News list for "semoto"

Semoto Founder: What the Cryptocurrency Industry Needs Is Not Neglect from Politicians

Marco Morazzoni, founder of London-based blockchain service provider Semoto, said Labour has a lot to do to prove that I'm concerned that cryptocurrencies won't be a priority. For now, what the industry needs is not neglect by politicians, what we need is clear regulations.

2024-07-05 14:45:50

伦敦区块链服务提供商Semoto的创始人Marco Morazzoni表示,工党有很多事情要做,以证明我担心加密货币不会成为优先事项。目前,该行业需要的不是政客们的忽视,我们需要的是明确的规定。

2024-07-05 14:45:50