News list for "sentubill"

Reddit user: ChatGPT reason based on chat history and initiate conversations

In a post on Sept. 15, a Reddit user who goes by the name "SentuBill" said the ChatGPT Large Language Model (LLM) started a conversation by asking him how his first day of school was. Based on user-provided conversations, ChatGPT was able to infer from previous conversations with the program that this was the user's first day of school. The large language model also suggests that these features are part of a new upgrade. ChatGPT's official conversation transcript confirms the...

2024-09-16 08:38:18

在 9 月 15 日的一篇帖子中,一位网名为“SentuBill”的 Reddit 用户称,ChatGPT 大型语言模型(LLM)通过问他上学的第一天过得怎么样,发起了一场对话。 根据用户提供的对话,ChatGPT 能够从用户之前与该程序的对话中推断出这是用户上学的第一天。该大型语言模型还表明,这些功能是新升级的一部分。ChatGPT 官方对话记录证实了这位...

2024-09-16 08:38:18