News list for "seif"

Sei Ecosystem Wallet Seif: Recent security incidents are not external hacks or intrusions

Seif issued a clarification on the recent security incident on the X platform, saying that the leaked private keys and passwords were inadvertently sent to a secure third-party analysis platform, accessible only to authorized Seif administrators. This is not an external hack or intrusion. Seif said it takes this incident very seriously and recommends immediate action, and guarantees that the risk of external access to this data is minimal. Efforts are currently underway to delete all sensitive d...

2024-08-21 03:34:30

Sei生态钱包Seif在X平台就近期安全事件发文澄清,表示泄露的私钥和密码被无意发送到安全的第三方分析平台,只有授权的 Seif 管理员才能访问。这不是外部黑客攻击或入侵。Seif称非常重视这一事件并建议立即采取行动,并且保证外部访问这些数据的风险极小。目前正在努力删除所有敏感数据并改进安全协议。 据悉,小部分私钥和密码被钱包内置...

2024-08-21 03:34:30
Slow Mist Cosine: Some private keys and passwords of Seif Wallet users have been collected by third-party platforms, so be vigilant against related risks

SlowMist founder Cosine posted on social media that users who have used Seif Wallet have noticed that a small number of private keys and passwords have been collected by the third-party analysis platform built into the wallet. Fortunately, this is the feedback found by White Hat. It should not be a third-party analysis platform doing evil, and it feels similar to the previous case: using Sentry incorrectly to collect ultra-sensitive information that should not be collected.

2024-08-21 03:31:29
慢雾余弦:Seif Wallet部分用户私钥和密码已被第三方平台采集,需警惕相关风险

慢雾创始人余弦在社交媒体上发文表示,用过Seif Wallet的用户注意下,已知小部分私钥和密码被钱包内置的第三方分析平台采集走了,所幸这是白帽发现反馈的。应该也不是第三方分析平台作恶,感觉上类似之前的案例:错误使用Sentry采集了不该采集的超敏感信息。

2024-08-21 03:31:29