News list for "renzoprotocol"

Pendle: Online REZ pledge to earn ezPoints

On July 3rd, according to official news, RenzoProtocol's REZ is now live on Pendle, pledging native REZ to earn 0.0002 ezPoints per hour. The YT-REZ/SY-REZ section of Pendle LP functions similarly, and both can also earn 0.0002 ezPoints per hour. With PT-REZ, users can earn more REZ from fixed income while maintaining similar price exposure to regular spot REZs.

2024-07-03 02:42:52

7月3日消息,据官方消息,RenzoProtocol的REZ现已在Pendle上线,质押原生 REZ 每小时可赚取 0.0002 ezPoints。Pendle LP 的 YT-REZ / SY-REZ 部分的功能类似,两者也可每小时赚取 0.0002 ezPoints。通过 PT-REZ,用户可以从固定收益中获得 更多 REZ,同时保持与常规现货 REZ 类似的价格敞口。

2024-07-03 02:42:52