News list for "reeves"

CryptoUK policy advisor: UK increases capital gains tax to more than 28% will affect cryptocurrency holders

U.K. Finance Minister Rachel Reeves on Wednesday announced her party's first U.K. budget in more than a decade. According to Suzanne Morsfield, policy advisor at trade association CryptoUK, she said the prospect of Reeves raising capital gains tax above 28 percent would hit around 5 million U.K. cryptocurrency holders particularly hard. Capital gains tax refers to gains made from investments in assets such as stocks or real estate, and it affects very few people in the UK. However, Morsfie...

2024-10-30 15:37:46
CryptoUK政策顾问:英国将资本利得税提高到 28% 以上将影响到加密货币持有者

英国财政部长 Rachel Reeves 周三宣布其政党十多年来的第一份英国预算。根据贸易协会 CryptoUK 的政策顾问 Suzanne Morsfield 的说法,她表示,Reeves将资本利得税提高到 28% 以上的前景将对英国约 500 万加密货币持有者造成特别严重的打击。 资本收益税是指从股票或房地产等资产投资中获得的收益,它影响到英国的极少数人。然而,Morsfie...

2024-10-30 15:37:46
A government statement revealed that Rachel Reeves has been appointed as the UK's first female Chancellor of the Exchequer.

A government statement revealed that Rachel Reeves has been appointed as the UK's first female Chancellor of the Exchequer.

2024-07-05 22:30:31
政府声明显示:Rachel Reeves被任命为英国首位女性财政大臣。

政府声明显示:Rachel Reeves被任命为英国首位女性财政大臣。

2024-07-05 22:30:31
BitGo appoints Brett Reeves to head European expansion plans

BitGo, a provider of digital asset custody and wallet solutions, has hired Brett Reeves to oversee BitGo's expansion in Europe. Brett has more than 20 years of experience in traditional finance, including working on prime brokerage and over-the-counter clearing sales teams at major global investment banks (Citibank, Nomura, Standard Chartered). Brett most recently served as head of business development at digital asset brokerage Bequant.

2024-05-06 09:10:07
BitGo任命Brett Reeves负责欧洲扩张计划

数字资产托管和钱包解决方案提供商 BitGo 聘请 Brett Reeves 负责 BitGo 在欧洲的扩张工作。Brett 在传统金融领域拥有 20 多年的经验,包括在各大全球投资银行(花旗银行、野村证券、渣打银行)的大宗经纪和场外清算销售团队工作。Brett 最近担任数字资产经纪公司 Bequant 业务开发主管。

2024-05-06 09:10:07