News list for "patryn"

Canada investigates the source of QuadrigaCX co founder Michael Pattryn's significant wealth

British Columbia, Canada is attempting to force Michael Pattryn, co-founder of the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX, to explain how he obtained hoarded cash, 45 gold bars, and jewelry including diamond studded Rolex watches.

2024-03-28 13:56:58
加拿大调查QuadrigaCX联创Michael Patryn其大笔财富的来源

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省正试图迫使已倒闭的加密交易所QuadrigaCX联合创始人Michael Patryn解释是如何获得囤积的现金、45根金条和包括镶钻劳力士表在内的珠宝。 2020年的一项官方调查得出的结论是,该交易所的倒闭是其另一位创始人Gerry Cotten欺诈的结果,后者于2018年在印度度蜜月时意外去世,调查称,有证据表明Patryn在2016年之后就不...

2024-03-28 13:56:58