current market value is 32.10 million US dollars, and the 24-hour trading volume is 43.40 million US dollars.

2025-01-13 10:40:10


2025-01-13 10:40:10
HydraDAO raises $4.10 million through HYDRA token sale

HydraDAO, which funds research to extend human lifespan, announced it raised $4.10 million through a HYDRA token sale. HydraDAO is designed to provide humans with biological replacement parts, including whole-body replacements, for maximum lifespan.

2025-01-07 10:33:01
List of important developments at noon on December 1

7:00-12:00 Keywords: Solana, Spain, Vitalik 1. Coinbase CEO: Anti-money laundering policy is a failure. 2. Solana's on-chain NFT sales exceeded $6 billion; 3. Institutions: The probability of the Federal Reserve suspending interest rate cuts in the middle of next year increases; 4. The Spanish securities regulator has approved the first tokenization license. 5. Former CFTC chairperson forecasts that the SEC will drop its lawsuit against Ripple. Michael Saylor: There are 60 publicly traded compan...

2024-12-01 12:40:34
The Spanish real estate market has seen a surge in cryptocurrency transactions

According to, Spanish real estate technology company Enlace has revealed that the number of real estate transactions using some form of cryptocurrency as a means of payment has increased significantly this year. The company found that the use of these payment methods increased by 15% in 2024 due to the advantages of quick access to funds compared to traditional home purchase methods and more economical compared to international bank transfers. This trend is particularly evident in ma...

2024-11-18 17:58:55
Jupiter DAO: Micro-grant program voting will last for 4 days

The Jupiter DAO announced in a post on the X platform that due to the weekend, the voting time for the micro-grant program will last for 4 days instead of the usual 3 days, and the voting is currently open.

2024-08-24 09:33:42
1. Analysts: There is no rationality and necessity of quantitative easing in our country, and it is not necessary to equate the central bank's buying and selling of government bonds with quantitative easing. < span class = "section-news"...

1. Analysts: There is no rationality and necessity of quantitative easing in our country, and there is no need to equate the central bank's buying and selling of government bonds with quantitative easing. 2. The financing interest rate of the six major securities companies broke through 5%, and some securities companies revealed that 4.2% is the profit and loss line. 3. China Foreign Exchange Trading Center: Foreign investors have been net buyers of Chinese bonds for 16 consecutive months, and t...

2024-06-20 16:32:59
1. 分析人士:我国不存在量化宽松的合理性和必要性,不必把央行买卖国债与量化宽松划等号。<span class="section-news"...

1. 分析人士:我国不存在量化宽松的合理性和必要性,不必把央行买卖国债与量化宽松划等号。2. 六大券商融资利率杀穿5%,有券商人士透露4.2%是盈亏线。3. 中国外汇交易中心:境外投资者已连续16个月净买入中国债券,持有规模创历史新高。4. 杠杆贷款调查再次引发银行对欧洲央行的不满。5. 美国上周抵押贷款利率3月以来首次降至7%以下。6. 苏州高新取消2亿元超短期融资券的发行。7. 旭辉集团5亿债券会议通过三项议案,包括调整兑付安排与增加增信措施等。8. 雅居乐集团主体信用评级及2只债券信用评级已终止。9. 河南拟发行520亿元特殊再融资债,用于化解存量债务。10. 博时中证可转债及可交换债券ETF规模超过100亿元,系年内第三只百亿债券ETF。11. 长发集团发行2.3亿美元高级债券,息票率6.8%,最终认购金额3.8亿美元。

2024-06-20 16:32:59
Spanish family fund Kfund has received 70 million euro fundraising commitment to invest in blockchain, AI and other technology fields

Spanish family fund Kfund has announced that its sixth fund has received a 70 million euro funding commitment. The fund will continue to work on supporting technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, edge computing, 5G connectivity, blockchain and Cloud as a Service. Kfund has previously invested in companies such as Factorial, Urbanitae, Exoticca, Barkibu and Abacum, as well as digital asset trading platform Bithank.

2024-06-17 19:54:47
【周日重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 2024年端午档新片票房破3亿。<span class="...

【周日重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 2024年端午档新片票房破3亿。2. 端午节假期首日全社会跨区域人员流动量超2亿人次。3. 银行不得代销私募?银行人士:确在征求意见;私募:未有新消息。4. 价格逼近15万元/吨,工业“味精”锑供应紧缺。5. 商务部召开多场在欧中资企业座谈会,倡导中欧合作共赢良性竞争。6. 广东省广电局推动网络微短剧高质量发展。7. 武汉出台支持低空经济高质量发展措施,单笔奖励企业资金达1000万元。8. 中国中信集团有限公司党委委员、副总经理徐佐接受纪律审查和监察调查。国际新闻:1. 央视:韩国宣布恢复对朝鲜扩音广播。2. 韩媒:朝鲜再次向韩投放“垃圾气球”。3. 反对政府医改,韩国医协宣布自18日起集体停诊。4. 印度今年5月创36年来最高气温纪录。5. 胡塞武装称袭击了英国驱逐舰,英方予以否认。6. 印度总理莫迪宣誓就职,开启第三任期。7. 伊朗公布第14届总统选举最终候选人名单,伊朗议会议长卡利巴夫、前首席核谈判代表贾利利等共6人取得最终候选人资格。

2024-06-09 23:01:21
【周日重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 顺丰控股赴港上市获证监会备案。<span clas...

