News list for "soai"


5月13日消息,虚拟伴侣社交生态项目SOAI宣布将于今晚 20:30 正式启动预售(IDO),公募总量为2,000,000,000 SOAI,售价为0.003美元。在预售截止前,参与白名单抽奖活动用户将有机会获得折扣购买资格。 据悉,SOAI代币设立了每半年减产50%、20%利润回购并销毁代币的机制,以维持市场流通量。

2024-05-13 16:19:23
AI social platform SOAI completes $5 million angel round financing

On April 2nd, it was reported that the AI social platform SOAI has completed a $5 million institutional angel round financing, with Archer Capital investing $3 million and XForce Capital investing $2 million. This round of financing will accelerate the technological innovation and market expansion of SOAI in the field of AI emotional communication. The new plan includes deepening AI emotional understanding and matching technology, optimizing user experience, and expanding the global market.

2024-04-02 18:23:15

4月2日消息,AI社交平台SOAI完成500万美元的机构天使轮融资,Archer Capital投资300万美元,XForce Capital投资200万美元。本轮融资将加速SOAI在AI情感通讯领域的技术创新和市场扩张。新的计划包括深化AI情感理解和匹配技术,优化用户体验,扩大全球市场。 SOAI是一个起源于硅谷的创新型AI平台,专注于通过发达的AI技术,重塑虚拟伴侣行业生态,为全球数十亿人打造定制化的AI灵魂...

2024-04-02 18:23:15
SOAI completes $5 million angel round financing, led by Archer Capital and XForce Capital

On April 2nd, according to official reports, the AI social platform SOAI has completed a $5 million institutional angel round financing, with Archer Capital investing $3 million and XForce Capital investing $2 million. This round of financing will accelerate the technological innovation and market expansion of SOAI in the field of AI emotional communication. The new plan includes deepening AI emotional understanding and matching technology, optimizing user experience, and expanding the global ma...

2024-04-02 16:07:36
SOAI完成500万美元天使轮融资,Archer Capital和XForce Capital领投

4月2日消息,据官方消息,AI社交平台SOAI完成500万美元的机构天使轮融资,其中Archer Capital投资300万美元,XForce Capital投资200万美元。本轮融资将加速SOAI在AI情感通讯领域的技术创新和市场扩张。新的计划包括深化AI情感理解和匹配技术,优化用户体验,扩大全球市场。

2024-04-02 16:07:36