On January 13, user @0xDiyaaa shared a security incident related to the Telegram Safeguard scam, once again reminding the need to improve security awareness at the end of the year. The user clicked on a TG link disguised as a verification machine in the comment area of the social platform, and then executed a malicious command, resulting in assets at risk. Fortunately, due to the handwritten mnemonic in advance, the assets were transferred in time and the computer was wiped, avoiding greater los...
According to CCTV, Li Qiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to hear reports on ensuring the payment of migrant workers' wages.
On December 27, the China Animal Husbandry Association, together with 9 associations in major producing areas, recently submitted an application for safeguard measures to the investigation authority, arguing that the sharp increase in China's beef imports in recent years has had a significant adverse impact on the domestic industry. The Chinese investigation authority reviewed the domestic industry application in accordance with the law and decided to initiate an investigation after finding that...
According to the Safety Officer's announcement on the X platform, the scope of application of the gray certification mark has been expanded to include governors, local government entities and more government-related positions around the world. The newly added certification objects include the first lady/gentleman, deputy ministers, governors/chief ministers and ambassadors, etc., to enhance the identification support for governments and related agencies around the world., Previously, Musk announ...
Multi-signature wallet and digital asset platform Safe is preparing to launch its blockchain transaction processor network (Safenet) next year, allowing instant cross-chain payments before funds leave a user's account. Lukas Schor, Safe's co-founder, said Safenet, its decentralized transaction processing network, was inspired by VisaNet, the payments network that powers Visa. VisaNet provides global payment processing, allows for instant transactions and provides payment security for merchants u...
Pump Science said in a post on X, "Security is a top priority, and plans include consulting and competitive review of the Pump Science app and smart contracts. The rest of the year is focused on URO and RIF, with plans to launch mouse experiments before the launch of the new tokens. No new tokens will be launched on Pump Science for the time being. Once the full audit is completed, the new tokens will be launched on Pump Science next year.
Binance co-founder CZ posted a security reminder on social media, "If you are using an Intel chip-based Macbook, please update it ASAP! Stay safe!" Apple has confirmed a zero-day attack on macOS and is urgently releasing major macOS and iOS security updates to fix two widely exploited vulnerabilities. Apple confirmed in the announcement that these vulnerabilities are being widely exploited on Intel-based macOS systems, and urged users across the ecosystem to urgently apply iOS 18.1.1, macOS Sequ...
7:00-12:00 Keywords: Safe, HKEx, Bitwise, Trump 1. Michael Saylor: Bitcoin is America's manifest destiny; 2.Safe will launch Safenet, a transaction processing network, in the first half of 2025. 3. Goldman Sachs Group: As of Q3, it holds over 710 million US dollars of spot bitcoin ETF shares; 4. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Virtual Asset Index is launched, and the current bitcoin reference exchange rate is 89,996.74; 5. Consensys CEO: SEC crypto cases will be "dismissed or settled" under Trump; ...
On November 15th, Safe announced that it will launch Safenet, a transaction processing network, in the first half of 2025, enabling instant processing of cross-chain and off-chain transactions, and providing execution assurance and more in the Ethereum L2 ecosystem.
The market shows that SAFE has broken through $1.15 and is now quoted at $1.16, an increase of 9.8% in 24 hours. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.