【周日重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 顺丰控股赴港上市获证监会备案。2. 苏州:全市范围内不再审核购房资格,上调贷款最高限额。3. 商务部部长王文涛:希望欧方摒弃保护主义,回到对话合作的正确道路上来。4. 新能源车企交付:小米集团:5月已交付8646辆Xiaomi SU7系列汽车,2024年累计交付量达15764辆;赛力斯:5月新能源汽车销量3.41万辆 同比增长298.62%;比亚迪:5月新能源汽车销量33.18万辆。国际新闻:1. 特朗普被判有罪后新动作:入驻TikTok,粉丝已破24万。2. 英伟达CEO黄仁勋:英伟达将在2025年推出Blackwell Ultra AI芯片。3. 美国中央司令部:6月1日,美国中央司令部部队在南红海摧毁了一架由伊朗支持的胡塞武装无人机。4. 欧佩克+大会:欧佩克+将在2025年实现3972.5万桶/日的产量;同意将阿联酋2025年的产量配额从现在的290万桶/日提高到351.9万桶/日;将“集体性减产措施”延长至2025年结束;将“自愿减产措施”延长至2024年底,但将在明年9月前逐步取消220万桶/日的自愿减产措施,166万桶/日的减产协议将在...

2024-06-02 22:54:49
[Saturday important news summary] Domestic news: 1.2024 Dragon Boat Festival new film pre-sale box office broke 50 million. < span cl...

[Saturday Important News Summary] Domestic News: 1.2024 The pre-sale box office of the new Dragon Boat Festival film broke 50 million. 2. NIO delivered 20,544 cars in May 2024, a record high. 3. In May, the transaction volume of second-hand housing in Beijing increased to 13,400 units, an increase of 3.1% year-on-year. 4. China responded to the speech of the US Defense Minister Fragrance Meeting: "Hegemony is behind the gorgeous rhetoric of" Indo-Pacific Strategy ". 5. MIIT: Promote the healthy ...

2024-06-01 22:59:06
【周六重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 2024端午档新片预售票房破5000万。<span cl...

【周六重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 2024端午档新片预售票房破5000万。2. 蔚来汽车2024年5月交付20,544辆汽车,创历史新高。3. 5月份北京二手房成交量增至1.34万套,同比增长3.1%。4. 中方回应美国防长香会演讲: “印太战略”华丽辞藻背后是霸权。5. 工信部:推动智能网联汽车、低空经济等新兴产业健康有序发展。6. 雷军:小米SU7五月交付8630辆,6月将开启双班制生产,确保单月交付1万辆。国际新闻:1. 以总理再发声明:不摧毁哈马斯就不会永久停火。2. 美国、埃及和以色列官员将举行会议讨论重开拉法口岸。3. 印度为期六周的大选结束,预计印度总理莫迪的人民党联盟将在大选中赢得多数席位。

2024-06-01 22:59:06
[Daily Global Commodity Market News Express (May 24) ] 1. Dubai sets the August 2024 crude oil price spread at the same level as Oman crude oil. </span...

[Daily Global Commodity Market Highlights Express (May 24) ] 1. Dubai has set the crude oil price spread at the same level as Oman crude in August 2024. 2. Market news: UK energy price cap to fall by 7% before July election. 3. Oil company BW Offshore: Energy demand growth, underinvestment in capacity and geopolitical conflicts continue to support high oil and gas prices. 4. Peru's central bank governor Velarde: Peru's mining exports could reach $47 billion in 2024 if prices remain high. 5. Acco...

2024-05-24 15:21:41
【每日全球大宗商品市场要闻速递(5月24日)】1. 迪拜将2024年8月原油差价设定为与阿曼原油持平。</span...

【每日全球大宗商品市场要闻速递(5月24日)】1. 迪拜将2024年8月原油差价设定为与阿曼原油持平。2. 市场消息:英国能源价格上限将在7月份选举前下降7%。3. 石油公司BW Offshore:能源需求增长、产能投资不足以及地缘政治冲突继续支撑着高油价和天然气价格。4. 秘鲁央行行长Velarde:如果价格保持高位,秘鲁2024年矿业出口可能达到470亿美元。5. 据国际文传电讯社:俄罗斯副总理诺瓦克称,俄罗斯诺里尔斯克镍公司计划在巴林建设一座铂金工厂。6. 据国际文传电讯社:莫斯科交易所计划于2024年推出大豆期货。

2024-05-24 15:21:41