News list for "sevenx"

Web3 3D LBS game L3E7 completes $10 million financing, led by SevenX Ventures and others

On April 26th, according to official news, Web3 3D LBS game L3 E7 (Lagrange3: Earth's 7WIN) announced the completion of a total of $10 million in angel round financing and A round financing, angel round financing led by LongLingCapital, A round financing led by Spartan Group and SevenX Ventures, Kekecely, Foresight Ventures, OK X Ventures, BigBrain Holdings, Vertex Ventures, Comma3 Ventures, MetaLabs, Marvellous Creature, Giantwood, Mantle EcoFund, BitValue, Hailstone Labs, LiquidX, Buzzone and ...

2024-04-26 11:55:12
Web3 3D LBS游戏L3E7完成1000万美元融资,SevenX Ventures等领投

4月26日消息,据官方消息,Web3 3D LBS游戏L3E7(Lagrange3:Earth's 7WIN)宣布完成总计1000万美元的天使轮与A轮融资,天使轮融资由LongLingCapital领投,A轮融资由Spartan Group和SevenX Ventures共同领投,Kekecely、Foresight Ventures、OKX Ventures、BigBrain Holdings、Vertex Ventures、Comma3 Ventures、MetaLabs、Marvellous Creature、Giantwood、Mantle EcoFund、BitValue、Hailstone Labs、LiquidX、Buzzone等参投。据悉,L3E7拥有业...

2024-04-26 11:55:12
Cellula completes a $2 million Pre Seed round of financing, with SevenX Ventures and OKX Ventures jointly leading the investment

On April 5th, it was reported that Cellula, a full chain AI game, has completed a $2 million Pre Seed round of financing, with SevenX Ventures and OKX Ventures jointly leading the investment, and Mask Network, Foresight Ventures and others participating. The team stated that the new funds will be used for multi chain deployment, new game development, team operations, and more.

2024-04-05 01:27:21
Cellula完成200万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,SevenX Ventures与OKX Ventures联合领投

4月5日消息,全链AI游戏Cellula完成200万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,SevenX Ventures与OKX Ventures联合领投,Mask Network、Foresight Ventures等参投。团队表示新资金将用于多链部署、新品游戏开发、团队运营等。

2024-04-05 01:27:21
Immutable will co host and participate in the SevenX New Trends Summit Gaming Theme Summit

SevenX Ventures will hold the "SevenX New Trends Summit" game themed summit during the Hong Kong Carnival on April 7th, with Immune as the co organizer and Business Development Manager Joe attending the roundtable discussion.

2024-03-26 12:16:54
Immutable将作为联合主办参与SevenX New Trends Summit游戏主题峰会

SevenX Ventures 将于 4 月 7 日于香港嘉年华期间举办“SevenX New Trends Summit”游戏主题峰会,Immutable 作为联合主办参与,商务经理(Business Development Manager)Joe 出席圆桌讨论。 据悉,Immutable zkEVM 主网已于近日正式推出,该网络由 Polygon 提供技术支持,旨在为 Web3 游戏提供规模化的可扩展性、智能合约兼容性以及免 Gas 的交互,同时又有以太坊网络提供的安全保障,让 Immutable 能够成为让 Web3 游戏蓬勃发展的默认生态系统。 本次峰会以“Web3 Game: The Next Big Thing”为主题...

2024-03-26 12:16:54
YGG将作为联合主办参与SevenX New Trends Summit游戏主题峰会

OdSevenX Ventures 将于 4 月 7 日于香港嘉年华期间举办 SevenX New Trends Summit 游戏主题峰会,YGG 作为联合主办参与,资产管理主管(Head of Asset Management)Nick 出席圆桌讨论。 YGG 一直努力将更多优质游戏带给用户,同时激励玩家参与到 Web3 游戏生态建设中。2024 年 YGG 升级为“公会的公会”及“链上公会”新叙事,为 Web3 游戏公会板块翻开新篇章。本次峰会以“Web3 Game: The Next Big

2024-03-25 13:00:00
SevenX Ventures将于香港举办New Trends Summit,聚焦游戏赛道前沿议题

Od由 SevenX Ventures 主办,Immutable 和 YGG 联合主办的 New Trends Summit 将于 4 月 7 日在香港嘉年华期间召开。本次峰会以“Web3 Game: The Next Big Thing”为主题,邀请游戏赛道及相关基础设施的头部项目共同探讨前沿议题,共建生态发展。拟出席项目包括Immutable、Ronin、BEAM、Polygon、Solana、Mantle、YGG、Xterio、Curio、Matr1x、Metecene、MyShell、Block

2024-03-22 11:00:00