News list for "prompt"

The plunge in the Korean won/US dollar exchange rate has caused users to exchange Korean won for BTC and USDT.

According to Cointelegraph, the Korean won/dollar exchange rate fell to a 15-year low, prompting South Koreans to exchange the won for BTC and USDT on Upbit, with a premium of 3-5%.

2024-12-27 12:43:24
After Trump's election victory, Americans consider moving to other countries, and the popularity of "golden visas" in Europe has soared

One of the most divisive elections in recent US history is prompting some Americans to consider emigrating. Industry consultants say interest in so-called golden visas, or residency through the purchase of real estate or other investments, has surged since Mr. Trump's victory earlier this month. Despite recent backlash from some governments and the European Union, some European Union countries have not stopped the "golden visa", which remains the preferred method of immigration for wealthy Ameri...

2024-11-22 20:20:39
Wuhe County Public Security Bureau cracks down on the use of virtual currency trading platforms to engage in money laundering activities, and three suspects are arrested

On August 29, the Public Security Bureau of Wuhe County, Anhui Province made a precise judgment and took prompt action, successfully cutting off a chain of criminal activities using virtual currency trading platforms as a cover, but in fact engaging in illegal money laundering. The three suspects were finally brought to justice. The scoring gang takes advantage of the public's hazy perception of virtual currency investment and uses virtual currency trading platforms as a cover to conduct seeming...

2024-09-05 09:06:34
JupiterDAO: JUP supply 30% destruction proposal voting only 12 hours left

On August 4th, JupiterDAO posted a prompt on the X platform, and finally reminded: Users still have 12 hours to participate in the ongoing proposal vote to decide whether to destroy 30% of the JUP supply. More than 250 million votes have been cast, which is the most participated vote to date.

2024-08-04 03:02:08
NFPrompt: The website is still under maintenance, please do not click on unconfirmed links

On June 22nd, NFPrompt officials said that the website is still under maintenance, and once all issues are resolved, all assets and cNFP will return to normal. For security reasons, please do not click on unconfirmed links and always be vigilant for phishing attacks.

2024-06-22 11:34:55


2024-06-22 11:34:55
NFPrompt partners with B ² Network to launch B ² Rollup

On April 25th, NFPrompt partnered with modular Bitcoin Layer 2 solution B ² Network to launch B ² Rollup. According to officials, this is the first Bitcoin Rollup based on validation promises, and B ² Hub is also the first Bitcoin DA layer to implement finality on the Bitcoin network.

2024-04-25 03:43:44
NFPrompt与B² Network合作推出B² Rollup


2024-04-25 03:43:44

NFT创作和交易平台NFPrompt宣布新NFP代币的合约交换已顺利完成,并成功进行了空投。 他们计划推出一种名为esNFP的新的质押代币,据悉,这是一种托管代币,可用于赚取cNFP、投票权和BNB。每个质押者都可以通过简单地质押他们的NFP代币来产生不同的收入来源,甚至可以挖掘其他 AI 代币

2024-04-10 11:02:27
Binance completes NFPrompt (NFP) contract replacement and opens up new NFP token recharge and withdrawal services

According to the official announcement, Binance has completed the NFPrompt (NFP) contract exchange and opened up new NFP token recharge and withdrawal services.

2024-04-05 06:01:41


2024-04-05 06:01:41

4月5日消息,NFPrompt在X平台发文表示,正如上周宣布的那样,团队将开启置换代币空投流程。 新NFP代币的空投将开始于持有旧NFP的合格地址(除 FAQ 中提到的任何排除情况)。链上余额从黑客攻击时到快照时间没有发生改变的用户将首先获得空投,其他进行链上活动的地址也将很快跟进。领取无需gas费用。 此外,一些交易所的交易、充提和新代币空投也将很快被允许,其他协调CEX也将紧随其后。 新代...

2024-04-05 04:07:07
NFPrompt: Token replacement will be carried out to enable new NFP tokens. The snapshot will be taken at 18:00 today

NFT creation and trading platform NFPrompt announced on X platform that due to recent security issues, it is undergoing token exchange to abandon old NFP tokens and will use new smart contracts.

2024-03-28 04:08:24

NFT创作和交易平台 NFPrompt在X平台宣布,鉴于最近的安全问题,正在进行代币置换以弃用旧的NFP代币,并将使用新的智能合约。 代币代码和项目名称均不变,合约迁移包括冗余和额外的安全层,以保持一切严密。所有与已知黑客地址相关的NFP代币都被有效冻结,并且不会收到新的代币。 快照将于北京时间3月28日18:00进行,将根据快照时间点的当前用...

2024-03-28 04:08:24
Binance will support NFPrompt (NFP) contract replacement plan

According to official announcements, Binance will support the NFPrompt (NFP) contract replacement program. Binance will suspend its old NFP withdrawal business on March 28, 2024 at 17:00 (East Eighth District Time);

2024-03-28 02:53:04