A16z Crypto has released a zkEVM solution called Jolt to leverage SNARK to provide a framework for EVM compatibility with Rollups. A16z Crypto states, "In addition to the increase in speed, Jolt's new design paradigm makes it easier for developers to scale and audit, thereby improving security."
Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin delivered a keynote speech titled "Receiving the Limits of Protocol Design" at the 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival. Vitalik Buterin stated that technologies such as ZK-SNARKs, MPC, and FHE have efficiency and security issues. The Ethereum Slot takes 12 seconds to block, the regular block verification time is about 400 milliseconds, and the ZK-SNARK proof time is about 20 minutes. Ethereum's goal is to achieve real-time proof.
以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin于2024香港Web3嘉年华中发表《Reaching the Limits of Protocol Design》为题的主旨演讲,Vitalik Buterin表示,ZK-SNARKs、MPC、FHE等技术存在效率与安全问题,以太坊Slot出块时间为12秒,普通区块验证时间约为400毫秒,ZK-SNARK证明时间约为20分钟,以太坊的目标是实现实时证明。 对于当前效率低下问题,Vitalik表示解决方案为“并行化与聚合树”(Parallelization + aggregation t...