News list for "posp"

Poland arrests former CEO of Russia's CEX WEX and will extradite him to the United States

According to a report by Reuters and Polish media Rzeczpospolita on December 6, Polish authorities have arrested the former CEO of Russian cryptocurrency trading platform WEX in the center of Warsaw, a man named Dmitry V. He is suspected of engaging in fraud and money laundering during the management of WEX, which collapsed in 2018. A Polish police spokesman told Reuters: The man is currently in custody pending completion of the full extradition process. If extradited to the United States, Dmitr...

2024-12-09 12:47:09
波兰逮捕俄罗斯CEX WEX前首席执行官,并将引渡至美国

12 月 9 日消息,据路透社和波兰媒体 Rzeczpospolita 12 月 6 日报道,波兰当局在华沙市中心逮捕了俄罗斯加密货币交易平台 WEX 的前首席执行官,这名男子的名字为 Dmitry V。他涉嫌在管理 WEX 期间从事欺诈和洗钱活动,WEX 于 2018 年倒闭。 波兰警方发言人告诉路透社:该男子目前被拘留,等待引渡的全部程序完成。如果引渡到美国,Dmitry V 可能会面临最高 20 年监禁的指控。

2024-12-09 12:47:09
Hyperbolic Launches PoSP Protocol to Solve Decentralized AI Network Trust Challenge

Hyperbolic, a startup focused on decentralized artificial intelligence computing, has announced the launch of a protocol called "Proof of Sampling (PoSP) " designed to address trust challenges in decentralized artificial intelligence networks. Developed by a team led by math Olympian Jasper Zhang, the protocol combines advanced sampling methods and game theory to incentivize integrity and minimize computational requirements. Zhang said the innovation can be applied not only to artificial intelli...

2024-05-10 02:31:40

一家专注于去中心化人工智能计算的初创公司Hyperbolic,宣布推出名为“抽样证明(PoSP)”的协议,旨在解决去中心化人工智能网络中的信任挑战。该协议由数学奥林匹克选手Jasper Zhang领导的团队开发,结合了先进的抽样方法和博弈论,以激励诚信并最小化计算需求。Zhang表示,这一创新不仅可应用于人工智能,还可扩展至第二层区块链和主动...

2024-05-10 02:31:40