News list for "skely"


12:00-21:00关键词:俄罗斯、意大利央行、Skely、PENGU 1.aiPool创始人X账号已被冻结; 2.俄罗斯禁止10个地区开展加密挖矿,为期6年; 3.彭博社:新加坡2024年共发放13张加密货币许可; 4.意大利央行将比特币 P2P 服务认定为“犯罪即服务”; 5.待开采的比特币已不足120万枚,流通量突破1980万枚; 6.Skely通过Eliza框架在aiPool中进行代币预售,一小时内筹集约472万美元; 7.获得1.167亿PENG...

2024-12-24 13:02:55
The founder of ai16z retweeted the explanation tweet that the founder's account of aiPool was frozen

X platform user @0xwitchy posted that the X platform account of Skely, founder of aiPool, was frozen after being reported by malicious actors, but the plan remains the same. The AI will still launch around noon EST, but the exact time will not be shared to avoid token snipers. Names will be chosen randomly by the proxy. Please enjoy any name it chooses. The user also said that he is not a member of the team and does not participate in the token launch. He has only been in contact with Skely. Ple...

2024-12-24 10:19:50
ai16z 创始人转发aiPool 创始人账号被冻结的解释推文

X 平台用户 @0xwitchy 发文表示,aiPool 创始人 Skely 的 X 平台帐户被恶意行为者举报而遭冻结,但计划保持不变。AI 仍将在美国东部时间中午左右启动,但确切时间不会共享,以避免代币狙击手。名称将由代理随机选择。请享受它选择的任何名称。 该用户同时表示,自己不是团队的一员,也不参与代币发布,只是与 Skely 有过联系,请等待他的官方消息。ai16z 创始人 Shaw 随后转...

2024-12-24 10:19:50
The account of aiPool founder X has been suspended

According to the X platform, the X account of Skely, the founder of aiPool, has been frozen. Previously, Skely released an innovative project called AI-Pool on the evening of December 23, which raised more than 30,000 SOL by using AI agents and trusted execution environment (TEE) to issue coins.

2024-12-24 08:04:02


2024-12-24 08:04:02
Skely conducts token pre-sale in aiPool via Eliza framework, raising around $4.72 million in one hour

According to ai16zNEWS, Skely, a collaborative project of ai16z, conducted a token pre-sale in its aiPool experiment through the Eliza framework and raised 25,000 SOL worth about $4.72 million in 60 minutes. According to Skely, the aiPool project is an innovative experiment in agent autonomy and pre-sale mechanisms through artificial intelligence to reduce fraud in the cryptocurrency offering space and increase transparency and fairness. The token is expected to be launched around noon EST on De...

2024-12-24 04:11:35

据 ai16zNEWS 报道,ai16z 的合作项目 Skely 通过 Eliza 框架在其 aiPool 实验中进行代币预售,在 60 分钟内就筹集了 2.5 万枚 SOL,价值约 472 万美元。 Skely 表示,aiPool 项目是一个通过人工智能代理自主性和预售机制的创新实验,旨在减少加密货币发行领域的欺诈行为,并提高透明度和公平性。该代币预计将在美国东部时间 2024 年 12 月 24 日中午左右推出,代币名称由 AI 选择,几周前测...

2024-12-24 04:11:35