On February 19, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin responded to the question of "whether rollups are good for Ethereum in general or blood sucking, and whether ETH really needs these L2", saying that currently Ethereum adopts a hybrid L1 + L2 expansion scheme, but it is still necessary to clearly define the respective transaction scope of the L1 and L2 layers. Vitalik said that moving all transactions to L2 could weaken ETH's position as a medium of exchange and store of value, and that cross-L2 o...
On September 20th, Vijay Chetty, CEO of Eclipse Labs, a customizable modular rollups project, revealed at the Solana Breakpoint conference in Singapore that the Eclipse mainnet will be officially launched at the end of October. At present, Eclipse has opened the developer mainnet, but has not yet enabled the front end or user interface. Chetty said that Eclipse will integrate several existing "Solana blue-chip applications", including decentralized exchanges Mango and Orca, as well as lending pl...
9月20日消息,可定制的模块化rollups项目Eclipse Labs首席执行官Vijay Chetty在新加坡Solana Breakpoint会议上透露,Eclipse主网将于10月底正式上线。目前Eclipse已开放开发者主网,但尚未启用前端或用户界面。 Chetty表示,Eclipse将整合多个现有的"Solana蓝筹应用",包括去中心化交易所Mango和Orca,以及借贷平台Solend。 据悉,Eclipse是首个使用Solana虚拟机执行交易的以太坊Layer2解决方案,旨在通...
Galaxy Research said in a report that the vast majority of Bitcoin rollups will be unsustainable. Bitcoin Rollups require millions of dollars a year to maintain due to transaction fees. "Each individual data release transaction can take up up to 400KB (0.4MB) of block space, effectively taking up 10% of the entire block," Galaxy wrote. With multiple Rollups expected to release data every six to eight blocks, Rollups could quickly push base layer fees to new levels...
GalaxyResearch在一份报告中表示,绝大多数比特币 rollups 都将是不可持续的。由于交易费用的原因,比特币Rollups每年需要数百万美元才能维持。Galaxy 写道:“每笔单独的数据发布交易最多可占用 400KB(0.4MB)的区块空间,实际上占据了整个区块的 10%。”由于将有多个Rollups,预计每 6 到 8 个区块发布一次数据,Rollups可能会迅速将基础层费用推向新...
A16z Crypto has released a zkEVM solution called Jolt to leverage SNARK to provide a framework for EVM compatibility with Rollups. A16z Crypto states, "In addition to the increase in speed, Jolt's new design paradigm makes it easier for developers to scale and audit, thereby improving security."
According to official reports, Python Network has announced a pricing service for Caldera Rollups, which enables smart contract developers to quickly launch production level OP Stacks, Arbitrum Orbit, and Polygon CDK rolls. This collaboration will enable developers to access hundreds of real-time transaction price data sources.
据官方消息,Pyth Network 宣布为 Caldera Rollups 提供喂价服务,Caldera 使智能合约开发人员能够快速启动生产级 OP Stack、Arbitrum Orbit 和 Polygon CDK rollups,本次合作将使开发人员可以获得数百个实时交易对价格数据源。